THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release October 13, 1994 THE PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY HONOR THREE MUSEUMS FOR THEIR PUBLIC SERVICE WORK The President and First Lady today recognized three museums for their outstanding work in our nation's communities. In a ceremony at the White House, the First Lady presented the National Award for Museum Service to the Brukner Nature Center in Troy, Ohio; the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens in Jacksonville, Florida; and the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis, Missouri. "This national honor is a tribute to the power of museums to engage children, families and communities, in towns and cities all across America," said the President. Added the First Lady, "These museums use the wealth of their collections and scholarly expertise to address real community concerns. We celebrate their impressive achievements and extend our deepest thanks for their success in using history, science, and art to effect positive change." The National Award for Museum Service honors museums that demonstrate an institutional commitment to public service with innovative programs that address educational, social, economic or environmental issues. This award marks the first time that a national award will recognize museums that are central to the life of their communities. Today's recipients were selected by the Institute of Museum Services and the National Museum Services Board from over 60 nominations. The Institute of Museum Services is an independent agency established to increase and improve museum services. The Institute makes grants to all types of museums, urban and rural, throughout the United States. -30-30-30-