THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release March 5, 1993 PRESIDENT NOMINATES VLADEK, CANTU FOR POSTS AT HHS, EDUCATION (Washington, DC) The President today announced his intention to nominate Bruce Vladek to be Administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration at the Department of Health and Human Services, and Norma Cantu to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the Department of Education. "I am very pleased to make these nominations today to two extremely important positions," said the President. "Bruce Vladek and Norma Cantu are highly talented individuals with unique qualifications for the leadership roles that I have asked them to take." Vladek has been President of the United Hospital Fund of New York since 1983. Prior to that, he was Assistant Vice President of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. From 1979-82, he was the State of New Jersey's Assistant Commissioner of Health Planning and Resources Development. He has also been an Associate Professor of Political Science at Columbia University and an Associate Social Scientist with the New York City-Rand Institute. He earned his B.A. from Harvard University and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Norma Cantu is the Southwestern Regional Counsel for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), a position she has held since 1985. She has also served MALDEF as the National Director of a Carnegie Endowment-funded Education, Litigation and Advocacy Project and as a Staff Attorney on the Chicana Rights Project. In addition, she has also worked with the Nursing Home Task Force of the Texas Attorney General's office, and has been an English teacher in San Antonio and Brownsville, Texas. Both of these nominations are subject to Senate confirmation. ####