THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release December 30, 1994 STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT CLINTON ON THE ABORTION CLINIC SHOOTINGS IN MASSACHUSETTS I strongly condemn the meaningless violence which abruptly ended the lives of two women and wounded five others in Massachusetts today. Violence has no place in America. No matter where we stand on the issue of abortion, all Americans must stand together in condemning this tragic and brutal act. Nine years ago, President Reagan, a staunch foe of abortion, called for "a complete rejection of violence as a means of settling this issue." We would do well to heed those words today. We must protect the safety and freedom of all our citizens. I am strongly committed to ending this form of domestic terrorism. I have called for a thorough investigation into this attack, and Attorney General Reno and FBI Director Freeh have already begun that task. I urge local officials to work closely with the Federal law enforcement community. Hillary and I extend our deepest sympathy to the friends and families of those who were murdered. I speak for all Americans in expressing my hope for a full and complete recovery for those who were wounded.