Title: Addendum for the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) MULTILATERAL TRADE MTN/FA/Corr.1 NEGOTIATIONS 15 December 1993 THE URUGUAY ROUND Special Distribution (UR-93-0252) Trade Negotiations Committee FINAL ACT EMBODYING THE RESULT OF THE URUGUAY ROUND OF MULTILATERAL TRADE NEGOTIATIONS (version of 15 December 1993) Addendum This Addendum contains for the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) both texts that were agreed and schedules and exemptions that were submitted prior to the conclusion of the negotiations on 15 December 1993, but too late to be incorporated in the printed version of the Final Act which was circulated that day. They nevertheless form an integral part of the GATS and therefore of the package of results of the Uruguay Round and of the Final Act to which they should be added. The Addendum includes the following: 1. Schedules of Specific Commitments 2. Article II (MFN) Exemptions 3. Annex and Decision on Negotiations in Maritime Transport 4. Names to be added to the list of participants in the Negotiations on Basis Telecommunications 1. The following list of "Schedules of Initial Commitments" should be appended to the Agreement: SCHEDULES OF SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS The following are the documents containing the schedules of specific commitments resulting from the negotiations on trade in services during the Uruguay Round Algeria MTN.GNS/W/257 Antigua and Barbuda MTN.GNS/W/217 Antilles (Netherlands) MTN.GNS/W/161/Add.1 Argentina MTN.GNS/W/125/Rev.4 Aruba (Netherlands) MTN.GNS/W/159 Australia MTN.TNC/W/51/Rev.3/Corr.2 Austria MTN.TNC/W/66/Rev.2/Add.1 Bangladesh MTN.GNS/W/202 Barbados MTN.GNS/W/167 Belize MTN.GNS/W/203 Benin MTN.GNS/W/187 Bolivia MTN.GNS/W/147 Brazil MTN.GNS/W/116/Rev.2/Add.1 Burkina Faso MTN.GNS/W/165 Cameroon MTN.GNS/W/155/Rev.1 Canada MTN.TNC/W/55/Rev.4 Chile MTN.GNS/W/115/Rev.3 China MTN.GNS/W/124/Rev.3/Add.1 Colombia MTN.TNC/W/6/Rev.4 Congo MTN.GNS/W/268 Costa Rica MTN.GNS/W/127/Add.1/Rev.1 Cote d'Ivoire' MTN.GNS/W/153/rEV.1 Cuba MTN.GNS/W/143/Add.1/Rev.1/Add.2/Cor r.1 Cyprus MTN.GNS/W/175/Rev.1/Corr.1 Czech Republic MTN.GNS/W/168/Rev.1/Add.1 Dominican Republic MTN.GNS/W/173 El Salvador MTN.GNS/W/216 Egypt MTN.GNS/W/137/Rev.2 The European Community and its Member States MTN.TNC/W/53/Rev.5 Fiji MTN.GNS/W/252 Finland MTN.TNC/W/62/Rev.4/Add.1MTN/FA/Add. 1 Gabon MTN.GNS/W/229 Ghana MTN.GNS/W/157/Rev.2 Guatemala MTN.GNS/W/245 Guyana MTN.GNS/W/246 Honduras MTN.GNS/W/192/Rev.1 Hong Kong MTN.TNC/W/54/Rev.3 Hungary MTN.GNS/W/133/Rev.2/Add.2 Iceland MTN.TNC/W/74/Rev.4 India MTN.GNS/W/144/Rev.2 Indonesia MTN.TNC/W/64/Rev.2/Add.1 Israel MTN.GNS/W/154/Rev.1 Jamaica MTN.GNS/W/149/Corr.1 Japan MTN.GNS/W/113/Rev.6/Add.1 Korea, Republic of MTN.TNC/W/61/Rev.4 Macau MTN.GNS/W/171/Rev.1 Madagascar MTN.GNS/W/174 Malaysia MTN.GNS/W/122/Rev.4 Malta MTN.GNS/W/221 Mauritius MTN.GNS/W/172 Mexico MTN.TNC/W/71/Rev.3/Corr.1 Morocco MTN.GNS/W/141/Rev.3 Mozambique MTN.GNS/W/223 Myanmar MTN.GNS/W/162/Rev.1 Namibia MTN.GNS/W/179 New Caledonia (France) MTN.GNS/W/270 New Zealand MTN.TNC/W/58/Rev.3/Corr.1/Add.1 Nicaragua MTN.GNS/W/222 Niger MTN.GNS/W/240 Nigeria MTN.GNS/W/150/Rev.1 Norway MTN.TNC/W/63/Add.1/Rev.5 Pakistan MTN.GNS/W/170/Rev.1 Paraquay MTN.GNS/W/152/Rev.1 Peru MTN.GNS/W/129/Rev.2 Philippines MTN.GNS/W/131/Rev.3 Poland MTN.GNS/W/126/Rev.3 Romania MTN.TNC/W/78/Add.l/Rev.4 Saint Lucia MTN.GNS/W/204 Saint Vincent and the Gronadines MTN.GNS/W/200 Senegal MTN.GNS/W/151/Rev.1 Singapore MTN.TNC/W/65/Rev.4 Slovak Republic MTN.GNS/W/169/Rev.1/Add.1 South Africa MTN.GNS/W/136/Rev.2/Add.1 Sri Lanka MTN.GNS/W/148/Corr.1MTN/FA/Add.1 Suriname MTN.GNS/W/219 Swaziland MTN.GNS/W/180/Rev.1 Sweden MTN.TNC/W/59/Rev.5/Corr.1 Switzerland MTN.GNS/W/109/Rev.5/Add.1 Tanzania MTN.GNS/W/251 Thailand MTN.GNS/W/132/Rev.3 Trinidad and Tobago MTN.GNS/W/160/Rev.1 Tunisia MTN.GNS/W/158/Rev.3 Turkey MTN.TNC/W/72/Rev.2/Corr.1/Add.1 Uganda MTN.GNS/W/193 United States MTN.GNS/W/112/Rev.4 Uruguay