IRC log started Sun Oct 3 17:45 *** Value of LOG set to ON *** Signoff: mAu ( *** Signoff: TetherMan (Leaving) *** Kaefer ( has joined channel #report A continiously running log was started and is available from: *** jnopanen ( has joined channel #report *** undead ( has joined channel #report *** BobSmith ( has joined channel #report *** Signoff: BobSmith (Leaving) *** maint ( has joined channel #report *** Signoff: undead (brb!) If anyone has anything new to report, please ask one of the channel operators for channel ops. *** USViking ( has joined channel #report *** olegus ( has joined channel #report *** Conrad (bhuck@MAIL.SAS.UPENN.EDU) has joined channel #report *** Conrad has left channel #report *** undead ( has joined channel #report *** You may not type ON commands when you have the NOVICE *** variable set to ON. Some ON commands may cause a *** security breach on your machine, or enable another *** user to control your IRC session. Read the help files *** in /HELP ON before using ON *** Value of NOVICE set to OFF *** On JOIN from "* *" do [SILENT] <0> *** On LEAVE from "* *" do [SILENT] <0> *** Signoff: Logger2 (Leaving) *** Mode change "+o Engine" on channel #report by geek There are reports of fighting at the broadcast centre. *** nAm is now known as nAm_AwAy *** Signoff: Kaefer (ok pi :-)) I believe Russian TV went off the air a while back. I was talking to a guy from Mansk and he said TV went off. Moscow TV has been off the air for almost half an hour. ur Mansk report confirmed 10 mins ago on cnn intl! Watch CNN if you can get it. > SWF3 (Germany): State of Emergency in Moskau (on 19:26 local time, TV was shut down) *** #report : Cannot send to channel CBS news reports: 2 russians TV channels have been shut down. not because of being taken over, but because of unrest. CBS news reports now 3/4 tv stations off air. SWF3 (Germany): 20000 demonstrators, state of emergency declared in Moskow SWF3: TV stations were shut donw on 19:26 local time CBS news reports: demostrators are rallying around parlament to restore communism. CBS new reports: unknown number of casulties SWF3: Government is going to apply force against demonstrators, tanks are on stage One of the killed police was evidently shot by a sniper from inside the Parliament building. CBS news reports: Rutiuski said on the last TV station on the air that there are 4 deaths so far. SWF3: tanks firing were heard Does anyone have any statements from any other world leaders on the unrest in Moscow to report? Clinton expressed his continued support to Yeltsin. Yeltin's plans to address the nation may have gone up in smoke. SWF3: German gov'mt is uneasy about the events in Moskow, no statement of support for Yeltsin supprised if yeltzin not able to get cnn moscow on phone we prearranged code identy! ?? No reporters have been able to get to Yeltsin. The brodcast centre has been taken over. Finnish TV: Channels 1 and 4 send a test-screen, Moscow TV is down, Russian TV is evidently broadcasting from some kind of emergency conditions (no inserts, commentator reading from paper) (The channels refer to Russian channels, of course) News reports in NY: new mayor appointed in Moscow. TV station taken over. (not CBS, local rebroadcast station) n-tv (Germany): Moscow TV taken over, one channel broadcasting from an emergency station TV house apparently stormed, 2000+ anti-Yeltsin demonstrators gathering there If there is anyone on shortwave radio, and can tune in Moscow, please let me know. Ok, people, I'm typing summary of what I know for the moment thanks Today, around 15:00, people who were 'demonstrating' their feelings, broke the chain of militsiya around white-house (the people were those on the side of Khasbulatov and K) A bit later, they formed military units, and at the same time another group of people joined them It should be noted that Bravo is in the former Soviet Union right now. Around 16:00 (sorry don't have exact times) group of people arond 3-4 thousand started to move in the direction of Moscow municipal building In about the same time by a machine-gun fire from hotel Kosmonavt two militia,en were killed. *** Tykie has changed the topic on channel #report to Information about Russia wanted and reported here! Talk on #discuss! They were standing in the chain around wehite-house, WITHOUT any weapons Later, mayor building was stormed by a military forces of khasbulatovites, main entrance broken by trucks Currently, first 5 floors of mayor-building (what the damn is the right word for it?) are taken, guards and remaining people locked above If anyone has a frequency to tune to fo Just about recently a troop of special forces has arrived to the building and blocked all entrances. _This_ troop is armed but no special actions are being currently taken r Moscow radio on shortwave, please let Engine know. NB : No, I'm not talking about the parliament building, it is bulding where the mayor and municipal things are, whatever its name is... Oh yeah, city hall! I don't have my shortwave radio anymore. i have a sw radio - what is the freqency? Ok, somewhere a bit later in taime they has taken the Ostankino teletower, so it is not talking anymore n-tv reports missile attack on Ostankino TV bldg The news transmission, Vesti, is gpoing out from th emnergency studio, and the so-called 2nd channel is going from the other tele-tower, on Shabolovka Sorry, let ginster know the frequency. Forces of 'parliament' has taken captive one of the mayor second-in-charge people, it was reported it's Shakhnovskii, but they just said it's not him, someone else Test. I have access to CNN downlink from Moscow, and also to the russian satellite that is used by Reuters TV and BBC etc..interesting stuff There were some attempts at a treaty between 'parliament' and President going on during the day, but they have called a break for 'indefinite time' just before the actions begin Accumulated number of victims for now is estimated from 5 to 10 people Emergency Situation was announced in Moscow by Yeltsin, with all consequences like patrols, 'komendantskii chas' (what's it i English? - late time - no walking etc...), Victims are accounted, if I get it right, only on the President side, no actual forcible actions were yet taken against 'parl;iament' and the company curfew Ok, people that 'komendantskii chas' is curfew, it's announced in Moscow time is 2030 in Moscow right now. Khasbulatov officially said in an exclusive interview to InterFax, hat he will NOT heed any curfews etc etc announced by Yeltsin All the day long Khasbulatov and Rutskoy are issuing speeches in which they call ''people' to take weapongs and go against the President and his forces. Khasbulatov demanded taking of Kremlin _today_ (ephasis is his) Ok, that's about all I can tell at the moment, I will stay on the channel and type anything I find in Bravo: please tell us where you are in the former su? Boris Yeltsin is in the Kremlin. CBS news (USA) reports: expolsions heard around the tower. CBS news reports: 5 people killed. Small addition : currently there are armed actions going on on teh first floor of Ostankino teletower CNN is showing pitched battles around Ostankino... They are being conducted by armed apologets of Khasbulatov against the small guarding forces CBS news reports: Yeltsin has banned all rallies. Bravo: I wish you would noot use emptionally loaded terminology while reporting. Due to martial law conditions, in- and out-goings from Moscow are restricted if not banned Incredible. CNN just showed them taking over thebroadcast centre. Huge explosion.. CBS news reports: (recap) US President Clinton backs Yeltsin, and may make another statement in a matter of hours. CNN is showing video from Moscow TV building, Ostankino: Explosion at ground entrance, automatic weapons fire coming from inside, shooting out, many people runnig away... the fact that Bravo is in SU should not have any bearing on it n-tv (Germany) reports: military forces split, several units switching sides to Khasbulatov n-tv live from Moscow: fightings concentrate on media, TV taken over first, all broadcast shut down Russian TV still broadcasting from emergency station, reading Interfax messages They are repeatinig coverage at Ostankino on CNN - a lot of shooting. There seem to be a lot of civilians there too 300 military have switched sides, overall situation unclear tanks approaching Moscow, but not known by whom they are commanded military still has no-kill order Gorbachev says Eltzin should guarantee no use of force Yeltsin is in the Kremlin, discussion measures News here in Norway says that there is NO televisioncontact in Moskow. Can anyone confirm ???? "Yeltsin is willing to employ as little force as possible" (Govt spokesman) I repeat : Ostankino teletower is being stormed right now Talks moderated by Church failed News service known as Vesti is broadcasting from an emergency location Another channel (so called 2nd) is broadcasting from it's usual location, on Shabolovka Bravo: Do they support any of the groups ? It's showing an american action movie right now Khasbulatov and Rutskoj call for storming the Kremlin Red Square is quiet by now Demonstrations of small groups all over Moscow reported I will be able to get some more fresh/more exact news a bit latrer, also about situation in St.Petersburg (which currently seems to be rather still and peaceful) 5 wounded people, not sure if they're dead or not. .msg Roma_ hi there Indication fire is being returned by Yeltin's forces. CNN reports that the policemen in the TV station return fire. Ok, I'm listening to one of the leaders of party block 'Russia' He's calling people to assemble near city hall, (the name f the man was Sergei Ershinkov) There are bus-barricades around Ostankino Gaidar & Gleb Yakunin speak on radio - they asks people to go to The stormers are trying to break into the broadcast area Mossoviet - not to Kremlin which is protected ok... There are armored cars attacking those bus-barricades, some are already broken President forces started to return fire, at least near Ostankino - confirmed by Radio Svoboda Radio Svoboda is broadcasting street interviews from Moscow People are mostly positive for martial law and positive for Yeltsin They hope though that it will not last long I'll be back after a short pause be right back CBS news (USA New York) reports: at least 4 dead, dozens injured. CBS news reports: calm returning CBS news reports: red square quiet, troops gaurding most buildings. German TV reports: Yeltsin sends tanks to Moscow CBS news reports: traffic flowing normally. 4 police dead CBS news reports: grenades at TV tower broadcasts from Ostankino: Ostankino is under control of the rebels the building is on fire The building is on fire CBS news reports: (recap) US President Clinton supports "President" Yeltsin. (sorry) only 1st floor is controlled by rebels CNN broadcasting relay from Ostankino Nothing more from CBS. I appear to be behind by about 20 minutes. Constitutional Court asks people to abandon force solutions ZDF (Germany): situation seems to escalate, but quiet just now reports tell of *1000s* of side switches Great Britain representative officially supports Yeltsin NATO worried about situation. CBS news reports United nations has no comment. Gaidar on russian radio: if these people win, they will cover Russia in blood for decades Gaydar talked on the Moscow Echo radio Gaidar appeals to everyone to protect democracy He said that Moscow mayorate is trying to stabilize the situation and tyo move some military forces in the city. They are discussing it in teh Defense Ministry right now Pro-Yeltsin forces still in control of Ostankino TV [CNN] so Ostankino is still in pro-Yeltsin hands but 1st floor seems to have been taken over by the rebels CNN: Ostankino broadcasting live TV +eaten) Much of the fire at Ostankino was coming from the attackers. n-tv (germany): Red Square is quiet, only few ppl there with Russian flags CNN comments that the attack on the TV station was an attempt to get the rebel's message out, that they were prevented from doing before. "rebels are going home, celebrating victory" about 2000 left at TV station German Govt. pleas to all parties in Russia to keep calm SDR3: Three of eight military regions are told to be on the parliaments side Clinton: If rebels come to power, US won't support them Logs of current #report-channel are available via ano-ftp from* Armed pro-Kasbulatists are assembling near