Date: Sun, 6 Feb 1994 01:08:00 EST From: Wayne Marr Subject: Important Financial Economics Network Announcement X-To: afa-fin@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU Content-Type: text Content-Length: 16537 Status: RO Welcome to the Financial Economics Network Please read below and distribute to your colleagues either by e-mail or a print copy. We are trying to get maximum participation IMPORTANT DOCUMENT ---------------PLEASE READ AND KEEP Short news item: Financial Economics Network is working in cooperation with Vice President Al Gore's Reinvent Government Group by bring all individuals involved with financial matters (federal, state and local) on-line interactively. This will involve the use of list servers, electronic bulletin boards, called usenets, and other relevant technologies like WWW (World-Wide Web). If you you would like to participate with Financial Economics Network, please contact me at (Professor Wayne Marr). Our first meeting will be this week. Any comments that you would like to share with me would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to vol- unteer your services, this would also be appreciated. No one associated with the Financial Economics Network is being paid for this venture. YOU MUST BE SUBCRIBED TO A SUBLIST TO PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSIONS Once subscribed to the master list, you should then be able to subscribe to any of the operating sublists by sending (without quotes) the command "sub afa-xxxx your name" via e-mail to listserv@wsuvm1.bitnet or "xxxx" is the sublist portion of the list name, eg. afa-heal is a sublist on health care finance. Our goal is to make Financial Economics Network the best, largest and truly global network on the Internet -- equivalent to the Financial News Network on television (but with interactivity). The Network consists of a master subscription, called AFA-FIN, with 31 channels. AFA-ACCT (Accounting and Finance) AFA-INV (Investments) AFA-AGE (Gerontology Finance) AFA-LE (Law & Economics) AFA-AGRI (Agricultural Finance) AFA-MATH (Mathematical Finance) AFA-BANK (Banking) AFA-MKTM (Market Microstructure) AFA-CORP (Corporate Finance) AFA-PERS (Personal Finance) AFA-CFA (Financial Analysts) AFA-PUB (Public Finance) AFA-DER (Derivative Securities) AFA-REAL (Real Estate) AFA-EMKT (Emerging Markets) AFA-S-IV (Small Investor) AFA-ECMT (Econometrics and Finance) AFA-SBUS (Small Business Finance) AFA-EDU (Education Finance) AFA-SINV (Social Investing) AFA-HEAL (Health Finance) AFA-SOFT (Financial Software) AFA-INS (Insurance) AFA-VCAP (Venture Capital) AFA-INST (Teaching/Instruction) AFA-WA-R (Real Estate in WA state) AFA-INT (International Finance) AFA-REG (Regulation) AFA-TECH (Technical Investment Analysis) AFA-ENVI (Environmental Finance AFA-DEF (Defense/Military Reconfiguration) We welcome and encourage suggestions for other channels which would be useful to you and other subscribers. Because of subscriber suggestions, we will be adding channels on financial theory (AFA-THR) and financial engin- neering (AFA-ENG) later this week. Additional plans for the Network include: an electronic phonebook in financial economics; electronic bulletin boards, called usenets, which may include such things as logs of FEN discussions, job openings, and resumes; virtual conferences on topics of interest to the financial community; Internet finance courses offered by world-reknown faculty; and possible electronic journals in financial economics. We will also be adding a financial economics WWW server later this year. None of this will come smoothly, of course. But we all firmly believe that projects such as the Financial Economics Network will fundamentally alter communication in financial economics in the coming years. Any suggestions you have concerning the plans of Financial Economics Network are welcomed. We also welcome sponsorship of projects that will enhance services. Please contact Wayne Marr or John Trimble at the e-mail addresses and/or telephone numbers below. Access to the Network is free. But you must request a subscription to be included. Please contact Wayne Marr at Clemson University or John Trimble at Washington State University; John Trimble's Internet address is; telephone: (206) 737-2039. Wayne Marr can be reached at his Internet address:; telephone (803) 656-0796 (voice) or send a facsimile to (803) 653-5516 (fax). NOTE: We are currently having some problem with some internet and bitnet addresses. If you plan on using more than one address or more than one terminal or personal computer, please give us both addresses All addresses must be present in the master list AFA-FIN for you to access the sublists of Financial Economics Network. If you happen to get a message saying that we must add you to the sublist, do not worry. We will add that address that will allow you to subscribe to channels. Please give us some time as we are getting over 200 new re- quests a week. We all still must teach and do research. This is a voluntary effort and none of us are getting paid. We will try and be as responsive as possible. This is a start up operation. There will be bugs. Let us know if you experience problems by sending a message to Wayne Marr at or John Trimble at We will respond as quickly as we can. