THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release December 15, 1994 PRESIDENT NAMES PAUL HAE PARK TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS The President today announced his intent to appoint Paul Hae Park to the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Paul Hae Park of Illinois is currently President of the East-West Real Estate Company and a member of the Board of Directors of the Foster Bank. Mr. Park has a long history of involvement in the business community. He is responsible for the promotion of international trade and foreign investments for Chicago. Mr. Park is in his second term as Commissioner of the Chicago Economic Development Commission where he has conducted extensive studies and implemented programs on industry retention, international trade and investment and small business development. He has held numerous civic positions, including Board Member for the Chicago Asian-American Advisory Council and President of the Federation of Korean-American Associations of the U.S. Mr. Park received a B.A. from the College of Emporia and an M.B.A. from DePaul University Graduate School of Business Administration. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is established within the Smithsonian Institute and administered by an independent Board of Trustees. The Center fosters scholarship and dialogue in the humanities and social sciences by bringing Fellows to Washington, D.C., encouraging discourse and publishing results of their activities. -30-30-30-