the building of Defense Ministry, intentions unclear at the moment SDR3: Military forces are split, some lower ranks are said to support the naationalist issues of Rutzkoi (sp?) In the parlaiment building all lights went out Electricity off at White House. [not U.S.!] Prof. Korab (Russian affairs expert): Escalation was predictable yesterday after Church-moderated talks failes Korab: Rebels want to take over now to not lose popular support Korab: Military is mostly pro-Yeltsin 3 YaI will speak English Do you know about Gaidar's text to nation and Moscovites German TV: Rebels are trying to take over news agencies eugene: somewhat I'm in Moscow. If and you have Moscow connection just any -- please retranslate my messages I will be also very plesaed if meanwhile some personn will give me more time on moscvax bbs Now shut upo and listen eugene: please tell us anything you can. dnem eti suki vzyali shturmom zdaniye merii na Arbate (odna iz knizhek Bravo can translate it for us can't he? :-) some part of special forces is now supprorting Rutzkoi -- sorry for typos Eugene said : during daytime those bithches stormed the city hall on teh Arbat s orry -- today this fuckers got the mayor's office on Arbat street The mayor's office, and Yeltsin's representitive there has been taken. they have grenades, automatic weapons, there are wildgeese who took part in wars in Moldova and Abhasia The first floor of the TV station is either on fire, or taken.. probably both The wordst part of it -- they have stormed up first stories of TV-centre in Ostankino Little resistance from government troops More than 100 people brought into hospital with gun shot wounds. Looks liek they will take the TV station.. they have overpowering numbers like/like cnn is showing truck on fire behind white house It is reported that peripheral cities (namely Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk) are experiencing informational blocades - no news broadcasts about the events CNN: TAnks on Minutski and Leningradski Prospect anyone on here actually in moscow ? silek : Yes, eugene silek: i can still finger eugene was, but I guess he had a demo account on a BBS. he badlinked o.k. bravo is in Moscow ginster : No, I'm near St.Petersburg now, not In Moscow according to CNN: russian television made a broadcast ... quote:"the russian government is trying to put the military into moscow." Gayar is going to talk on a meeting near Mossoviet building where several thousands of poeple already assembled (Gaydar) reports of tanks moving into the city from two directions. Tanks moving in fromt he north west.. (wish I could spell these things) People near Mossoviet are reported to be demanding weapons to fight pro-parliament forces CNN: Tanks moving in on Minuski and Leningradski streets in Moscow hello...Oleg speaking from Minsk. i just heard on radio that there is shooting near Govmt buildings in Minsk CBS news (USA, NY) reports at least 12 dead, several dozens injured. CBS news reporters are running away from fighting. Tanks from Leningradskii prosp. will be going to Ostankino to clear it out email news reports to> for distribution to newspapers (sorry, BBS news reporters) BBS/BBC Military officer from Dezerzhinskaya tank group said that there were lies that they have taken allegiance to Khasbulatov. They took allegiance to Yeltsin and their tanks are now moving to Mossoviet be right back Rueters announcing that they are brining paratroopers to russia, (from Radio Russia) [CBS News reporting] Makashov & Barannikov headed Yeltsin's forces State of emergency in effect till 10th of October. soory -- phobe net is overloaded Can I go on>? Boris Yeltsin is taking control of situatuin. Yes, eugene, please do. Please retranslate this info ak wide as possible go eugene Accroding to Gaidasr's statemnet all who wants to save democracy in this country n-tv (Germany): tanks approaching Moscow, still not known who commands them should go to Mossoviert Previsouly Moscovites were summnoed to Vassilievskuy spusk para: they re comanded by Makashov para: and Barannikov as far as I know but President Eltzin said that Kremlin (spusk is the bridge next St.Basils Cathderal Tanks are coming from 4 sides.. that Kremlin is wellk defended and we should go to Mossvoiet -- that is city counsil building accroding to Echo of Moscow --indepedent liberal station -- somebody has removed the guards i'm listening for radio Ricks FM stereo here in minsk...trhey are URGENT INterfax siad just noew that if during 30 minutes now more messgaes would come this will mean that they are occupied by pro-Rutskioi forces err Rocks Threre is fight going on Telec-centre building -2nd floor and third speaking out news, live on air almost the only station remained eugene: can you see or hear anything from where you are right now? the only channels working now I mean central -- in Moscow are Rossija and the fourth channels. They are broadcasting American film but it is obvious that are still controlled by normal people. Telecentre is the place where ths studios of the stopped channels are the Ostankino Newcomers: I have a fairly recently started log that I can DCC to those who want it. (Does anyone else with DCC have a "full" log?) URGENT Luzhkov speakin (moscow major) Shade: I want it Normal people -- are supproting President Shade: "pi" has a log available for anon ftp What is the Short Wave Radio frequency for Radio Moscow? listen for Radio Ricks, folks...they are doing good this is not Luzhkonv -- this is me People, I have a letter from Russia with the log, but it is in 8bit Alt. set Some of the Ostankino workers taken hostages (Radio Svoboda) Now luzhkov -- bandits are trying to take over Ostankino Someone said there will be a logs on: /pub/org/uni-s/faveve/tmp/* uh Radio Rocks i mean There are many victims arounfd White House. and OStankino and at Arbat (major' office) Now Luzhk Luzhkov is explaining why these people are bb bandits Special forces troops replaces the guards of Mossoviet -- sroory for mistakes i'm just typing too fast Telec-entre is on fire speaks Luzhkov InterFax = Telec-center Correction : special forces I spoke of are on teh Yeltsin side :) "Firemen were trying to stop fire and now are prevented from that by rebels. Interfax is not Telecentre ginster : InterFax != Telecenter Interfax is news indepedent agency Interfax is in ITAR-TASS office, afaik Luzhkov is nbow explaining why militia was off gurad Troops moving towards center of Moscow. ITAR _TASS said that at 5.p.m several men with machine guns enterd ITAR-TASS and were trying to persuade newsmen to supprot Rutskoi then left log file from #report since 18:00 MET are on* send mail to to get them by mail For reference: it is almost 10pm in Moscow right now. Some time ago another two trucks with armed people left from white-house to Ostankino I'll probably leave in about 10 mins, my time llimit on a Spb host is running low. Maybe I'll be on later, with more news Thank You Bravo for all the news. Yes Bravo, again, we appreciate your time and trouble to type all that you have during todays problems and two weeks ago. geek: thanks Bravo bravo: can you get more time? hi -- again me lousy phone connection Itak ginster : Probably. I'll try anyway URGENT Gaidar is speaking ovet TV I must change place to see and won't be able to give your immediate report -- nothing to be scared Confirmation from the Kremlin: Tanks are moving into the city. Listening to Gaidar now. Lyzhkov saked people tyo go to Staraya place and Mossoviet and Resd Square!!! Please retranslate all over If ypou have any connections with mass media -- please do it! There places in moscow where CNN can be heraed!! And we are listening to ardio Wioll be in a few minutes -- listening to Gaidar!! End of transmission - Gaidar.. URGNET Eltzin's secretary Kostikov is on the radio text of Eltzin's message to Moscovites Today in Moscow blood was poured. Now a fe words / I give a jist/ abouthose who supprot parliament . The goverment and president were doing all possible to to prevent this situation Even today in the morning wre peace talks with the participance of Patriarch Alexii II But th forces of who were supproting parliament were preparing a n attack CBS news (New York) reports: Paratroopers from south of the capital in Moscow. Yeltzin said that accoridng to his rights which ewre given to him by the people of Russia SDR3: Telecenter is stormed, dpa: ITAR-TASS is endangered by parliament forces CBS news reports: troops from parliment going to TV station still. he now establish special regime -- i don't know exact English for chrezvychainoe polozheniey" for one week SDR3: Tanks are coming into moskow, by defense ministery, to support Yeltsin 8 people reported killed and hundreds injured in tv tower attack (CBS news reports) Kostikov said that we have forces to stop fasci Emergency rule? that we have forces to stop fascist coup. yeah that's it state of emergency CBS news reports: yeltsin is asking the people to come out of their homes and support democracy. GOOD NEWS: First channel is working!!! Yes, state of emergency till October 10th. (Kemo) telecenter is defended by omon forces, attacked by 2000-3000 ex-soldiers, this attack was planned ahead quite some time People are determined to win the fight. They think they're winning. end of CBS news updates. Sorry guys -- first channels is just retranslating other channels :( dont apologize keep up the good work is there any other word from gorbachev Eltzin has signed a de3cree Rutzkoi is no more vice-president anf yeltsin aide on cnn sdr3: yeltsin also decreed that Rutzkoi is being dismissed from the Army. Troops ordered to return fire. genrik borovik : russian analyst on cnn not yeltsin ade engine: CNN reports Yeltsin said "adequate measures" = exact meaning not stated 10,000 demonstrators outside the white house; the analyst says it's well organized. they're coming from regions of local conflict. ginster: okay. Radio Liberty near Mossovet - 2500-3000 people near Mossovet. walters rodgers on cnn reporting logs available via ano-ftp from* and by ftpmail@info2 discussing emergency decree from oct 3 to oct 10 Walt Rogers (CNN) reporting from Kremlin. Yeltsin is in his office, security at Kremlin is VERY tight. Eerie quiet around the Russian white house. People near Mossovet have not weapon and won't to have weapons then just /timersay Goverment will use elite forces to storm White House. 27th Brigade moving into Moscow. brigade used to be part of the kgb Protecting the Gremlin and TV station .. (27th Brigade) Kremlin according to Echo of Moscow radio the information that Dzerzhinsky special force unti had turned to Hasbulatov were not true. Accroding to other sources the unit is now splitted unti is unit According to Moscow medical officials. 