INTERRACIAL BUDDHIST COUNCIL * Study, Action, and Support * Background and Purpose The Interracial Buddhist Council is a group of Buddhist practitioners from a variety of traditions who are committed to the work of ending racism on the personal, communal, and societal levels. To that end we seek: to establish a network of Buddhist practitionerrs who are involved in diversity and anti-racism work; to ensure that the Dharma unfolds in a way that is honoring and inclusive of all ethnic groups and cultures, and that Buddhist practices and communities develop in a way that is not complicitous with any form of social oppression, especially racism; to bring a Buddhist perspective to contemporary diversity and anti- racism work; and, to sponsor publications, retreats, conferences, and workshops to implement these goals. Study and Discussion Group We meet monthly in the San Francisco East Bay area for at least an hour and a half of study and discussion of issues related to racism, whether they have to do with our society, our Buddhist communities, or our personal lives. We also share resources, keep each other informed, and support each other in the work we do as individuals or as members of other organizations. For more info: (510) 869-2767. People of Color Sitting Group We meet on the second Sunday of the month to meditate and then have either a topic-specific discussion or a talk by a guest speaker. Our informal discussions cover such topics as: dealing with racism in the sanghas where we practice; Buddhist practice and healing the wounds of racism; and the conflict between wanting to practice with others and feeling marginalized in predominantly white sanghas. Periodically we sponsor one-day or longer retreats with teachers of color. For more info: (510) 644-1444. Our Other Activities Include: Sponsoring meditation retreats and ending racism workshops Compiling a resource library of articles, books, and tapes Seeking out and addressing issues of mutual concern to traditional Asian-American and immigrant buddhist communities and the predominantly non-Asian new buddhist communities Helping others establish similar groups ******** For more information, contact (510) 869-2767 or mail to: IBC, P.O. Box 11211, Oakland CA 94611