MTN.GNS/W/128/Rev.2 Venezuela MTN.GNS/W/123/Add.l/Rev.4 Zambia MTN.GNS/W/186 Zimbabwe MTN.GNS/W/156/Rev.1 2. The following list of "Article II Exemptions" should be included in the Annex on Article II Exemptions" on page 27 of the Agreement: ARTICLE II EXEMPTIONS The following are the documents containing the lists of exemptions from Article II resulting from the negotiations on trade in service during the Uruguay Round. They will be listed in the Annex on Exemption from Article II, as required by paragraph 2 of Article II. Argentina MTN.GNS/W/264 Australia MTN.GNS/W/189/Corr.1 Austria MTN.GNS/W/249/Add.1 Benin MTN.GNS/W/263 Bolivia MTN.GNS/W/248 Brazil MTN.GNS/W/195/Add.1 Cameroon MTN.GNS/W/253 Canada MTN.GNS/W/188/Add.2/Corr.1 Centra African Republic MTN.GNS/W/233 Chile MTN.GNS/W/230 China MTN.GNS/W/208 Colombia MTN.GNS/W/225/Add.2 Congo MTN.GNS/W/269 Costa Rica MTN.GNS/W/255 Cote d'Ivoire MTN.GNS/W/256 Cuba MTN.GNS/W/272 Cyprus MTN.GNS/W/237 Czeck Republic MTN.GNS/W/207/Rev.1 El Salvador MTN.GNS/W/215 Egypt MTN.GNS/W/220/Rev.1 The European Community and its Member States MTN.GNS/W/228/Rev.1 Finland MTN.GNS/W/191/Add.1 Gabon MTN.GNS/W/231 Ghana MTN.GNS/W/265 Guatemala MTN.GNS/W/241/Rev.1 Honduras MTN.GNS/W/214 Hong Kong MTN.GNS/W/192 Hungary MTN.GNS/W/226 Iceland MTN.GNS/W/209/Add.1 India MTN.GNS/W/199/Rev.1 Indonesia MTN.GNS/W/242MTN/FA/Add.1 Israel MTN.GNS/W/236/Add.1 Jamaica MTN.GNS/W/247 Korea, Republic of MTN.GNS/W/262 Malaysia MTN.GNS/W/183/Rev.3 Mali MTN.GNS/W/271 Malta MTN.GNS/W/267 Mexico MTN.GNS/W/194/Add.1 Morocco MTN.GNS/W/261 New Zealand MTN.GNS/W/185/Rev.1 Niger MTN.GNS/W/232 Nigeria MTN.gns/w/266 Norway MTN.GNS/W/196/Add.1 Pakistan MTN.GNS/W/250 Peru MTN.GNS/W/235 Philippines MTN.GNS/W/201/Rev.1 Poland MTN.GNS/W/234/Rev.1 Romania MTN.GNS/W/244 Senegal MTN.GNS/W/213 Singapore MTN.GNS/W/206/Rev.2 Slovak Republic MTN.GNS/W/205/Rev.1 South Africa MTN.GNS/W/218 Swaziland MTN.GNS/W/238 Sweden MTN.GNS/W/198/Rev.1 Switzerland MTN.GNS/W/211/Rev.2 Thailand MTN.GNS/W/258 Trinidad and Tobago MTN.GNS/W/212 Tunisia MTN.GNS/W/224 Turkey MTN.GNS/W/184/Rev.1 United States MTN.GNS/W/227/Rev.1 Uruguay MTN.GNS/W/239/Rev.1 Venezuela MTN.GNS/W/197/Rev.1 3. Add the following "Annex on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services" as page 39 of the Agreement: "ANNEX ON NEGOTIATIONS ON MARITIME TRANSPORT SERVICES" 1. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of Article II of the GATS and paragraph 2 of the Annex on Article II Exemptions. Article II and the Annex on Article II Exemptions, including the requirement to list in the Annex any measure inconsistent with most-favoured- nation treatment that a Member will maintain, shall enter into force for international shipping, auxiliary services and access to and use of port facilities only on: (a) the date of implementation of the results of the negotiations inundated by the Ministerial Decision on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services; or, (b) should the negotiations not succeed, on the date of the final report of the Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services. 2. Paragraph 1 above shall not apply to any specific commitment on maritime transport services which is inscribed in a Member's schedule. 3. From the conclusion of the negotiations referred to in paragraph 1 above, and before the date of implementation of the results of these negotiations. Members shall be free to improve, modify or withdraw all or part of their commitments in this sector without offering compensation, notwithstanding the provisions of Article XXI. 4. References to the dates cited under paragraphs 1(a) and (b) above are contained in paragraph 4 of the Ministerial Decision on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services." Add the following "Decision on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services" as Decision 7(i) in PART III - 7 (Decisions and Understanding on the General Agreement on Trade in Services). Page (ii) of the Table of