DDLI.QST V 2.00 #1 Which better fits how you see yourself? 1Sociable 2Intimate #2 Which are you more concerned with? 1Having a broad range of experiences 2Learning about something in depth #3 At a party, is it easier for you to be: 1A participant 2An observer #4 Is it more accurate to describe the things you know as 1Miscellaneous 2Specialized #5 Which sorts of games do you prefer to play? 0Those that call for team play 9Those in which you compete one-on-one #6 Which better fits how you see yourself? 1Lively 2Laid back #7 Do your core interests tend to be 1Varied (and changing) 2Few (and lasting) #8 When working on a project: 1Are you mainly just concerned that it gets done 2Do you prefer to have ownership from start to finish #9 Which do you generally prefer? 1To work with others 2To work alone #10 Do you generally: 0Have plenty of energy for anything that comes up 9Find it necessary to focus your energy #11 Which comes closer to describing you: 1A "Jack of all trades" 2Expert in one or two areas #12 Which do you generally prefer to do? 0To figure things out as you do them 9To learn how to do something before you start #13 When looking up information on a particular topic, do you more often: 13Get sidetracked 12Find out what you need and get back to the project at hand #15 Can you 2Find a lot to say only to certain people or on certain topics 1Talk easily with almost anyone on almost anything #16 Which better fits how you see yourself? 9Watchful 0Trustful #17 Which better fits how you see yourself? 2Reserved 1Outgoing #18 At a social gathering, is it more important for you to: 2Spend more time with a few 1Spend some time with everybody #19 Do you more easily recoup your energy when you 1Among friends 2By yourself #20 Which better fits how you see yourself? 3Matter-of-fact 4Imaginative #21 Which do you focus on more? 3The way things are 4The way things could be #22 Which do you do more often? 3Experience the present moment for what it offers 4Experience the present in terms of the future #23 Do you think it more important to 3Be able to adjust to the facts as they are 4Be able to see the possibilities in a situation #24 Which better fits how you see yourself? 4An interpreter of life 3An experiencer of life #25 Would you rather be more 3Practical 4Ingenious #26 Do you prefer dealing more with: 3"Visible" (concrete) information 4"Invisible" (abstract) information #27 In doing something that many others do, does it appeal to you more to 3Do it the way you have been taught 4Figure out a way of your own #28 Which work role would suit you better: 3Doing familiar things with some variety 4Doing things that are new and full of unknown possibilities #29 Which do you prefer more: 3Using what you've learned 4Learning new things #30 Are you inclined to: 3Fix things that are broken 4See ways to improve things that aren't broken #31 When you need to solve a problem, are you more inclined to 3Go with a solution that your experience tells you will do the job 4Use your ingenuity to find a novel solution than is better than any you know from experience #32 Which do you prefer: 3Focusing on what is happening right now 4Looking ahead to the future #33 Do you more often: 3Accept things as they are 4Want to change things #34 At home are you more prone to 10Be fairly content with the way your furniture is arranged 11Want to rearrange the furniture occasionally #35 Is it harder for you to accept 4Routine ("the beaten path") 3Constant change #36 Which better fits how you see yourself? 4Emphasis on possibilities 3Emphasis on facts #37 Which do you think you have more of: 4Vision 3Common sense #38 Do you more often let 5Your head rule your heart 6Your heart rule your head #39 Do you more readily: 5Objectively critique ideas and people 6Empathize with people and their ideas #40 Are you more often: 5Truthful 6Tactful #41 Which better fits how you see yourself? 5Thinking 6Feeling #42 When you have spoken less than the whole truth to a friend, is your motivation more often: 9An awareness of likely consequences 0A concern to not give offense #43 When you recall past mistakes, which are you more interested in understanding? 9Where you went wrong, so that you don't make the same mistake again 0How your mistake affected other people #44 In working out decisions, do you prefer to: 5Make sure things fit together 6Go with what feels best #45 When you are interested in a new activity, are you more likely to approach it: 5Calmly 6Enthusiastically #46 Which is more important to you in making decisions: 5How things turn out for everyone involved 6How your actions affect those closest to you #47 Which are you usually more inclined to do: 5What you think will work out 6What just feels right to you #48 Is it more important for you to be appreciated: 5For something you have accomplished 6For the kind of person you are #49 Which kind of decisions are more natural for you? 6Those that call on your feelings and personally involve you 5Those that call on your knowledge and don't personally involve you #50 Which is more important to you? 6To treat those close to you with kindness 5To treat everyone fairly #51 Which is more important for you to maintain in your relations with others? 6Love and affection 5Truth and honesty #52 Which kind of decisions are more natural for you? 6Those that call on your sentiments or passions 5Those that call on your factual knowledge #53 Which are you better at providing: 6Emotional support 5Objective criticism #54 Do you believe it is a greater strength to 6Be aware of other's feelings 5Be clear about what is true #55 Are you better at making decisions that: 5Are logically based 6Come from your heart #56 In deciding something important, which do you trust more 6Your heart 5Your head #58 Are you more likely to: 6Be aware of other people's feelings 5Hurt other people's feelings without realizing it #59 Which is more important to you? 6Relationships that are pleasant and friendly 5Relationships that are truthful and honest #60 After deciding on a course of action, is it more natural for you to: 7See it through to completion, even if a bit inconvenient 8Reconsider it if unforeseen circumstances become known to you #61 When you know ahead of time