THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release March 25, 1994 Contact: Lorrie McHugh 202-456-2566 CABINET-LEVEL HEALTH CARE ACTIVITY MARCH 25 -- APRIL 9 The following Cabinet-level officials will be traveling across the country to discuss the President's approach to health care reform. As of March 24, thirty-five senior Administration officials will participate in more than seventy Health Care Events during the Congressional recess. This list will be updated as information becomes available. Attached, please find a comprehensive Health Care travel schedule for the Cabinet and other senior Administration officials. Reporters wishing to cover these events should call the respective contacts and confirm event times and sites. This schedule is subject to change and is not meant to be comprehensive. DAYBOOK EDITORS NOTE: Please list the contact name and number for each event separately. Friday, March 25 WHO: U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell WHAT: Health Care Event with Older Americans WHERE: Metro Manor 1523 Quitman Street Denver, CO TIME: 9:30 a.m. CONTACT: Mark Doyle 202/586-7161 Saturday, March 26 WHO: U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown Congressman Mike Synar WHAT: Oklahoma Veterans Leaders Conference WHERE: Oklahoma Veterans Center 3001 W. Bluestar Claremore, Oklahoma TIME: 9:30 a.m. CONTACT: Kathy Jurado 202/535-8159 Monday, March 28 WHO: U. S. Department of Labor Secretary Robert Reich Representative Robert Andrews WHAT: Health Care Town Hall Meeting WHERE: Seminar Room Chandler County Community College Little Gloucester Road Blackwood, NJ TIME: 10:00 a.m. CONTACT: Beverly Barnes 202/219-8211 WHO: U.S. Department of Education Secretary Richard Riley Congressman Dale E. Kildee WHAT: Tour of Childrens Health Care Center WHERE: AJA Stepanski Early Childhood Center 6010 Hatchery Road Waterford, MI TIME: 2:00 p.m. CONTACT: Kay Kahler 202/401-2571 Tuesday, March 29 WHO: Small Business Administration Administrator Erskine Bowles Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard WHAT: Health Care Town Hall Meeting "The Impact of The President's Health Plan on Small Business" WHERE: City of Commerce Council Chamber 5655 Jillson Street Commerce, CA 90040 TIME: 7:30 a.m. CONTACT: Nicole Elkon 202/205-6905 WHO: Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala Senator Herbert H. Kohl, Cong. Gerald Kleczka WHAT: Health Care Forum WHERE: 16th Street Community Health Center 16th Street Milwaukee, WI TIME: 9:00 a.m. CONTACT: Avis Lavelle 202/690-7850 Tuesday, March 29 WHO: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown Congresswoman Lynn Schenk WHAT: Health Care Forum With Veterans and Veterans Service Organizations Tour of VA Medical Center WHERE: San Diego VAMC 3350 La Jollo Village Drive San Diego, CA 92161 TIME: 8:30 a.m. CONTACT: Kathy Jurado 202/535-8159 WHO: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown Congressman Robert Filner WHAT: Veterans Health Care Event WHERE: Veterans Memorial Center Balboa Park San Diego, CA TIME: 1:15 p.m. CONTACT: Kathy Jurado 202/535-8159 WHO: U.S. Department of Treasury Secretary Bentsen Senator Harris Wofford WHAT: Visit to Community Health Clinic WHERE: TBD, Pennsylvania TIME: Morning Event CONTACT: Howard Schloss 202/622-0136 Tuesday, March 29 WHO: U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy WHAT: Visit to nutrition feeding center WHERE: TBD TIME: TBD, Missouri CONTACT: Steve Kinsella 202/720-4623 Wednesday, March 30 WHO: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown Congressman J.J. Pickle WHAT: Health Care Reform Speech to Veterans WHERE: VFW Post 8787 500 VFW Drive Austin, TX TIME: 1:00 p.m. CONTACT: Kathy Jurado 202/535-8159 WHO: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala Congressman Jim Slattery WHAT: Tour of Onaga Community Hospital WHERE: Onaga Community Hospital 120 West 8th Street Onaga, KS TIME: 9:00 a.m. CONTACT: Avis Lavelle 202/690-7850 Thursday, March 31 WHO: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala Congressman Dan Glickman WHAT: Health Care Reform Town Hall Meeting WHERE: Winfield High School Auditorium Winfield, KS TIME: 7:00 p.m. CONTACT: Avis Lavelle 202/690-7850 WHO: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala Senator Barbara Feinstein WHAT: Tour and Health Care Reform Discussion WHERE: San Francisco General Hospital San Francisco, CA TIME: 9:45 a.m. CONTACT: Avis Lavelle 202/690-7850 o Also on March 31, Vice President Al Gore will travel to Philadelphia, PA and participate in a Health Care Reform Event with older Americans. o Small Business Administration Administrator Erskine Bowles - Congresswoman Blanche Lambert. Health Care Event in Arkansas. Friday, April 1 WHO: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala Congressman Vick Fazio WHAT: Rural Health Care Town Hall Meeting WHERE: Woodland Opera House Maine Street Woodland, CA TIME: 12:55 p.m. CONTACT: Avis Lavelle 202/690-7850 The following is a list of Cabinet-level officials who are scheduled to travel from April 1 to April 9 on Health Care Reform. Further detail on the events will be available at a later date. Friday, April 1 o Transportation Secretary Federico Pena - Congressman Barcia. Health Care Discussion with Employees at the GM Plant in Saginaw, Michigan. Monday, April 4 o Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala - Congressman Mike Synar. Health Care Event in Oklahoma. o Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala - Congressman Ralph Hall. Health Care Event in Texas. Tuesday, April 5 o Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala - Congressman William Jefferson & Congressman Cleo Fields. Health Care Event in Louisiana. Wednesday, April 6 o Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt - Congressman Sam Farr. Health Care Event in California. o Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown - Senator Paul Wellstone. Tour a Veteran Affairs Medical Center and Health Care Discussion with Veteran Service Organizations in Minneapolis, Minnesota. o Labor Secretary Robert Reich - Congressman Gerald Kleczka. Health Care Event in Wisconsin. o Deputy Secretary Roger Altman - Congressman Jake Pickle. Health Care Event in Austin, Texas. Thursday, April 7 o Deparment of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala - Congressman Frank Pallone. Health Care Event in New Jersey. Friday, April 8, 1994 o Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown - Congressman Paul Kanjorski. Tour Wilkes-Barre Veteran Affairs Medical Facility and Health Care Discussion with Veteran Service Organizations in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. o Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown - Senator Harris Wofford. Tour Scranton New Veterans Home and Health Care Discussion with Local Veteran Service Organizations in Scranton, Pennsylvania. o Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros. Health Care Event to be determined. o Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary. Health Care Event in Los Angeles, California. o Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala. Health Care Reform Speech at Hunter College in New York, NY. o Transportation Secretary Federico Pena - Congresswoman Maria Cantwell. Health Care Discussion with Fisherman in Seattle, Washington. o Education Secretary Richard Riley - Senator Jeff Bingaman. Health Care Event in New Mexico. Saturday, April 9 o Commerce Secretary Ron Brown - Congressman Xavier Becerra. Health Care Event in California. The following senior Administration officials will be traveling across the country to discuss the President's approach to health care reform. Monday, March 28, 1994 o Dena Puskin - Congressman Larry LaRocco. Satellite Health Care reform event on telemedicine: Boise, Idaho. Tuesday, March 29, 1994 o Richard Veloz - Congressman Esteban Torres. Health Care Town Hall Meeting. o Marilyn Yeager - Massachusetts Hospital Association. Addressing this years annual New England Chapter's Healthcare Financial Management Association. o Walter Zelman - Participating Hospitals of Long Island Physicians Forum at Franklin General Hospital: New York. o Bruce Vladek - HRSA Colloqium. Speaking on Health