1700-1800 hours... personal of intensive care was obstained by russian parliamant forces.. The Ostankino TV-translator ffed cables are cut and it does nbot work Some of the medical personal were brought to the White HOuse. Getting ready for another attack at White House. please retranslate again to all sources the people who are sane, the people who want to defend the country from fascists should go to Mossoviet, Staraya ploshad'and Red Square InterFax is not attacked by forces. Hasbulatov said that Patriarch Alexiii II was organising peace talks to cover coming attack on White Housde Alexii I I is the head of Russian Orgtofdox Churh Brigade No.27 and Ryazansk paratroopers go to Moscow according Ministry of Defence Two top Yeltsin aids on CNN. dmitri ruikov Just now 2-nd channel shown the film feturing the strom of Ostankino by rebels The Russian army is loyal to Yeltsin. Given orders to restore law and order. Allowed to respond if shot at. Brigade #27 (ex-KGB) go to Kremlin, Ostankino and Mossovet. TV siad that elite forces from Teplui Stan -- Moscow district -- are going to defend Kremlin if yeltsin to die or lose power, power will shift to prime minister Finnish TV reports Ostankino TV center is on fire (from Mauri on #discuss) and Govermnet ofiices. Mauri is in Finland, watching Moscow TV live (A movie going on again there, nothing speacial) nothing new? Tanks moving towards White House someone give eugene1 op THX. Bragin -- the head of govermnet TV is live speaking over radio fdrom Tele-centre building He syas trhat now is it is turning point in the battle over Telecenter be right back yeltsin is asking all russians to stand up and protect democracy prot eugene that the defendants of Center -- loyal to president are now gaining viachislav kostikov, yeltsin aid is now reading a yeltsin statement on cnn aid == aide new forces and weaiting for ground troops to throw away the attackers from the building People of Moscow remain calm and support the Prez. Atleast a day or two till order is restored. R.Liberty said - at 22.23 from ITAR-TASS - he's blocking and stop his work. CBS news reports the 27th tank division is on its way to defend the white house. Bragin says that they will begin the broadcasting as soon as the hey regain the technical building of ITA vga, please say more... the hey=they Crack commando unit pledged loyality to Yeltsin. geek: todefend White hOuse??? geek: to defend? Tanks from SOUTH WEST and the NORTH WEST been seen. eugene1: cnn is reporting within the next couple of hours there will be forces to defend the russian white hourse engine: confirmed ITAR-Tass still working -- they made a warning thet if they will stop that is but they didn't To defend the white house yes. The First channel of TV OS?TANKINO will be working now from zip studio on Shabolovka. barricades being seen set up outside the white house as seen on night scopes from cnn What in the hell is Russian White House? Do you mean Hasbulatov? could someone clarify eugene's comments eugene: I am assuming they are in support of Yeltsin, according to CBS news is the russian white house, hasbulatov white house = parliament building [cnn] accrofding to reality I doubt that there are military units -- not sibngle soldiers, but units who will support Hasbulatov Newcomers: I can DCC a none-too-old logfile upon request. For a complete log, ask Pi who has an ongoing log into an FTP-site. Ostankino was captured by Yeltsins forces ftp to* or ftpmail@info2 for a log since 18:00 MET of channel #report For those of you that would like to talk about Russia in open forum, please join #discuss folx, I have to go to dinner, I'll be back soon thank you pi for your help btw, the logging continues (thanks to screen 8-) For those of you that would like to talk about Russia in open forum, please join #russian cnn now showing earlier footage of attempted takeover of tv station To suppress join- and signoff-messages some clients support the command /load silent russian people clearly seen lying in streets many people injured some appear dead yegor gaidar, russian dep. prime minister shown on cnn from russian tv Sorry, i lost connection on Radio Liberty. Wait a minute... me aqgain Seichas Gorbachev govorit -- sorry Englisdh mode cnn now showing earlier support from US President Clinton to Russian President Yeltsin Now Gorbachev is talking live over Echo of Moscow Oh God! What the fool he is... what is he saying eugene He is still speaking of null variant but he is supporting emergency but he says that Eltzin shouldn't get army in Moscow another aide on cnn from prime minister What a fool. The Aufust coup didn't teach him anythiung sergei vasilliev Aufust = August sergei vasilliev, geldar aide galdar aide Is it true that Moscow radio went off the air? galdar is speaking about events so far basically supporting what yeltsin has said Accroding toi TV a column of military machines is going to Centre from Sokolniki cnn is saying that tass has been retaken over Tass has been retaken by the interior (?) ministry. tv said that there barriers building next to Kremlin but Eltzin supporters engine confirmed is it TASS ot ITA iTA is the building in Telecentre They said Tass news agency confirmed engine GOOD! since I am just copying what engine is saying i'm going to check abc and nbc * Molok can confirm Engine's news from reports from Reuter abc and nbc are not covering the situation in russia Itar/Tass Doesn't send out news anymore (reuter) Kemo: I may have to leave soon, since I'm tying up the telephone line. :-( could anyone give reactions from countries outside of russian engine if you leave I will keep covering, stay as long as you can but i will cover you if you leave <--Has to leave. Yes, nothing on any other American or Canadian channels. engine: anything from the ec? Georgian community in Moscow is said to be raising forces and going to Mossoviet to stand on the Yeltsin side Thanks Kemo. AFP-Reuter: President Jeltsin has ordered paratrups-soldiers to Moscow from Tula. BBC got this news.... krista has some reports from finland KJemo: Nothing from EC. I will check CBC (Canadian) on and off. ugh Some kind of British show on CBC Newsworld. (they call it a newsworld? Sheesh) why did u turn +i ? 20 army tanks reported seeing headed toward moscow Reuter: Jeltsin gives the army orders to shoot krista please report from finland Finnish news about 20 minutes ago: we are worried, but not too worried, since it seems to be very localized so far. News on Finnish TV: Yeltsin's counterattack going on. 8 casualties in TV center. (Sorry, I've forgotten how to use irc, and it takes time to relearn) no problem krista we're patient Reuter: Jeltsin has given the soldiers order to shoot if they becomes shot at. Russian TV only showing a clock, no program. cnn is showing earlier confrontations between parliament and Yeltsin forces THX About 22;00 Moscow time several rooms wree occupied by rebels cnn again showing attempted takeover of tv station with bullets flying They were not conscious of any movement other than in the center of Moscow and at the tv-center but ITAR is still working russians scrambled on the ground with numerous injuries and potential fatalities this was accroding to Sergei Ushenkov fromer people deputy supproting Elstzin more than 100 casulties reported from one hospital nachalis' new programmne new=news vesti live russian tv on cnn Russian TV is just repeating the new from previous hours for now Jeltsins finance minister, Jegor Gaidar said to the radiostation Ekho Moskovji that : " The fasistic bloody and brown carpet will fall over Russland if the communistic rebellion succeded yeltsin speach being reported on live russian tv on cnn basically asking for the support of the russian people to prevent a civil war and the outlaw of parliament forces Yeltsin announced parlament leaders as OUTLAWS. confirmed vga CBC news is far behind, broadcasting an old statement by Yeltsin. RE: All that i'm said - Radio Liberty. moscow mayor's speech being read on ccn from russian tv Popov -- former Moscow Mayor is live on Echo Msocwo 10-12 machines broked the mob at Ostankino. Reporter on Swedish TV dodging bullets.. (from this afternoon) moscow's mayor encourages russians not to participate in disturbances machines= army transporters Ostankino is rounded by Yeltsyn troops prime minister on live russian tv on cnn prime minister appeals to masses to prevent russia from becoming "concentration camps" segei stankevich, yeltsin advisor now appealing to parliamentary forces to lean to common sense on cnn Yeltsin is announced Gaidar as vice-pres in case his (Yeltsin) death. sergei stankevich appealing to parliamentary forces to stop and act like russian citizens Popov said that he supprorts Luzhkov -- current mayor/msfg vag Were the new about vice from? sergei stankevich appealing to deputies eg, kimble please contribute Popov said that his  Yeltsin troops in Ostankino killed manybandits on square. sergei stankevich is calling on parilmentary forces to stop violence in the streets of moscow the goverment only mistake was to give much attention to peac e talks "we must now lose human imagine, we must now use such issues in politics,...we must stop the bloodshed" 4 trucks from White House arrived in Ostankino and the battle is goi' back. Ostankino in fire again. rumors that interior troops defected are not true Trucks with bandits Now Kovalev S.A. former people deputy, former Stalinist camp prisoner at 1400 council of federation will be called not stalinist :-) cnn link to russian tv just went down here in boston he was in camps in the 70s Single scrambled. My Source is Radio Liberty. Signal scrambled. engine: whats going on Kemo: Same here, the signal looks scrambled. says that all people who were tryinh to understand this @defendersof Constituion"should now understand i dont know anything about tanks engine: can you goto headline news? Kemo: Yes, yunal please report that Kemo: Strange. eg please report that CNN America eg is that morse code? norwegian radio just reported that 3 tv stations and all news wires has been closed from yunal norwegian radio just reported that 3 tv stations and all news wires have been closed Kemo: Looks a pay TV station or satellite when you haven't payed for it. Need a decoder. :-) eg can you report that to everyone here engine do you know morse code They don't want the world to see in.? The large crowd that supports Yeltsin goin to Red Square CNN in New York is scrambled yom please report that CNN is off in San Diego Kemo: Nope. Wish I did.. I was practicing too! cnn nationwide seems to be down norwegian radio: jeltsin loyal elite troups and tanks are on the way to moscow, the norwegian reporter had taken a trip round moscow and could see no tanks is cnn headline news up Headline news is up. Check there for information. hedline news is up Klinton and NATO head Werner supports Yeltsin. if anyone knows morse code check cnn in united states Receiving Russian TV fine in Finland (not through CNN). News program continues.. please report that unisli Danish TV reports: 8 dead and 100 wounded at TV tower. You can still see the guy reporting in the scrambled mess. maja please report that confirmed engine Danish TV reports: Tanks moving in from three garnisons supporting Yeltzin. Maybe someone deliberately scrambled this. they are now showing (on CNN Int.) a video of the attack on Ostankino (it's different than the one shown before) I think it may be technical, though. How could they scramble CNN? Moscow channel 1 and CNN intl. (rebroadcaster) are fine in Europe. engine we'll wait till cnn comes back up CNN looks like a bad signal - not scrambled there was a corridor with armed soldiers shown CNN USA is back It's back. And soldiers dragging injured people across the corridor. It's gone. No it's back.. cnn usa is back here in boston went off and on for a second cnn is back in San Diego.. commercials yom: confirmed sorry for the talk, I was trying to figure what was going on with cnn commercials on cnn int. ,too cnn down again Bandits shoots on firemans in Ostankino. Kemo: Yes, lost again. Hmm.. now they show part of the crowd before white house confirmed engine Norway: It's a report here which says that there was a small group of 'black-dressed' facist who lead the attack on the tv-station. Please confirm. confirmed eg anything on cnn headline news cnn back online Denmark: Foreign Minister expresses support for Yeltsin. they talking about communist coup d'etat now on cnn CNN has been online all the time, those are your local US problems. confimed engine miep please report from netherlands CNN USA is back but in black and white! 30 armoed personel carriers onto moscow Russian TV also B & W armed confrontation seen emminate [/cle AFP: Nato-leader Worner says that there is an 'own dynamic' in what is happening. 'You can't stop it' he says. parliamentary figures called "criminals" Hopes the trouble will end by tonight or tommorow. confirmed engine miep anything from netherlands I'm afraid I have to go. FYI: IRC logs of #report on*, or ftpmail@info2 or fsp, port 21, on info2 newsbot is going to go sit on #discuss. Any live news from Moscow? It's up to you, Kemo. CNN is all yours. cnn back thanks for your help engine cnn reports contacts between russia and united states still in contact I don't think I'll be back. I'm getting in trouble for using this phone line. Back to the TV I suppose. Communications lost. :-( cnn also reports that Yeltsin's objectives were issued to Clinton News over on Russian TV, now filling in with music and pictures of some park. Russian special forces are to be sent in cnn reports no troops will be sent in at st petersburg US will suprot yeltsin Can someone report about other places than Moscow ? (ROMA ???) kemo, do u see me? yes please /msg to talk about non-news issues Calm in Izhevsk calm in St.petersburg Roma can you give us your position in Kharkov (Ukraine) calm too... CNN: eyewitness reports about tanks cnn reports that us leaders are preparing for Yeltsin's use of force my position is not pro-prezident... cnn: alpha commando troops seen roma: ya mogu perevesti esli nuzhno roma: physical position kemo:confirmed CNN reports tanks 20 miles from Moscow Eugene: Go ahead !!! cnn now showing another shot from Ostankino earlier kemo: in 1200 km to est CNN reports tanks 20 miles from Moscow CNN reporting about gunfire earlier today CNN: commercials.. confirmed miep If you would like to discuss what's going on in Russia, please join #russian. It is an open forum for anything pertaining to Russia. excuse me I must step out for a moment sorry guys -- lousy connection there was a review in evening TV new Russian TV: a discussion, 7 men and 1 woman, obviously talking about latest events. eugene, see that? cnn chicago having problems CNN Holland: no problems s now only one programme is working -- noyt counting St.Petersburg channel but this programme is broadcasted all over the channels the reviews said all news that were before Moscow institute of Sklifosovsku -- that is central emergency hospital now is emergency . All doctors and nurses were summoned from their homes/. 