THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT ____________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 5, 1994 STATEMENT OF ELAINE KAMARCK SENIOR POLICY ADVISOR TO THE VICE PRESIDENT THE NATIONAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW In the year since it was announced, Vice President Gore's National Performance Review has made significant progress in reinventing the federal government to make it work better and cost less. Financial World's survey results of the federal government, announced today, provide further evidence of the initiative's real and measurable results. Ten of the federal government's largest departments and agencies evaluated increased their skill and efficiency in management to receive higher ratings that ever before. The Vice President's NPR report places a priority on adoption of many of the principles already widely practiced in the private sector. They include putting customers first -- in this case the American people, empowering employees to make decisions while holding them accountable for the results, and cutting unnecessary and burdensome bureaucracy and red tape. While much work is left to be done, it's clear that those principles are working to increase efficiency and effectiveness across the federal government. ##