BUDDHISMS IN AMERICA: AN EXPANDING FRONTIER The Institute of Buddhist Studies will be hosting a Fall 1994 lecture series devoted to an examination of the Buddhist tradition in America. The lecture series will be offered in conjunction with an academic course on the same topic, jointly sponsored by the Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Graduate Theological Union. All lectures will be held at: Institute of Buddhist Studies: Seminary and Graduate School 1900 Addison Street Berkeley, California 94704 510/849-2383 (telephone) 510/849-2158 (fax) Lectures are free of charge and the general public is welcomed. All lectures are held on Monday evenings from 7:10-8:30 p.m. SCHEDULED LECTURES September 12 The Development of American Buddhism: Two Overviews Professor Charles Prebish The Pennsylvania State University September 19 White Buddhists Mr. Rick Fields Author: How the Swans Came to the Lake September 26 Coming Out in the Sangha: Gays and Lesbians in American Buddhism Professor Roger Corless Duke University October 3 Varieties of Buddhism in America: Some Attempts at Classification Professor Jan Nattier Indiana University October 10 Tibetan Vajrayana Communities Professor Steven Goodman Institute of Buddhist Studies October 17 Women's Issues in American Buddhism Professor Rita Gross University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire October 31 Advances in Jodo-Shinshu Professor Alfred Bloom University of Hawaii, Emeritus November 7 Old Wisdom in the New World: Immigrant Theravada Buddhism Professor Paul Numrich College of DuPage (Illinois) November 14 The Pioneering Spirit: The Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai in America Professor Jane Hurst Gallaudet University November 28 The Meeting of Buddhism and Psychotherapy Professor Ryo Imamura Evergreen University (Washington) December 5 Socially Engaged Buddhism in North America: Prospects and Problems Professor Donald Rothberg Sabrook Institute, San Francisco Americanizing the Buddha: Paul Carus and the Transformation of Asian Thought Rev. Heng-Chau University of Wisconsin Lecture series convener: Ken Tanaka, Assoc. Professor, IBS [Source: GTU/IBS flyer] --- GoldED 2.42.G0615+/#1067 * Origin: BODY DHARMA * 510/836-4717 * Home of DharmaNet (1:125/33)