JAIN DATABASE at sunsite.unc.edu Jain Study Center of North Carolina Federation of JAINA Information/comments to: varia@med.unc.edu ============================================================================ JAINIST TEXTS +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ faq - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. WHAT INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ON THIS DATABASE ON JAINISM? This is a constantly expanding database of information on many aspects of Jainism, a religion based on the principles of TRUTH and NONVIOLENCE. It has several thousand year history in India. Currently there are over20 million followers in India, United Kingdom, East Africa, Canada and the United State. THIS DATABASE PROVIDES INTRODUCTORY AND INDEPTH TOPICS ON THE MANY ASPECTS OF JAINISM INCLUDING THE PHILOSOPHY, METAPHYSICS, PRACTICE AND PRINCIPLES OF JAINISM. To Browse through the titles of availabe files Use the keyword search function. Type in w for this function. Then enter jain or Jain followed by the return or the enter key. This will show the available files. 2. HOW TO SEARCH FOR INORMATION ? sunsite wide-area information service or swais allows searches by typing in any word using the keyword search function. Type in w for this function at any time. Enter any desired word at the keyword command to carry out a search of file that contains thr desired word. 3. MORE INFRMATION ABOUT JAIN DATA BASE AND JAIN BBS: ============================================================================= JAIN DATA BASE / JAIN BBS A Computer Based Jain Education And Information Service of FEDERATION OF JAINA AND JAIN STUDY CENTER OF NORTH CAROLINA JAIN DATA BASE is archived at sunsite.unc.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAIN DATABASE ON INTERNET email to : Mahesh Varia varia@med.unc.edu JAIN BBS DIRECT MODEM ACCESS : 919-469-0207 JAINISM related questions, email to: Pravin Shah enhb34a@prodigy.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAIN BBS Email Bulletins(no charge): Send request to phshah@email.unc.edu JAIN BBS BULLETINS delivery by FAX : Send request to phshah@email.unc.edu JAIN BBS BULLEINS previous editions: Archived in JAIN DATABASE ============================================================================ 4. JAIN BBS EMAIL BULLETINS Previous issues can be found in this database on Jainism by using the following keyword search functions. - enter jainbulletin for the keyword search. This directory contains the files of the published JAIN BBS EMAIL BULLETINS archived in the database. - enter bulletinlist for the keyword search to browse the filenames and brief descriptions of the articles published.