---------------- README ------------------ [[ This program works with the quote-dump files which can be found in pub/misc.invest/quote-dump ... --Ed S. ]] Included in this directory is a awk script : stockhist This is a simplistic csh/awk parser to retrieve a historical data about a particular issue from the *.rep email stock quoter files. To use stockhist: The stockhist program assumes the data is in ./DATA. If not, youll need to change the DATALOC variable in the stockhist script. Usage: %stockhist ALD searching for 'ALD' date issue close change percent bid ask last volume djia-volume date SYMB:TN PRICE-P CHANGE PCTCHG HIGH LOW LAST VOLUME-V P*V VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 921124 ALD:S* 55.625 0.750 1.37% 55.750 54.875 54.875 163.8K 9.1114M 921204 ALD:S 57.875 0.500 0.87% 58.250 57.500 57.375 245.1K 14.1852M 930113 ALD:S 58.000 -1.125 -1.90% 59.125 57.875 59.125 460.2K 26.6916M etc... Notes: Extracting information this way is horribly inefficient. If I ever have some spare time I may write a converter program to change the format of .rep files to binary. This would make some extended analysis possible. If anyone else has the inkling to do this, feel free! #define MAX_ISSUE_LEN 6 struct _stockrec { char issue[MAX_ISSUE_LEN]; float price; float change; float high,low; float last; float volume; } stockrec_t; Howard Smith smith@nextone.niehs.nih.gov