THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT _________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1994 STATEMENT BY VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE I want to formally request an apology from Oliver North for demeaning the United States military at a time when all Americans, with the exception of Oliver North, are coming together in support of our Commander in Chief and sending a clear message to Saddam Hussein that his threatened aggression will not work. In his statement that the President of the United States is not his Commander in Chief, Oliver North has again demonstrated utter contempt for the Constitution of the United States as he has done on previous occasions. He has put the rankest form of partisanship ahead of the nation's interests in a manner which is insulting to our armed forces, to our flag, to the soldiers who are prepared to go into battle if necessary. Moreover, he has increased the risk faced by our soldiers in uniform by inviting Saddam Hussein to miscalculate our nation's resolve. He is giving aid and comfort to a foreign dictator openly challenging U.S. forces in the field. It is despicable, it is unpatriotic and as is often the case with statements from Oliver North, it is also patently untrue. We do in fact have the capability to face down Saddam Hussein, and I call on Oliver North to publicly apologize and to for once in his life, admit that he has stated a falsehood instead of trying to pretend that he didn't say it. ##