THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Nashua, New Hampshire) _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release March 15, 1994 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE POOL Elm Street Junior High School Nashua, New Hampshire Q Does it make you angry? THE PRESIDENT: No, but let me show you something. Look at this. This is what people care about. Here's a child with a preexisting condition. He can't get health insurance. So I went out there, was shaking hands in the crowd, the mother gave me a picture of this child. That's where America is -- with these people -- Q Why do think it's been so hard for you to get your message to -- THE PRESIDENT: I haven't been out here with them. Q (Inaudible.) THE PRESIDENT: You can draw your own conclusion about that, but you heard from a lot of wise people here today. Q Are you angry, Mr. President? You sounded awfully angry last night. THE PRESIDENT: I wasn't. I was happy. What I said last night, I was not angry, but I'm determined. That was a deliberate -- I wanted to tell those people how I felt. And I'm very happy being here today. This is America, this is where they are. Q It sure looks like you started the `96 campaign - -- THE PRESIDENT: It's not about the `96 campaign, this is about what we're going to do in Congress for the American people in 1994. That's what this was about. THE PRESS: Thank you. END ------------------------------ End of forwarded message 1