THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 27, 1993 PRESIDENT NAMES PROTOCOL OFFICIALS AT STATE (Washington, DC) President Clinton today announced his intention to appoint Molly Raiser to be the State Department's Chief of Protocol. He also intends to nominate her to the rank of Ambassador while serving in that capacity. In addition, he approved the appointment of Fred DuVal as Deputy Chief of Protocol. "Molly Raiser is an outstanding individual who has worked in a variety of ways to make our nation's capital a better place to live and to increase the participation of women in American politics," said the President. "Along with Fred DuVal, she will do an outstanding job of ensuring that the diplomatic corps and the many foreign dignitaries who come to Washington each year are given a true American welcome." Raiser, a former aide to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been active in a variety of civic causes in the D.C. community since moving to Washington in the late 1970s. Among the organizations she has served on have been the boards of the National Symphony Orchestra, the Ellington Fund of the Duke Ellington School for the Arts, the Higher Achievement Program, the D.C. Chapter of the American Red Cross, and the Sasha Bruce House. In addition, she is the Democratic Chair of the Women's Campaign Fund, and was the Founder of the Women's Council of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. She served on Moynihan's staff from 1977-81 as his Regional Director for Western New York and as a Special Assistant in his Washington, DC office. Raiser was the wife of the late C. Victor Raiser, a former Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee. She holds a B.S. from the University of Virginia and an M.A. from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Fred DuVal is a partner in the Arizona public affairs firm of Nelson, Robb, DuVal & DeMenna, and was Colorado State Director of the Clinton/Gore campaign. He was previously with the firm of Heron, Burchette, Rucker & Rothwell. A former top aide to then- Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt, DuVal was National Campaign Manager for Babbitt's 1988 presidential bid and Executive Director of Americans for the National Interest. He was also a partner in DuVal Advertising from 1984-85. He holds a bachelors degree from Occidental College and a law degree from Arizona State University. # # #