5 doctors from emergency car are kept as prisoners by White House -- parliament -- guards. how many casualties? there is the battle going on at Ostankino TV center cnn: Live from Moscow: White house no electricity cnn talking about tense situation when she was in white house. miep: confirmed CNN: Only way to solve problem: storm whitehouse? Fresh forces from White House are going there, b now One deputy told that Rutskoj wanted to talk possible coalition government the mob i s scattered in the park very strange - there was not video materials on 2nd TV channel... Defnse will be strong on both sides in case of attack eugene: which one? new programme shoed two deputies from White House who said "there is much fuuss about who made a first shot in ? Jeltsin: problem will be solved quickly "we say that it was Eltzin Jeltsin : with much force Interview with historican on CNN' when he published his decree eugene are there any reports about the alpha commandos cnn is trying to show a balanced view nu sperva oni streljali po odnim, a potom po drugim... Kharkov, Ukraine : calm. absolute calm. oops please translate roma cnn summing up situation Ukraine TV - silence about situation in Moscow cnn: reports greatest violence in Ostankino cnn: elite troops positioned around white house elite troops being something called "Alpha" cnn: alpha troops to fire back if fired on those elite troops are called alpha, which are behind Yeltsin they  alpha troops participated about 2 years ago in coup tv has shown OStankino alpha troops did not follow orders to attack white house in earlier coup On the bad side On WEST 3 (german) other pictyures (not CNN) eugene: it's midnight in moscow, right? Emsi: Can you say what is reported on Ukraina-tv. Nothing at all ??? silek: confirmed HOT news there about 40 thousand of eltzin supporters around Mossoviet nobby: midnight SDR3: German gov't supports Yeltsin, condems use of military force alpha tropps in;t participate d in August coupp -- they refused SDR3: tele-center is defended against parliament forces Gaidar in radio studio SDR3: Nationalist forces continue attack on Telecenter SDR3: ITAR-Tass building is defended pi: is the telecenter in Ostankino SDR3: tanks and paratroops arrived in the outskrirts of Moskow itar/tass wire is not in use - no news from them Friensds! Like nmany of you I went ouy of the house and walked the deserted streets of Moscow where is ITAR-TASS building? On Gogolevsky and Gertsena? nobby: don't know But as I walked to the centre of Moscow -- and there are douzens of thousanda of democracy supporters RTL air landing troops on their way to moscow We do not sleep on New Year Eve. I ask you not to sleep this night. Because this is turning point archibald: Confirm Demonstartions on CNN SDR3: Germany gov't is in contact with embassy, no comment about current events, waiting for the outcome. gov't supports reform of the directly-elected russian president As my father said We should obnnly stay and night -- this is not finance minitsre 0-- this is his father and the son of famous Russian childeren writer SDR3: On germany radio SDR1 there will be a special broadcast about the events in moskow cnn: images of demonstations before WH Demonstators throwing bricks to police counterattack.... I asl all Russian listeners on IRC -- please retranslate the asking to fogo to Mosssoviet Moscow, earlier this day oslo: the parlament is preparing to defend themselves, asked for assistance from ppl skilled in laying mines following users from russia: Bravo, eugene1, Roma_, Roma yunal <======== confirmed and Jussu Sia is also from russia cnn report from the Kremlin FYI: IRC logs of #report on*, or ftpmail@info2 or fsp, port 21, on info2 Back here. Radio station Mayak which was torn from broadcasting by Ostankino assault resumed its operation They say that in spite of ITAR-Tass being blocked by armed rebels, it continues its operations Future of Russia is what is at state, said Yeltsin cnn: yeltsin managing crisis from moskow On which side is Mayak? Anyone with reports to give, ask kemo or myself to +v or +o you.. Mayak is on Jeltsin's side I belive o/cle be right back Are there any airborne units being employed? engaged? Dutch TV: Kremlin calm, more pro-jeltsin demonstators No army engagments reported on CNN as yet. It's important that the ones who uses auto-op puts BRAVO and EUGENE on their list. By now I'm the only one who auto-op's eugene. And it's important to get him in as fast as possible. He has problems with his equipment. Dutch TV: Still attacks on TV-stations SDR1: demonstrators in front of kremlin want to defend Yeltsin Ask me if you don't have their sites ! Dutch TV: Genrals stay neutral Dutch TV: Kremlin is unknown about what the army will do Ukraine TV - national music, no reportes from Moscov cnn: Yeltsin in control, control of forces German TV: Interview with Gorbatschow: 'Anti Yeltzin has to stop' cnn:Talbott, US Ambassador at large:optimistic about resolution. german TV: german goverment stands behind Jeltzin NORWAY: (Reuter) : Some generals high in the russian have declared themself neutral in the fightings NTV(Germany): tanks are rolling in moscow SDR1: Woerner (NATO sect. general) says he hopes for Pres. Yeltsin. Europe stands behind Yeltsin DUtch TV: No more reports from Moscow ÷³ NTV: tanks on course to white house, maybe friendly to Yeltsin BBC Radio: Ostankino battle still going on, Yeltsin forces moving in armored personnel carriers Norway: (Reuter) : Russian television declared that paratroopers from Ryasan and Tula is moved to Moscow. + 27. mecanaiced rifledivision SDR1: russian TV (channel 2) is still broadcasting Yeltsin loyal forces in routte to moscow in apcs [BBC Radio frequency 9590] SDR1: two different calls to the citizens: "demonstrate for Yeltsin" - "stay at home, its the police' problem" Some military leaders have declared neutral in the Russian army (Finnish TV - Reuter) euronews: moscow remains calm, no troups (euronews always seems to be and hour or two behind) SDR1: Yeltsin has support from many military regions, Yeltsin allowed use of firearms SDR1 (german radio, southern germany) senator mitchell on cnn no civil war in russia euronews: gorbasjov is flying home from italy. he's not entierly happy with jeltsin oopppsss ! cnn: taking phone calls at 202 408-1666 It seems that in the night news have grown sleepy... Mayak is broadcasting some comments, no actual news from places SDR1: People around the parliament are wildgeese, paid soldiers, not people Troops reported to be under orders to "return fire only" i encourage russian irc users to call cnn dutch tv: cnn: call (202) 408-1666 dutch tv: molotov cocktails r ready to be thrown to Yeltsin troops SDR1: Dzershinsky (sp?) division on its way to Moskow, to defend telecenter Estonian president Meri has called the Estonian defence committee to discuss situation in Russia (Finnish TV) SDR1: Ostonkino still defended, but still under attack cnn is taking calls russian irc users should call (202) 408-1666 call cnn collect if you can quit sam nunn is saying on ccn that the us is pushing the russians too fast and causing problems DLF: 200 policemen deserted mitchell: "the future of russia is dependant on the russsian people" phone calls next on cnn Mayak is broadcasting only music, first classical, then hard-n-heavy :) - but they keep assuring listeners that they'll broadcast all night long note: will forward email for publishing DLF : NATO is for Yeltzin THE number for CNN is (208) 408-1666 try calling toll free, for those who are from Russia sorry try calling collect pantera please report anyone reports from the japans? CBS; reports that a major Russian TV station is off the air!! bravo1 : There's no way to call abroad collect here DLF: American government is for Yeltzin in Tokyo its 6:30 am, too early for reports from there Dole supports Yeltsin DLF: NATO higher alarmstandby (two US helicopters shot down in Somalia) question: who are fighting who, right now? what are the sides in this struggle? are all the protestors on the streets pro-yeltsin? NBC: /whois lohas Dutch television questions the strength of the ANTI-yeltsin group I've lost both dream and Mayor of St. Petersburg has tightened the security measures in the city. He says the city has been peaceful, however. (Finnish TV) dutch TV ios broadcasting an extra edition of the news DLF: no more life reports(no connection) Dutch TV is showing old images of moscow Very disappointing questions from the public on CNN!! Dutch tv: Itar tass: district commanders are pro-yeltsin eg: nothing about a russian marshall plan cnn: 8 killed 100 injured note: boston globe now accepts email at or at I encourage russians to write in Dutch Tv: tv-stations and itar-tass regained by yeltsin Mosoviet is the moscow town-hall? vin: yes cnn: strong support from US has anyone called cnn yet? no more news from germany, I'm going to bed. Logging will continue on*, or via ftpmail@info2 or fsp, port 21, same host cnn: now questioning about somalia night, pi. i'll try to keep recent updates reflected on /msg newsbot recent. tv3(scandinavia): repoerts of gunfire around parlament and tv tower cnn: now somalia tv3(scandinavia): yeltsin controls tv tower yuna1: confirmed yunal is that the one in Ostankino Kemo: what's Ostankino?? tv3(scandinavia): fear of splitting army, oposition seems mounting tv3(scandinavia): fairly quiet in moscow otherwise Ostankino = Moscow TV Station / Transmission Tower any reports on troop positions?? First floor is in the hands of rebels any reports about the pro-yeltsin movement/demonstratioon? 1 chanel is working! correction: what I reported as tv3 above was actually norwegian tv2 (all these channels), they have a reporter in moscow 1 chanel of South African TV is switched to CNN Hi again any news eugene ? yay eugene Accroding to new all army commandres are loyal to Eltzin eugene: according to dutch news: most of the commanders, not all Finnish TV: Some commanders have declared neutral * emsi tnx valik vladislav drobkov from pravda is on vlad: is blaming both sides for what happened any coments from russian WhiteHouse ? This is Kirill Tchashchin from Moscow here. The Union of Afganistan veterans has declared war to Eltzin kirill tchashchin welcome and report anything you wish kirill: where are you located Please all: PostFactum news service has started to translate ALL its newsfeed tyo the relcom.politics newsgroup. tacci: thanx for joining I am located in Moscow, Russia. Blockades against armor being raised around White house. tacci: what do you see Armor moving into city from 4 sides. All: Postfactum officially authorized the dissemination of this information to all interested parties. The only request os to quote the source. Dutch tv: FORTY army vehicles are moving into the city all: the amount is 20 kilobytes every 10 minutes. sorry Union of Afghanistan veterans declared war to Rutskoi People in Russia: stay indoors.. seriously. it could get really messy really quick. silek: I care for u all Email news to > will be published worldwide I'm on the line for 4 hous boston globe is also accepting email Is there anybiody from russia ?? We need report on local sutuations in regions ! tv2-sweeden: clinton has too much invested in jeltsin to give up on him ONCE AGAIN : message for all tacci: ukrain, quiet. St Petersburg, quiet (according to the news provided on dutch tv) tacci to see all russians do /who *.su We have lost link with Russia All: Postfactum news are available REAL TIME as a newsgroup relcom.politics tacci: which NNTPSERVER ? Ukraine : as far as i know Ukraine Goverment is still in neutral position emsi: Ukrainian govt announced its support for yeltsin several hours ago. gospoda -- this newsgroup, relcom.politics is carried by eunet and uunet emsi: Kravchuk supports Eltsyn tacci: any reports from georgia Kemo : UUNET is receiving all relcom.