THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release October 17, 1994 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT UPON DEPARTURE FOR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Andrews Air Force Base 8:50 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: I'm delighted by the announcement from Amman today that King Hussein and Prime Minister Rabin have reached agreement on the text of an Israel-Jordan peace treaty. These two visionary leaders today resolved that their nations should henceforth live in peace and as good neighbors. This was an extraordinary achievement; it must be welcomed by the friends of peace all around the world. At a time when hatred and extremism and threatening behaviors still stalk the Middle East, this agreement reminds us that moderation and reason are prevailing, that nations can put conflict behind them, that courageous statesmen can lead their people to peace. On behalf of the United States and all the American people, I congratulate Prime Minister Rabin and King Hussein, and even more, the people of Israel and the people of Jordan. Together they are embarking on a journey, a journey of peace that will bring a bright future for generations to come. The United States has stood by them and worked with them, and we will stand by them every step of the way. Thank you very much. Q Are you going to the Middle East, sir, if a peace treaty is signed there? THE PRESIDENT: I have nothing to say about that yet. Q Does it sound good for -- Syria, the talks in Syria? THE PRESIDENT: I think it is very good. It's -- we're continuing to work there, and we're encouraged. We just have to keep working. We have to keep working until it's all done. Thank you. END8:52 A.M. EDT