Contents of the Final Act and Page 2 of the Table of Contents of the GATS Agreement should be amended accordingly. "DECISION ON NEGOTIATIONS ON MARITIME TRANSPORT SERVICES" Ministers. Meeting on the occasion of the conclusion of the Uruguay Round. Noting that commitments scheduled by participants on Maritime Transport Services at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round shall enter into force on an MFN basis at the same time as the General Agreement on Trade in Services. Decide as follows: 1. Negotiations shall be entered into on a voluntary basis in the sector of maritime transport services within the framework of the General Agreement on Trade in Services. The negotiations shall be comprehensive in scope, aiming at commitments in international shipping, auxiliary services and access to and use of port facilities, leading to the elimination of restrictions within a fixed time scale. 2. A Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services (NGMTS) is established to carry out this mandate. The NGMTS shall report periodically on the progress of these negotiations. 3. The negotiations in the NGMTS shall be open to all governments and the European Community signing the Final Act of the Uruguay Round which announce their intention to participate. To date, the following governments have announced their intention to take part in the negotiations: Argentina, Canada, European Community and its member States, Finland, Iceland, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United States. 4. The NGMTS shall hold its first negotiating session no later than one month from the date of this Decision. It shall conclude these negotiations and make a final report no later than June 1996. The final report of the NGMTS shall include a date for the implementation of results of these negotiations. 5. Until the conclusion of the negotiations paragraph 1 of Article II and paragraph 2 of the Annex on Article II Exemptions are suspended in their application to this sector, and it is not necessary to list MFN exemptions. At the conclusion of the negotiations. Members shall be free to improve, modify or withdraw any commitments made in this sector during the Uruguay Round without offering compensation, notwithstanding the provisions of Article XXI of the GATS. At the same time, Members shall finalize their positions relating to MFN exemptions in this sector, notwithstanding the provisions of the Annex on Article II Exemptions. Should negotiations not succeed, the Council for Trade in Services shall decide whether to continue the negotiations according to the mandate. 6. Any commitments resulting from the negotiations, including the date of their entry into force, shall be inscribed in the schedules annexed to the General Agreement on Trade in Services and be subject to all the provisions of the Agreement. 7. Commencing immediately and continuing until the date (referred to in paragraph 4 above) of implementation of the results of these negotiations, it is understood that participants shall not apply any measure affecting trade in maritime transport services except in response in measures applied by other countries and with a view to maintaining or improving the freedom of provision of maritime transport services, nor in such a manner as would improve their negotiating position and leverage. 8. The implementation of paragraph 7 above shall be subject to surveillance in the NGMTS. Any participating may bring to the of the NGMTS any action or omission which it believes to be relevant to the fulfillment of paragraph 7. Such notification shall be deemed to have been submitted to the NGMTS upon their receipt by the Secretariat." 4. PART III - (Decisions and Understanding on the General Agreement on Trade in Services): 7(d) (Decision on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications): In paragraph 4, add the following names to the list (alphabetically): "Chile, European Community and its member States, Hong Kong, Slovak Republic, Turkey".