that you will be doing a certain thing at a certain time, is it: 7Comfortable to be able to plan accordingly 8Unduly constraining to be tied down #62 Which do you usually more inclined to do? 7Insist that others adjust to your schedule 8Adjust to the schedule of others #63 Which fits better with how others see you? 7Organized and punctual 8Spontaneous and carefree #64 Which fits better with how others see you: 7Decisive 8Indecisive #65 Which are you more inclined to do? 7Stick to your plans 8Go with the flow #67 When you make decisions, which are you generally more concerned with? 7Getting the decision made soon 8Making the right decision, even if it means putting it off for a while #68 At a meeting, would you more often prefer to: 7Make sure things are not left "up in the air" unnecessarily 8Make sure your questions have been answered before deciding things #69 When others make plans will you more often: 7Expect them to be followed through on as agreed 8Expect them to be followed flexibly #70 In your social life, do you prefer to: 7Settle on plans and follow them 8Stay open to do whatever seems right at the time #71 When you are behind schedule: 7Is it important to catch back up 8Do you accept it as part of the day #72 When something new comes up, are you more inclined to 8Adjust your plans 7Try to fit it into your schedule #73 When others force you to change your plans at the last minute, do you more often: 8Go with the flow and think little of it 7Change your plans begrudgingly #74 Do you more often 8Remain free to do whatever seems fun when the time comes 7Arrange dates, parties, etc. in advance #75 Which fits better with how others see you: 8Flexible 7Rigid #76 When dealing with others, more often than not, are you happier when 8You have enough information, though settling things may be delayed 7Things are settled #78 Are you more likely to be sure of something 0Quickly and immediately 9Only after you have checked it out #79 Which do you prefer to play? 0Games of chance, such as poker, games with dice, etc. 9Games of pure skill, such as chess, checkers, and othello #80 Are you more likely to make decisions because: 4They fit with your sense of things 5Careful consideration has convinced you #81 Do you more often 9Double check your instincts 0Trust your instincts #82 Which do you tend to trust more? 0Your perceptions 9Your judgements #83 Are you more likely to believe something because: 4It simply seems right 5You have sufficient evidence #84 Which is more natural for you when dealing with other people? 4To be aware of your empathy (or anger) toward people 5To be aware of what works or doesn't work (cause/effect) in people relationships #85 Which are you better at managing? 10Ideas on paper 11Your personal belongings #86 Which do you keep less cluttered? 10Your mind 11Your room or office? #87 Do you often feel others should value what you do? 10No 11Yes #88 Do you rely on your reasoning ability more readily 11When talking with others 10When you're able to think quietly by yourself #89 When something goes wrong, which usually comes to mind first? 11What you could have done differently 10What others did wrong #90 Do you make decisions more logically when 11They concern other people 10They concern ideas, hypotheses, etc. #91 Do you express your thoughts more clearly 0In the course of conversation 9When you are writing #92 Is it easier for you to think of excuses for 10The actions of others 11Your own actions #93 When you want a favor from someone, which are you more aware of 11How important the favor would be to you 10The imposition that it would be on the other person to do you the favor #94 When you live with people, are you more inclined to 11Feel a special bond with them 10Take them for granted #95 When do your feelings affect you decisions most often? 11When you are by yourself 10When you are with other people #96 When do your feelings come on strongest? 11When you are alone 10When you're with someone who inspires certain feelings in you #97 When you encounter someone you know, which more affects how you relate to the person? 11What you were feeling toward the person prior to the encounter 10The feelings the person displays toward you at that moment #98 When are you generally colder to people? 10When they have started to grate on you 11When you first meet them #99 When you first meet someone, do you more often 10Treat the person cordially right away 11Keep a hold on your cordiality until you know the person better #100 Which are you usually more inclined to do? 11To pay attention to your own feelings 10To make sure the people you interact with feel happy #101 Which sort of humor do you appreciate more? 12Lewd and crass stories 13Word plays and irony #102 Do you tend to: 12Have a fairly wide range of appreciation without very often feeling much intensity about what you like or don't like 13Instinctually know what you like or don't like (e.g., in food, art, music, clothing, etc.) #103 With food, art, music, clothing, etc., are you by nature: 13Rather discriminating about what you like or don't like 12Fairly tolerant and able to appreciate a range of choices #104 When first learning about something, do you pay attention to 12All the facts because they're there 13Only those facts that strike you as pertinent #105 When you are listening to someone speak, which do you recall more easily? 12What the speaker has said word for word 13Your understanding of what the speaker has said #106 Which are you better at getting an intuitive grasp of? 12Your own thoughts, feelings, and ideas 13Events that are going on in front of you #107 Is your imagination its most active when you are 12Alone 13In the company of others #108 When are your senses more active? 12When you are in a new environment 13When you are enjoying good art, good food, good music, etc. #109 When do you more easily come up with ideas? 13When you are brainstorming with other people 12When you ponder things by yourself #110 Which do you tend to focus your senses on more? 12The new and unfamiliar 13The beautiful and pleasing #111 Do you 9Find it necessary to focus your attention on the task at hand 0Easily pay attention to whatever is going on without it distracting you