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFA-FIN will NOT be used for discussions. General interest postings will occur very infrequently (e. g. 4-5 times per year). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER COMMANDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN On & SIGN OFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may sign on or sign off a sublist by sending a message to either the Internet, or the BITNET, address of the list server (whichever your system uses; many have both available). For example, a subscriber named John Doe would SUBSCRIBE to a list (e.g. Health Finance) via internet by sending the following message (NOTE: send to listserv NOT listserve): To: Subj: (leave blank) In the body of the message type [sub (name of list) (your name)]. For example: sub afa-heal john doe A subscriber using BITNET would send the same message to the BITNET address: To: listserv@wsuvm1.bitnet To signoff, follow the same procedure as above except the message would be: signoff (name of sublist). For example: signoff afa-heal would sign you off of list AFA-HEAL. You do not need to give your name to sign off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE THIS!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO POST A MESSAGE TO A SUBLIST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send an e-mail message to the sublist with the message in the body of your e-mail message. (Note most user commands are sent to the list server, listserv. But postings are sent to the list to which you want to post an announcement or message). For example, to send a message to AFA-HEAL: TO: afa-heal@wsuvm1.bitnet SUBJ: Subject of your message Put your announcement or message in the body of your e-mail message to the sublist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL USER COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL USER COMMANDS THAT CAN BE ACTIVATED BY SENDING AN E-MAIL MESSAGE TO: LISTSERV@WSUVM1.BITNET OR TO LISTSERV@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU Adapted from: Revised LISTSERV System Reference Library, release 1.7f ------------------------------------------------------- (c) Eric Thomas 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993 ************************************************************ * *-> LISTSERV REFCARD: General user commands * * * * ************************************************************ Commands are listed in alphabetical order, with the minimum acceptable abbreviation in capital letters. Angle brackets are used to indicate optional parameters. All commands which return a file accept an optional 'F=fformat' keyword (without the quotes) that lets you select the format in which you want the file sent; the default format is normally appropriate in all cases. These commands can activated by sending an e-mail message to any listserv site. (For example, listserv@searn.bitnet or listserv@uga.bitnet are good sources of reference information). For information on AFA-FIN send your message to listserv@wsuvm1.bitnet or List subscription commands (from most to least important) --------------------------------------------------------- SUBscribe listname Subscribe to a list, or change your name if already subscribed SIGNOFF Remove yourself: listname - From the specified list * - From all lists on that server * (NETWIDE - From all lists in the network SET listname options Alter your subscription options: ACK/NOACK/MSGack -> Acknowledgements for postings CONCEAL/NOCONCEAL -> Hide yourself from REVIEW Files/NOFiles -> Toggle receipt of non-mail files from the list Mail/NOMail -> Toggle receipt of mail DIGests/INDex -> Ask for digests or message indexes rather than getting messages as they are posted REPro/NOREPro -> Copy of your own postings? Options for mail headers of incoming postings (choose one): FULLhdr or FULLBsmtp -> "Full" mail headers IETFhdr -> Internet-style headers SHORThdr or SHORTBsmtp -> Short (default) headers DUALhdr -> Dual headers, useful with PC or Mac mail programs CONFIRM listname1 > Confirm your subscription (when LISTSERV requests it) Other list-related commands --------------------------- INDex listname Sends a directory of available archive files for the list, if postings are archived Lists