* hierarchy, try it or whoever is near uunet and has open NNTP bravo: danke or we did tv2-sweeden: russian ambasadon to sweeden expects showdown _soon_, expects situation to stabilize within monday evening, "the ppl hartly supports kaspulatov" This is Kirill Tchashchin from Moscow. I'll be back in few minutes. eugene: thanks for awesome reports on relcom.politics If someone can get and archive relcom.politics, please do it. I'm unable technically to arrange for it at the moment, alas * geek is back, and will provide ABC news reports from the 6pm EST (New York) news broadcast. CNN: Saya it is VERY important for the US support sorry, people -- I'm a bit tired. Will return ok eugene Finnish TV showing pictures fro mhalf an hour ago.. ambulances collecting injured people.. shots fired. are there any reports from the arab world? Live reporting from white house: situation pretty calm, people don't expect serious disturbances (Finnish TV) Ok, I'm going to tune in my portable TV, be back in a minute any reaction from canadians? please confirm: protestors on the streets of moscow are sympathetic to rutskoi? free the reporter from pravda did blame both sides relcom appears to be in cyrillic. freeside: that's correct freeside: how did you get to relcom anyway?.. cnn: buses entering moscow please limit non-news comments to msg in the extent it's practical freeside: nntp or mailserver? oslo: tanks at parlament ABC news: USA: opens with people wanting communism back. more in a minute. i didn't get to relcom, I asked a friend. talk to visigoth. ABC news, USA: reporting that Yeltsen wanted to take the "moral high ground". VP Rutskoi has been stripped of his title. dozens hurt. The USA is staying out of it. 6 people killed. ABC news, USA: live: column of armoured vehicles on Yeltsins side. Looking to retake the parliment building. Shit, my irc host keeps dying apcs 1 1/2 miles outside of moskow 1st channel, Moscow, is translating semi-live (fresh recordings) from Mossoviet bravo try It is vesti newsprogram ABC news, USA: live: they have not arrived yet. Apparently, the Parlement is laying mines CNN: 40 Armored personel carriers reported Gen. Makashov on TV ABC news, USA: Americans are being advised to stay indoors. (no shit) ABC news, USA: end of broadcast on Moscow situation. I will channel surf. From finnish news: The Carelian president is now on Jeltsin's side. It was also told thhat the army general in Carelia said thhat the army is on Jeltsin's side and stays that way. er... Americans in Russia are being advised to stay inside, not the ones here in the states. Sorry. :) The Department of Defence of Estonia held an emergency meeting, and thhe President Lennart Meri said that the situation is dangerous, not only to the Baltic but also to the whole Europe (Finnish News). In other news, 2 US helicoptors are down in Somolia. cnn: tv reports killed any reports on current troop movements CNN (usa): dmitri rurikov, yeltsin aide: yeltsin is receiving calls from the provinces, calls of support from regional leaders in russia. Hi there, I'm back Thousands of Yeltsin supporters now on streets in Moscow too. Barricades are built by them too (Finnish TV) military commanders of districts around russia support yeltsin. Anybody successful in getting relcom.politics ?? there is a postfactum newwsfeed there. CNN (usa): the military remains loyal to the president. cnn: dimitri ruikov: showdown between hardliners and those who support yeltsin It is legal and possible to use and republish those news briefs by whoever. quote the source only. tacci: are those briefs in cyrillic or english? cnn: shooting could begin again try eunet news server if uunet doesn't work CNN (usa): Mikhail Seslavinsky, Yeltsin Deputy, "the spectre of communism is looming over Russia." I'm a reporter and analyst for a number of news services. Tacci: Ny real name is Kirill Tchashchin. olegus: I think it is, but I'm not sure. Please is there anybody knowing the NNPT stuff -- please help ! Elite groups of the army now in central Moscow. Live pictures of tanks on Finnish TV control seems to have been regained by yeltsin. trying to restore order in moscow. difficult to find a solution without bloodshed but decisions will be necessary. according to Roma, who is in Russia right now: (my translation) Vesti news program has shown armored personal carriers surrounding Ostankino TV center president clinton says: "US support for Yeltsin will not waver even if violence escalates." andr: how fast it is updated ? * Robin tnx Kemo The troops have not gotten to Ostankino, because (supposedly) the deputies and their supporters have met them somewhere halfway earlier comment in sweeden: clinton has too much invested in yeltsin to give him up anybody with a problems with news message visigoth please Anyone : try to get relcom.politics by NNTP to They have copylefted realtime news from Postfactum there Finnish ambassador in Moscow: Situation calm (Finnish TV) Following Tacci example :) - my real name is Mikhail (Michael) Bravo, I'm from St.Petersburg, Russia people in Moscow come to center of Moscow there is a speculation that Parliament is laying mines around the White House to prevent the tanks from assaulting the building cnn: yeltsin has not used significant military force. (this is from Vesti broadcast) cnn:yeltsin declared state of emergency Vesti itself is broadcasting from some location to the north of Moscow -- there is also a clash there but not many people have gotten there yet Ostap: The mines report came from a live tv report from ABC news in the States. Apparently, someone was asking from the parlement building if anyone had any mine laying experiance. (asking the crowd) anybody can check EUnet and UUnet to have them getting news from relfcom faster ?? contact local personnel ?? Please act now! cnn: the US is now concerned about russia's weapons capability, and the fact there there seems to be no-one at the helm. geek: I've just revised newsbot, reducing the mines report to "rumour" status. freeside: yes, I think that would be appropriate. cnn: russia will help Georgian reffugees besides own problem freeside: i have the exact thing that happened: someone from the parliament has asked the crowd if anyone had any mine laying experience...Positive/negative answers unknown. The crowd was also asked who are the defending the white house from. The answer the answer was: "from whoever comes" Russian TV is showing some people of culture speaking against the rebels in pathetic terms i take it those surrounding parliament are hard-line supporters. freeside: correct but it's not as simple as that -- there are many various different reasons why people are around the parliament right now. i want to know the sympathies of the 10,000 men and women in the street. Kazaks from Don and Twer' are going to Moskow to support Eltsin ABC news: USA: reports Yeltsin is not in "complete" control. cnn: violence started near Gorky park euronews: all aggression is directed from parlament CNN says there were 8 killed in the attack on TV station from relcom.politics: about 70 people have been injured today and have asked for medical help whois bravo Rutskoi: "all this can end only when the president has resigned, and the sooner the better" then later, he called on the mob to form units to attack the mayor's office, then seize the tv building. ABC news: USA: shows lots of people that are injured. does not say who they are. "ah don't expect him to be deposed, ah wouldn't overreact to this now." ABC news: reporting that the white house (Russia) is bracing itself for an attack. "the people are clearly far more supportive of him. rutskoi and the parliament have no organized military support that i'm aware of." CNN: sam nunn comments on the weapons threat. (ahem, sorry, that was the Prezident Clinton. ... thought the accent made it clear enough ;) n-tv (Germany) : military to protect the kremlinare on the way : parachutists and guard troups ABC news: Peter Jennings tells that the only thing the parlement people have in common is they are against Yeltsin. Other then that, they have 100's of differences. n-tv (Germany) : Kremlin expects attacks from Chasbulatov sided people . Kremlin is not lightend *** Kami-Kaze has changed the topic on channel #report to LETME n-tv (Germany) : troups are on the way to the White house in Moscow - taking a break at the generality headquartes .. seem to be on yeltsins side ABC news reports most people are waiting to see what happens with the military to take sides. (speculation). *** yunal has changed the topic on channel #report to Running report from moscow, discuss on #discuss Gaidar is on Eltsin side! ABC news reports extra military support in and around the government buildings in St. Petersburg, "just in case". (Pro yeltsin) It is possible to get relcom.politics from by NNTP *** Tykie has changed the topic on channel #report to News on Russia here! Try #russian or #discuss for discussion! Still nothing relevant on TV norwegian tv: tanks rolling into moscow 1st channel and 2nd channel are duplicates gonna go watch CNN... ABC news shows column of 40 tanks entering Moscow, heading to the ministry building. Apparently pro-yeltson at least a dozen reported killed (source: KCBS Radio) (in norway the moscow situation gets competition from a train crash with fataleties) 2 or 3 regiments (yeltsin loyals) moving into moscow ABC news is now yeilding to other news. Russian TV filling time with relaxing pictures of nature and classical music. yeltzin appointed sherinutzen (sp?) as vice-prez Manwe: Chernomyrdin yeah n-tv (germany) : Dieter Vogel (speaking for the government of Germany) : Germany supports Yeltsin , there is no alternative sorry n-tv (Germany) : John Major ( British Prime Minister) : Great Britain support Yeltsin First of all - If you will read relcom.politics you will be receiving news with the same pace as news agenices there PF news agency releases The situation in Moscow still unchanged Chernomyrdin made an apperarance on TV strongly supproting force measures n-tv (Germany) : Paris, French Government : condemns violence , there is no alternative to Yeltsin, supports Yeltsin how have arabs and asians reacted in sports: dodgers over giants 7-1 in LA. Thank you manwe. Rutskoi suppoertersrs have stromed Andr will try to retranslate some hottest news off relcom.politics for the benefit of all people here Ostankino for the 2nd time but were repelled Andr is in Moscow now (correct me if I'm wrong) Ostankino now is in the circle of army transporters *grumble* Please, Russia only. :-) supporting Eltzin The Headquarters of Moscow Medical Services 00:24 - Itar-Tass translate message from Russian goverment CNN live: white house surrounded by water tank trucks. no army forces seen there fore a number of hours now. a few people moving around in the street. published a text which saias that several doctors are held as hostages at White House cnn live: reports of heavy fighting around the tv center, rutskoi still trying to storm the building now controlled by pro-yeltsiners. in this message people asked not to take part in anti-law nrk(public tv, norway): parlament sympatizers build baricades Accroding to Echpo of Moscow radio station correspondent nrk: yeltsin supporting troups from Kola called in nrk: a bloodbath might well be the end of this thare about 400 people around White House deals. cnn (steve hurst, moscow bureau chief): moscow is pretty calm beside the hotspots of activity. centers of fighting, the white house, and the tv center. 00:24 - Itar-Tass armed people took hegistage in the Itar-Tass building. be back in some minutes Alexii II who was a mediator in peace talks between sides is now having heart attack eugene: a literal heart attack, or are you joking? 