THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release October 4, 1994 PRESIDENT NAMES RAY OWEN AND ROBERT A. JONES TO NORTH ATLANTIC SALMON CONSERVATION ORGANIZATION The President today intends to appoint Ray Owen of Maine and Robert Jones of Connecticut as U. S. Commissioners to the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization. Mr. Owen is a Professor of Wildlife Resources at the University of Maine at Orono, where his major areas of interest are physiological ecology, wetlands ecology and wildlife policy. He currently serves as Commissioner of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and as Trustee and Vice-Chair of the Maine Nature Conservancy. In addition, Mr. Owen has served as Director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, and as Commissioner and Chair of the Maine Land Use Regulation. Mr. Owen was born July 14, 1937 in Providence, Rhode Island. He received a bachelor of arts degree from Bowdoin College in 1959 and earned both a masters degree in 1966 and a Ph.D. in 1968 from the University of Illinois. He resides in Orono. Robert A. Jones worked from 1972-1992 in a variety of positions at the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, retiring as Chief of the Bureau of Fisheries and Wildlife in 1992. Mr. Jones was also employed by the Connecticut Board of Fisheries and Game from 1954-1972. Previously, he served as the former Commissioner of the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission, and is an active member of the American Fisheries Society. Mr. Jones was born on August 3, 1930 in Manchester, Connecticut. He received a bachelor of science degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Management from the University of Connecticut in 1952. Mr. Jones is a resident of South Windsor, Connecticut. The North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) was formed by the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic in 1982 and implemented in the United States by the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Act of 1982. The purpose of NASCO is to gather, analyze and disseminate information pertaining to salmon stocks in the North Atlantic and to promote conservation and rational management of such stocks through international cooperation. -30-30-30-