THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release March 18, 1994 Fact Sheet BOSNIAN FEDERATION SIGNING CEREMONY -- Three documents were signed today at the White House: President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia, Bosnian Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic and Bosnian Croat representative Mr. Kresimir Zubak have signed a document endorsing a Constitution for a new bicommunal Federation in Bosnia, as well as a Preliminary Agreement on a Confederation between the new Federation and Croatia. Prime Minister Silajdzic and Mr. Zubak signed the Constitution itself, undertaking to submit it for approval to a Constituent Assembly that will be established in accordance with the Constitution. Presidents Izetbegovic and Tudjman initialed the Preliminary Agreement on Confederation. -- This signing ceremony marks an important step in the search for an overall settlement to the conflict in Bosnia. -- The 49-page Constitution was drafted during nine days of intensive negotiations in Vienna ending on March 13. U.S. Special Envoy for Yugoslavia, Ambassador Charles Redman, mediated the negotiations. -- Agreement to draft the Constitution had been reached as part of the Framework Agreement establishing the new Federation that was concluded in Washington on March 1. -- the Constitution represents a considerable achievement by the Bosnian and Croat communities in Bosnia. They have gone to great lengths to meet each others' concerns regarding the protection of human and political rights and the security of minority communities. -- As in the Framework Agreement there is a provision for the appointment of a human rights ombudsperson by the CSCE during the first three years of the new Federation 's existence. -2- -- There is also a provision to have the International Court of Justice appoint foreign judges to fill one third of the seats on the Constitution court during the first five years of the Federation. -- The Constitution strikes a careful balance between the rights of the Federal government and the regional cantons, as well as containing safeguards guaranteeing significant representation for both communities in executive, legislative and judicial bodies at each level of government. -- The parties have also reached a "Preliminary Agreement Concerning the Establishment of a Confederation" between the new Federation and Croatia. -- This agreement establishes a series of progressive steps in the economic cooperation of the Federation and Croatia, with the aim of eventually establishing a confederation. -- The next step will be to work with the Bosnian Serbs to develop an overall political settlement in Bosnia.