00:24 - Itar-Tass many people around City Hall was asked to be there at least one hour to allow to move army nrk commentator: the parlament is taking out the books from 1917 URGENT Hasbulatov vice -- Ispravnikov has claimed on TV just now that he is leaving White Hosue and asked Rutzkoi to stop violence geek:literal heart attack Yes real heart attack great nrk commentator: the voilence was the dumbest the communists could do, the russians wants peace unless they want to be martyrs I will interrupt for a minute ti read latest new nrk pictures: paratroopers, tanks entering moscow nrk: generals forced to take side after voilence, now for yeltsin have the tanks and apcs, the 27th divisions, arrived in moscow and engaged in fighting? nrk: parlament hard-liners willing to fight it out, about 100 of them left ABC news reports hostages being released from government. abc: huge buildup of force ABC news reports "incredible" build up of pro-yeltsin military. sat1 (Germany) : headline : army strikes back - we'll inform you in short .... ABC news reports crowds have dwindled No fighting in Moscow now. Army Troops in place around defence ministry and Kreml with orders to respond if fired at. (Finnish TV) nrk commentator: the pro parlament forces in moscow are not representative for armed forces ABC news reports that TV is back on the air on 3 out of 4 channels. nbc: high presence of troops ABC news reports: talk shows on TV. nrk commentator: russians saddle late but ride fast once they're up :) Jem wants me to announce that jem is archiving relcom.politics for those who cannot get it. Also, a mirror of the log of this channel from the last 10(?) hours. 00:36 - Interfax speach from Mr. Chernomyrdin nrk commentator: the only hope for the blosjeviks is that they get support outsize moscow jem says the archives are at: any news about hostages ? emsi: abc news reports hostages are being released from gevernment buildings in Moscow Speach will be translate by TV and begins from famous words: State in dange! CBS radio reports that "the tide has tuyrned". at least 8 killed, more then 100 injured. Mr. Chernomyrdin describe the situation in Moscow and ask people to trust to goverment nrk commentator: higly unlikely that bolsjeviks will gain support outside moscow Finnish radio: Parliament house being prepared for a possible attack by army forces. No more troops are going to be brought into Moscow. CBS news reports that US President Clinton says he is not very concerned of Yeltsin losing power. Interfax - Special team is created that should take situation under control. In charge of this team is general Konstantin Kobec. can someone please confirm that is no longer accepting anonymous ftp? geek, disconfirm. nrk radio: tanks protecting government, and around parlament, all important places held by yeltsin no conformation geek freeside? it works? geek: i was able to login as ftp Thank you. According to general Dmitry Volkogonov - member of this team - there was talk with head of Taman army group, general Polyakovym which said that rumours about switching of some members of this army group is lying. Heh, this must be the first night since Gulf War, that the Finnish Radio has news on the hour through the night :) geek : will access the same database. Interfax - Ukrain said about aupport for Russian goverment. RaMa: thamnk you. Please announce every 30 minutes or so. oslo signing off, my hopes go out to russia for jeltsin and democracy is it possible for someone to bundle the last half/hour's info into a file and dcc/mail it to me? REallyBad: I wish *I* had a log. :) cnn: vyacheslav kositkov "no more room for compromise with communist hardliners" PostFactum - In StPetersburg all seems to be quiet whoever may need the archive/reports -- mail to you'll get it tomorrow morning Moscow time PostFactum - From police wave: War is war but lunch should be as scheduled. cnn: parliament leaders called "bandits and fanatics" by kositkov andr where are you located cnn: fightning to begin later tonight and buildings may disappear PostFactum - 00:10 - Echo Moscow said about paratroopers but Moscow police doesn't confirm this info where on can i get updates of info on russian crisis? Zhirinovsky said that he is on the Yeltsin's side, 'cause red communists much worst Various people speaking in turn on Russian TV, apparently celebrities appealing to people. Looks convincing even to someone with no Russian knowledge... andr: look on in /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup sat1 (Germany) : 40 tanks in moscow located at Kremlin and the ministrey of defense (PRO Yelstin) sat1 (Germany) : 8 people died in the attack of the tv station cnn: parliament is deeply divided can anyone answer my question? cnn: parliament rule would lead to the ressurection of the old soviet union sat1 (Germany) : Gorbatchev says : Yeltsin should withdroaw all military from Moscow reallybad: what is it i'm looking for some type of file that has as much of the latest updates as possible reallybad hold on /pub/org/uni-s/faveve/tmp reallybad, /msg newsbot brief, /msg newsbot recent sat1 (Germany) : Gorbatchev says : Yeltsin should withdraw his "putting off power of the parliament" cnn: yeltsin's acts tonight may lead to terrorist acts sat1 (Germany) : the elite dvisions in Moscow are pro Yeltsin. Na Shablovke strelyayut tiki: In english please tikitavi where are you located please Hello, we are in Moscow Interfax - curfew in WhiteHouse from 00:00 till 07:00 avk: please report anything you feel important Laatest news: shootiung at Shabolovka, where russian TV is now located i didnt relize so many russians were on the net We attempted to connect from "Echo moskvy" radio station but where unable to enter there. CBS news reports that it anticipates more fighting real soon in Moscow. Luzhkov told that several divisipons entered Moscow. We hadn't seen any at last 4 hours we where at teh center NOW: Hazbulatov told that he never ordered shooting. ;55 poezde oops Defenders of the WH started to shoot at living areas! About 8,000 of people are armed and defending key objects. avk: Defenders of the WhiteHouse are shooting at what living areas? Be back in 5 minutes~! News on Russian TV continue ( I think avk was translating them) footage of a burning building Fighting neare Ostankino TV center still goes on. At l;east 50 are wounded n-tv (Germany) : tchernomyrdin : troups will not be used against civilians. CBS news reports (radio, USA): russian army troops moving into Moscow to maintain order. Fighting heaviest at television tower. At least 24 people have been killed. A lto of gunfire and heavy armor The building of the TV center is on fire, nobody is fighting it. Armnoured vehicles driving in the night, man falling down after a shot, people carrying others to shelter, shots here and there (Russian TV, dunno if it's live) 10 more armed vehicles supporting Eltzin arrived to Ostankino. n-tv (Germany) : Tchernomyrdin : more troops in moscow tonight Mauri : It's semi-live, fresh recordings from places I can transcribe the following from the TV: peated, but that is normal. :) sorry. On the Red Square, pro-Yeltsin people are conducting a meeting (several, in fact) Egor Gaydar was shown talkin in the crowd, saying that attempt to overthrow Yeltsin and take the power has failed He also said that with the troops in Moscw they hope to stabilize the situation in 24 hours meetings are going on several places in the center of Moscow, near the Mossovet building and near the Kremlin The top church organization, Holy Sinod, issued a paper saying that whoever was the cause for blood and violence will be cursed and blamed In my opinion Yelzin won the battle.. but... Ruzkoy some time ago talk with teh Minister iof Internal Affairs on the radio and offered them not to participate in the events. FTP /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup for logs of reports from here and the newsgroup relcom.politics (its also a menu item on gopher at the same site) Russian TV covers international responses now... nothing new/interesting there. * avk gives the keyboard to Tikitavi... THank you avk for your time. Interfax - new head of Russian police according to Supreme Soviet Interfax - about 01:00 in WhiteHouse some policemen captured during attack of Moscow City Hall was shown to journalists Policemen said they didn't have guns OK, according to Interfax, today new chief of Police was appointed by Supreme Soviet. He is general Vasily Trushin PostFactum - 3 doctors are captured in WhiteHouse yet PostFactum - about 100 people went to hospitals till 00-15 but exact number of people shot during the day will be available at 09-00 PostFactum - 00-50 - smallgroups of people goes to Ostankino. Can someone please report on available shortwave frequencies for Radio Moscow, or other reporting stations? PostFactum - 01-08 - army division went by Leninsky prospekt PostFactum - 01-15 - paratroopers went from Tula to Moscow PostFactum - 01-10 - Hunters for tanks from Abkhasia are near the White House to defend it. CBS raiod (USA) reports that a top official states that it will take a lot of force to take down the parliment. (sounds like propoganda to me :) Full number of such people is about 30 now FTP /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup for logs of +reports from here and the newsgr(its also a menu item on +gopher at the same site) You can also /whois pi for an alternative address to ftp the past 11 hours of loggin for this channel. try again: FTP /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup for logs of reports from here and the newsgroup relcom.politics (or point your gopher to the same site) the log is the same on both sites- use sunsite in NA or SA; europeans should use pi's site. PostFactum - all seems to be quiet in Tatarstan PostFactum - Army is around Kremlin. 40 machines hi all, lynsa standing by for npr's main west coast feed. Thank you for that clarification jem. NPR = National Public Radio. This will be from All Things Considered. slowshow2: syntax error at line 4: )' unexpected slowshow2: syntax error at line 4: )' unexpected oops PostFactum - Luzhkov proposed to put away from Moscow those who in WhiteHouse now CBS radio reports: A CBS reporter says that this has been the worst fighting in Moscow since 1917. Also reporting an uncoimfirmed 24 dead. local boston tv: moscow in near anarchy Popov proposed to close newspapers which make todays situation up NPR: leads with attack on TV center and other buildings. PostFactum - All seems to be quiet in Tula NPR reports first major show of army support for yeltsin confirmed, lynsa geek how come i can't talk? NPR: russian army has driven a coumn of 40 armed vehicles into moscow, some outside defense ministry, some outside kremlin. that's from Associated Press. PostFactum - no additional flights to Moscow CBS news reports that U.S. President Clintons support for Yeltsin has not waivered. professor Louise shelly (npr interview) says that local level will determine outcome. test yeltsin (according to shelly) has dismised many local officials and alienated many in the provinces. NPR: Clinton officials say they're convinced Yeltsin will prevail. PostFactum 01-30 - near the Soviet's House guns are given according only drive license or student license NPR: If Yeltsin goes on offensive, he'll get US support. PostFactum - 01-40 - Shooting from the WhiteHouse defenders to living houses near WhiteHouse CNN: reports a LARGE Offensive by Yeltsin army Cnn: are coming soon PostFactum - chief of the 14th army, general Lebed, asked all military men to keep quiet. cnn: clinton speaking PostFactum - In Chelyabinsk all descisions will be done at morning Danish Radio: Ukraine reported to support Yeltsin. NPR: NPR refusing to speculate on # of dead and wounded. Footage from the streets of Moscow again on Russian TV. cnn: showing reviews of the days events NPR: NPR Corresondent Mike Schuster says sporadic gunshots not far from TV center. Seems that troops loyal to Yeltsin have stopped fighting. NPR: Schuster says fighting started with rocket launchers. CNN: Very tense in Moscow Interfax - Eltsin will go to Japan as scheduled. 