Care Reform from the perspective of HCFA. Audience consists of Physicians, nurses, psychologists, sociologists and public health administrators: Rockville, MD. Wednesday, March 30, 1994 o Ira Magaziner - Senator David Boren. Health Care Reform Town Hall Meeting: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. o Bo Cutter. Joint Labor Management Executive Committee of the Retail Food Industry: Washington, DC. o Risa Lavisso-Mourey - Odessa Brown Children's Clinic: Seattle, Washington. o Elaine Weiss - WBEZ FM radio station. Live media presentation on Health Care: Chicago, IL. o Larry Levitt - San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Conference on HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform. o Arnie Epstein - Health Care Forum with Congressman Ron Klink: Jeanette,Pennsylvania. Thursday, March 31, 1994 o Glenn Hutchins - Congressman Clay Shaw. Health Care Reform Discussion with 100 business, community and health care leaders: Miami, Florida. o Fernando Torres Gill - Congressman Esteban Torres. Health Care Town Hall Meeting: La Puente, California. o Dr. Phil Lee - Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey. Attending a business community Health Care Forum: Petaluma, California. o Bob Van Hook - Congressman Stenholm. Speaking at a forum sponsored also by Joe Barton and John Bryant. Health Care Reform event: Dallas, Texas o Walter Zelman - Chesapeake General Hospital, The Virginian- Pilot and The Ledger-Star, WTKR-TV 3. Speaking at a Healthcare Reform Town Meeting: Norfolk, Virginia. o Bruce Vladek - New England Healthcare Assembly. Speaking on HCFA's agenda and health care reform. Audience consists of executives and managers from six New England states. o Bruce Vladek - Massachusetts Health Data Consortium. Speaking on HCFA's data capabilities and health care reform. Audience consists of Board members. 5:00-6:00 pm: Boston, Massachusetts. o Judy Feder - Senator Murray. Roundtable discussion with leaders on Washington State health care reform at Senator Murray's office. 8:45-10:45 am: Seattle, Washington. Friday, April 1, 1994 o Bob Van Hook - Congressman Green. Health Care Forum: Houston, Texas. Monday, April 4, 1994 o Veterans Affairs Deputy Secretary Hershel Gober - Congressman Gibbons. Visit the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. Health Care Reform Forum for Local Veteran Ser vice Organizations: Tampa, Florida. o Veterans Affairs Deputy Secretary Hershel Gober - Congresswoman Thurman. Veterans Health Care Forum: Tampa, FL. o Jonathan Silver - Congressman Jim Chapman. Town Hall meeting: East Texas. o Judy Feder - Brookings Institution seminar on US policymaking and issues in national and international affairs for 40 senior executives enrolled in advanced management program at MIT. Tuesday, April 5, 1994 o Judy Feder - Senator Daschle. Charles Hall Dillon Lecture at the University of South Dakota Law School. o Judy Feder - Senator Daschle. Health Care Reform Town Hall Meeting (site TBD). Wednesday, April 6, 1994 o Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman - Congressman Pickle. Health Care Reform Event: Austin, Texas. Thursday, April 7, 1994 o Christine Heenan - MCET The Mass Learn Pike. Satellite program to participate in a live broadcast consisting in 5 sessions which familiarize students with the federal legislative process through participation in testifying, researching, interviewing, debating, lobbying and amending: Washington, DC. o Susan Blumenthal - Congressman Kleczka's. Health Care Town Hall Meeting: Wisconsin. o Fernando Torres Gill - Congressman Bilirakis. Health Care Reform Forum: Tampa. Florida. Friday, April 8, 1994 o Bob Hattoy - Women of Color AIDS Council. Speaking for the first annual summit called, "Breaking the Silence: Voices of HIV Positive Women of Color Living the Reality" o Jocelyn Elders - Women of Color AIDS Council. o Bruce Vladek - Congressman Amo Houghton. Health Care Reform Forum: Corning, New York. Saturday, April 9, 1994 o Arnie Epstein. Northern Neck Health Action Group. Forum on National Health Care Reform: Kilmarnock, Virginia. -30-30-30-