11-13 of Oct NPR: clarification: rocket launchers in past, during biggest attack on TV tower, which is over. CNN: figuring an offensive by morning Interfax - Yavlinsky push President to use all power NPR: Schuster says there are dozens of armored vehicles, some deployed to the kremlin and defense ministry, some involved at the TV tower. NPR: 3000-4000 ppl demonstrating outside of city council building NPR: Schuster reporting 3-4 thousand pro-Yeltsin people outside city hall demonstrating. Danish Radio: Rutskoy has declared curfew in Whitehouse. Not allowed to cross floors or to be in corridors. whitehouse fears attacks later tonight from pro-yeltsins NPR: Schuster says Moscovites seem to be most concerned about lack of information (comments?) Yelstin apparently never made direct statements. People being interviewed on the streets. No fighting going on at the moment. Large crowds in open areas (Russian TV) NPR: Correspondent Brooke Gladstone in crowd asking why against Yeltsin. Gladstone says mood when she was there was calm at the barricades, no sign of police. People collecting bits of barricade for souvenirs. Hi eugene: any hot news? Accrofding to news there are armed people from Abhazia who are trained CBS radio still reports 24 or more people killed. to take over military machines and tanks a they arrived to support Hasbulatov and they took over at least one of the transporters now used by rebels this info has no military effect -- I mean it is just info how come the rebels have army transporters eugene: cnn reported earlier that rebels got their hands on shields people supporting Eltzin are now organiznig defence groups eugene: have you gone out on the street tonight? Can you tell us about it? CNN: speratic gunfire around the TV Station Echo of Moscow radio station is now defenede by 30--400 Presindet supporters geek : avk & tikitavi were on the streets, ask them when/if they're here again Bravo: ok. Thank you. geek: soory guys was bot on the streets And there are only tiny spots of activity -- Ostankino, White House, Kremlin , Mossoviet, Itar/tass CNN: happens every 5 to 10 mins eugene: no need to be sorry, we REALLY appreciate your reporting news to us. Thank you. NPR: interview with historian in Novo Sibirsk (scuse spelling): says all is calm there, despite the city's general lack of support for Yeltsin. In St.Petersburg it is all deadly quiet still (which is good, I'd say) several hostages whivch were kept by rebels at mayor's office at Arbat were released One of them made an interview on radio Mayor of St. Petersburg has tightened the security measures in the city. He says the city has been peaceful, however. (Finnish TV) Danish Radio: Guard of public buildings in St.Petersburg increased by mayor. He said he was badly beaten by Krasnoyarsk ;s "boeviks" -- who knows Eng. word? eugene : fighting men The doctor is still kept as hostage at White House he is in handcuffs CNN: Dont know when Yeltsin will make a public speech. NPR: former US ambassador Jack Matlock and NPR correspondent Ann Garrels. Garrels says the Clinton administration is asking all kinds of questions: where has Yeltsin been all day? Why did he leave the airwaves to Rutskoi and company? Accroding to Stankevitch - or Shumeiko -- I don't remmeber NPR: and why did the military wait so long? Ambassador Matlock is calling Parliament anti-semites and reactionaries who don't give a damn about the constitution. Yeltzin will make a public speech at the morning. Lynsa: Matlock is right Just reporting what's said :) NPR: Garrels says there was plenty of warning that the attack on the TV station was going to happen, yet no one was there to defend it. Says Yeltsin moved too slowly. NPR: Matlock says who cares, the trick is whether Russia will fall into civil war. For referenece: It is about 3:30am in Moscow right now. NPR: Matlock says it could happen if the Supreme Soviet has its way. to see what has been said before, logs are available on in /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup; also there are reports from the newsgroup relcom.politics. gopher users: look of the root of sunsite gopher. NPR: Garrels says she doesn't think most Russians don't support either side (comments?). Echo of Moscow is now very pessimistic about army and militia actions Lynsa : The majority undoubtedly support Yeltsin, though some layers of the population do it grudgingly... also, /join #news for regular updates. NPR: Matlock is quoting polls showing 41% for Yeltsin (not taken within last 24 hours), and says that's double the next faction's support. Lynsa and all : My personal speculation is that Yeltsin is hesitating t o use raw full power because it'll hurt him during elections in December. His chances are low enough without that. For those in Europe: use the following ftp site for the log of this channel: *** Ivan ( has joined channel #report *** pi is (PI) *** on channels: @#report *** on irc via server (BelWue, Germany [2.8.12]) *** pi is away: i'm sleeping, logs on*, ft Bravo: Eltzin is not going to electinos in _DEcember_! (that last line). there are reports about the fantastic effrots of doctors in Sclifosovsky emergency centre Ok, I stand corrected... Not in December, but during President elections anyway eugene: any reports of how rebels are getting armory NPR: from bottom-of-the-hour news: russian armed forces are apparently standing with Yeltsin. Still reporting 40 armored vehicles in Moscow. That's it. Headlines only. 40 vehicles around Kremlin according to PostFactum Kemo: rebels now have no tanks just armored transport vehicles this vehicles have machine-guns but no guns eugene: any reports of how they got those NPR: broadcasting BBC report of the police vs demonstrators fracas, as the reporter runs for his life. kemo : They reportedly have specially trained armor-hunters from Abkhasia NPR: that was tape from earlier today BTW. NPR: Dmitri Simes of the Carnegie Center speaking with host: NPR: Simes says Yeltsin didn't expect a call for armed rebellion. NPR: Simes says Rutskoi has lost the underdog's advantage, the victim's position, with these attacks. NPR: Simes says Yeltsin has military and security forces on his side. Enough power to make the difference quickly. the radio --and me too - are wondering -- where in the hell are armed forces??? NPR: Simes says today has been a disaster for Yeltsin. He looked inept and indecisive. He must act decisive to win back confidence. they are on Eltzin side -- so where they are??? NPR: Simes says Yeltsin's greatest problem is not in Moscow but in rest of country. As the casualty count goes up, the regions should say the blood is on both their houses. PostFactum - 2-42 - No electricity at Mir hotel and in building of meria Well, that's it from me - my Russian TV feed was cut somehow. I hope things don't get too bloody in Moscow.. good night from Oulu, Finland. Thank you Mauri! We appreciate it! PostFactum - 2-50 - general Arkady Murashov sent 480 people under the leading of colonel Oleg Kuznetsov to Russia TV building. NPR has now moved on to the earthquakes in India. Wiil be back in 5 minutes gonna look for new on whose side is murashov? is he yeltsin's defense minister? ok ABC news in the US reports that they are still not sure about the collumn of 40 armoured vehicles i.e. which side they are on Murashov is on Yeltsin side. Troops were sent to defend building of Russia TV NPR seems fairly sure they're pro-Yeltsin. at least 1 unit of interior ministry troops has defected to }irutskoi's side trot: PostFactum said 40 vehicles around Kremlin to defend Kremlin from WhiteHouse people who will translate "strelyat' na porazhenie"? ABC news reports that they think they are on Yeltsin's side but they still aren't sure ok. PostFactum - from police wave - order shoot to kill CBS news reports that the 40 armoured vehicles were called into Moscow by Yeltsen, or came in to support Yeltsin on their own. andr: who must be kill ? no comment. It's from waves andr: waves--is that police radio? yes, police and army news are coming Interfax - two division of paratroopers will be in Moscow at morning at 4:00 andr: it is 4am in Moscow now. geek: message from 3:00 andr: ok. :) Yeltsin will agree to mutual elections of parlament and President when is yeltsin scheduled to speak Ok people, got to get some sleep, I've to get up at 08:00 and go do some business ok bravo thanks for your help thanks Bravo Thank you for your time Bravo. We do appreciate it. bye bravo Keep it up, I'll read the logs later Yeltsin can make a descision about elections at 9 Oct. Thanks to everyone NPR has signed off news locally, and so must I: I've gotta get some dinner! Good luck to all in Russia--I'll check in in the morning. Interfax - group of officers switched to WhiteHouse side Thank you Lynsa. NPR? BBC reports power has been cut off at the parliment building again. NPR = National Public Radio NPR= National Public Radio PostFactum - at day of Sunday Supreme Soviet tried to make an agreement with KGB. but no luck Any news about the health of the archbishop(?) who was mediating talks between the two sides? PostFactum - 03:00 - Army is in Moscow to defend some strategic places but not in war state NBC: there is a heavy expectation that the troops will try to take the White House PostFactum - there is enough power in Moscow to keep silence from words of vice ministry of defence RIA - some facts of storm of Ostankino from words of man who took part in it. When truch broke doors there was shoot by grenade and shooting began that guy feels himself very pity all news now CBS news commentary is that Yeltsin did not know what he was doing during this crisis./ CBS news commentary is also saying that both sides have lost respect in the worlds eyes based on todays actions. tacci: were you out on the street? Hi, there's a report on local news from dispatches News Briefs (from PostFactum dispatches) October 4, 1993 3:49 AM all times local Abstracted by Kirill Tchaschin ---------------------------------------------- 01:37 Yeltsin-Loyal Tula Paratroopers Desant division has been urgently sent to Moscow 01:10 Sukhumi and Abkhazia trained guerillas called "tank hunters" has been spotted among White House defenders and rebels attacking Ostankino. Claimed to be dangerous for regular army. Already seized one armoured vehicle. 01:45 Chelyabinsk, Ural region -- no emergency meetings has been called amoug local administration. All decisions will be made in the morning. Calm and quiet in the city. Communist supporters who requested the air time were refused it. 01:40 Air traffic controllers support President Yeltsin. All airports are quiet and under control. No calls for strikes were released, according to Viktor Kosunenko, Chief, Federation of air traffic controllers. 01:50 To protect the large pro-Yeltsin meeting on the Tverskaya near the Moscow Mayor office army detachments has been allocated. 01:30 machine guns are distributed near the WHite House to everybody capable to produce any sort of identification, including colledge IDs. 01:40 Armed shooting on civil houses near the WHite House started from its teritory. 01:50 All-Russian meeting in the support of reforms called by Russian Democratic Organizations' Headquarters in Moscow, Russia 03:40 Ostankino station is back under Government control. Almost no fire any nore, thanks to fire brigades work. 04:00 Pro-Yeltsin's meetings are being held now at the Red Square, Tverskaya (across the Mosssovet Building), and Staraya Ploschad' 04:00 Majak radio and Russian television are broadcasting from the reserve emergency studios. ---------------------------------------------- As repored by Postfactum news service. Abstracted by Kirill Tchaschin Newspapers/Reporters/News organizations ONLY: Write for more detailed off-the-spot news coverage. Tacci: can you share any personal feelings / views that you have about the situation, since you are in moscow? Reuters (MOSCO geek: it is the state of emergency -- various conflicting reports, small panic, everything in place. Guerillas with weapons somewhere on streets... Nothing strange Reuters (MOSCOW) The Us. Embassy has asked our corespondent in the compound not to broadcast from embassy grounds Moscvax is in Moscow, Russia, downtown. I' Tacci: have you been out on the street, and had the opportunity to speak with anyone? m not at this location Tacci: ok. I thought you were. Thank you. :) geek: I'm stating wired to radion (two), television (all available channels, computer and the phone. PostFactum - 2-40 - all people captured in building of Krasnopresnensky soviet by WhiteHouse people was released. If the army attacks, they can roll over the W.H. defenders.. they seem to be bringing overwhelming military force there is some articles in relcom.politics called chronicles of coup (in russian). Look at them Australian News reports that some army units have declared support for the White House, but no details for all who can read russian but have no access to russian newsgroups I can send articles by e-mail Im at the Reuters Desk in DC NBC news showed pictures of some units of interior ministry troops marching with White House defenders CBS news reports US currency is up in most markets because of the crisis in Moscow. reuters: anything about this crisis that you feel is worth reporting, please do. All: I'll be back here in 10 minutes. Strange developments around the reserve TV proadcast site tacci: are you going there? if you are (and I do not in any way advise it), exercise extreme caution CBS news reports: "moscow up in arms". CBS news still reports 24 people (at least) killed. CBS news reports 3/4 tv stations off the air. Still fighting at main TV tower. CBS news reporting (and listening to live) shots being fired and tracer rounds. Reuters (MOSCOW) The US Embassy is evacuating all non esstianal personnel from MOSCOW REUTERS (MOSCOW) US Embassy taking sniper fire. CBS news reports people around parliment are re-barricading themselves (about 1000 people) so they can repel the expected attack. CBS news has moved to other news. (5 americans killed in Somolia). has anyone actually in moscow (on irc now) talked to any soldiers ? can anyone please confirm the rueters report of shots fired at the US embassy? Interfax - fighting about Ostankino is continuing Interfax - 5 rings of barricads are around WhiteHouse Interf Interfax - Supposed Rutskoi went to meet army at the edge of Moscow Vice-Premier said that attack of WhiteHouse would be very usefull but too many people there. CBS news in New York is still reporting at least 24 deaths. REUTERS (MOSCOW) Reuters death count stands at 27 Tacci: what is the situation currently? News Briefs (from PostFactum, Interfax dispatches) October 4, 1993 4:43 AM all times local Abstracted by Kirill Tchaschin ---------------------------------------------- 03:30 Kamchatka: Television, Radio are working in this remote place with no problems (own reports) 03:40 Quiet in St Petersbourg. Local police is on alert, although no "events" detected. 04:10 Two Pro-Eltsin desant Divisions (based in Ryazan and Tula) to enter Moscow at 0400 (Interfax). Later reported that they are already in the city 04:50 Eltsin is making a series of consultations with ministry and army officials now. Yeltsin is expected to appear live on Russian television later today. ---------------------------------------------- Newspapers/Reporters/News organizations ONLY: Write for more detailed off-the-spot news coverage. Thanks again Tacci! tacci: how far are you from the centre of Moscow? trot: I'm everywhere, I'm wired. I don't see into windows, It is quiet here in my location mean Tacci: do you have anything on the US. Embassy taking sniper fire? CBS news is reporting that use of force is not ruled out reuters: haven't heard anything. reuters: will check. Reuters is Confirming sniper fire into the US Embassy reuters: why? chance? *** geek has changed the topic on channel #report to News on Russia here! Try #discuss or #news for dicussion. trot: I thought Interfax would be carying it I will be back soon According to Interfax in Moscow almost quiet already. does anyone know if the Paratroopers are in Moscow yet?? Yeltsin to make an address to the Nation in which he will appeal for the violence in Moscow not to degenerate into a civil war trot: when will he make the address? he must be worried about some sections of the army calboy: , other then the troops that were on the Ring road? CBS news still reports 24 dead. geek: don't know, it was just reported on Australian News Are there phone lines open into the Whitehouse? CBS news reporting: Paratroopers were due in Moscow in the past hour. CBS news reports: (again) at least 24 people killed. Reuters (MOSCOW) Reuters has 27 dead CBS news has moved to other news items, nothing else new to report. CNN: Says Yeltsin has been up all night to try to figure out a peaceful way to settle the stand off be back soon Cnn: 2 paratrooper groups are in Moscow yes. *.su is fully up CNN: also said that security at Nuclear silos have been tripled or massively enforced It is amazing that *.su internet has remained up this whole time, and that no group has attempted to use it for themselves. Still new enough to not be wide-spread. CNN: The Paratroopers cheifs said all should be taken care of by 8:00am Russian time during the last coup, the uucp lines to *.su stayed up the whole time CNN: Says "it will take a pitched battle to take the Parliment" CNN: Yeltsin Chief of Staff: there has been an attempt to seize the TV company, but that attack was rebuffed. only one or two locations in moscow where shooting is taking place. ditto: there are about 2000 people outside the white house in the red square, and about 10,000 more elsewhere. ditto: situation is calming down in general. Can we establish contact with people inside the parliament building? ginster: they have no electricity. freeside: 12,000 supporters of Rutskoi? trot: apparently ... that's how many marched in. ABC news report shows some troops clearly wavering a log of the last 15 or so hours of this channel is available on in /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup. also there are reports archived from relcom.politics- gopher users can get the same from the root of the same site. european users should get the same from* (which is the source) a reporter asked one commander whether or not his troops would fire on the crowd. He said that they would not? Hello again eugene. and tacci political crisis seems to be a reflection of world economic crisis geek: reuters left ? Tacci: yes, he said he would be back "soon". Do you or eugenen have anything new for us? I don't know waht is new for U? eugene rather. geek, tell reuters to alert their MOW bureau. SOmething may happen on 0600 local * i 45 minutes). I'm not sure. Maybe rumours. will be back eugene: go ahead anyway, we get filtered news by the time it hits the US tacci: how do you mean? /msg geek 90 ftp hits, 117 gopher hits. Do you know that Rutskoi left White House and went to meet coming forces which are loyal to President trot: I think that he has heard tat things are going to happen at 6am local Moscow time, 40 minutes from now. eugene: we heard a little about that. not much. mostly rumors. /whois oooooo sorry. Accroding to Shumeiko -- vice premier practically all regions have expressed the support for President. Except for 4 regions but he didn't say what regions. In these regions Soviets have red flags waiving over them eugene: what was the result? trot: no result yet there armed forces now on the streets can any other moscow people confirm rumours about action in 40 minutes? Ostankino has been regained by por-goverment foirces trot: nobody can do -- Tacci has the information from classified sources\ trot: it may be right and me be not eugene: do we know what, I'm taking reports for a small left-wing newspaper i mean what classified sources trot: we'd better pretend we don't know :) At least for now The Constitutional Court is awaitnig its seccion 7 judges -- 5 who opposed the previous decision and 2 more wanted a to held its session right now or I should say at night but the chairman Zorkin said that they all a re tired and the session will begin at 10:00 am When Eltzin has signed a decree the Court made a decision in two hours condemning Eltzin with 5 judges opposing it I am empty any body have more news? eugene: CBS news reporting 24 dead, rueters reports 27 dead. Paratroopers have landed in Moscow in the past 1.5 hours. That is all I have. Again, if anyone has any new info, and they cannot "speak", please let a channel operator know. We expect (possibly) more information in the next 30 to 45 minutes. Tacci seems to show up every 15 minutes with new breifs. Erppa tells me that Finnish radio reports 21 dead. SRC (Cabada) Live: Prime Minister just confirmed strong support for Yeltsin Cabada = Canada Erppa also reports Finnish radio reports that most of the dead are teanagers. has anyone heard anything about the price of gold?? teenagers even. topfm: only that it has risen gold is steady, the US dollar is up. Stocks a slow. who had that source for moscow radio stations? (shortwave)? what gives tacci? update tacci? tacci: can you tell us anything more about what is going to happen in 25 minutes? no updates at the moment sorry pals. reuters not here ?? There was some reports from him regarding sniper fire on US embassy tacci: he confirmed it err he/she Tacci: he reported sniper fire, yes. nothing more. yes, s/he. :) Okay....I7m going to look in my Passport to World Band Radio for Radio Moscow's frequencies...I'll post them in a moment. geek: I'm not sure what will haoppen. Probably some armed events. No confirmations yet here.. Just rumors. Will keep you all updated. tacci: is Radio Moscow on air still.... how many fatalities so far? Thank you tacci. we appreciate it. :) tacci: armed events from which side? between 21 - 27 reported. topfm: I'm not sure they are. If you can gimme frequencies, I can tune on them locally to check. trot: I don't know yet. Okay...these are English language, Radio Moscow broadcasts. trot: Pro-Yeltsin has better information channels....... 0030-0800 17825 (E. Asia and Australasia) tacci: well can you tell us your source.. state radio, WH broadcasts 0230-0500 9470 (E. North America) trot: rumors condesing at the Potfactum news service. nothing more. 0300-0800 7270 (W. North America) SRC (Canada) will have update in a few minutes... mal: is that 17825 Hz ? trot: kHz, I think. kHz, yes 0400-0800 9505 (W. North America) on and around 7220 khz only turkish-language broadcasts in Moscow... No Russian or English or other known European languages 0700-1600 11705 (Europe) 7270 I meant Tacci: book is out of date, since I purchased it around Christmas. AuBC : Report 12 deaths and 100 injuries 1430-0900 15420 (E. Asia & Australasia) 1600-2100 17695 (E. North America) AuBC: President GalGor(sp?) is reported as asking people to support Yeltsin. The rest, I suppose are broadcasts yet to happen for some hours for where they're listed, so I'll leave it at that. Thank you Malhavoc. In North America I cannot receive any of those frequencies at this time :( ginster: I'm just scanning through myself, looking for information. AuBC: Yeltsin has only had 15mins sleep???? topfm: more then me. :) :) AuBC: Yeltsin is in a decisive mood. geek: :) if you missed the times and frequencies they're on (along with logs of this channel and reports from relcom.politics) on in /pub/academic/russian-studies/russian-coup or off the root with gopher. whats the gopher address??? the same. port 70?? thanks jem yes which subdirectory? can you provide URL? That loig was started at 17:25 Germany time, or, about 11am EST. It is just under 12 hours old. Hmmm...what with the interference from my computer, I can't seem to find anything but American radio evangelists! :-( is that all... I cant make people shut up in my office. topfm: I guess we wait for another 15 - 30 minutes for the 6am thing freeside: AuBC: Clinton Administration will support Yeltsin even if he does take off his velvet gloves. hmm.. what muscovites are currently awake? where might I access a cyrillic viewer? anyone have any info on the nuclear issue?? who holds the button?? topfm: I think we would rather not think about that question. :( Yeltsin should still have the "button" as all the codes and communications facilities needed to launch a nuclear attack are in the Kremlin. CBS reports Tokyo stocks are lower. CBS reports gold up $2.18 (US) If you have anything to report, but cannot "speak" please let a channel operator know. Reports from Europe and Moscow are needed at this time. I'm tuned into the BBC now, so I guess I can tell you all what they say. ABC news coming up It is 6am in Moscow right now. ..uneasy calm in Moscow Of course....their changing languages to spanish won't help. :-( national public radio (NPR) reports coming up.. Anything new tacci? oops. i guess i missed them. geek: yes, I know Thousands of other citizens have been heading into the streets in response to Yeltsin's call. pro-rutskoi supporters have taken several buildings near the TV station where is log on I can't find please tell us medved Newsreaders have managed to stay on the air most of the night. medved: do a /whois pi several thousand pro-Yeltsin spporters in Red Square Sorry, people, I live in Siberia - too far from Moscow. Alexander Rutskoi has been formally dismissed. tacci: whats happening *** Connection closed from