THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release October 28, 1994 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT AN ARRIVAL CEREMONY IN ISRAEL Ben Gurion International Airport Lod, Israel 4:00 p.m. (L) THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Mr. President, Mrs. Weizman, Prime Minister Rabin, Mrs. Rabin. To all the people of Israel, it is wonderful for Hillary and for me to be back in Israel and especially to come here in this capacity and at this momentous time. Yesterday was an historic day for the poeple of Israel and for the people of Jordan. It was also a wonderful day for the rest of the world, for we gained a glimpse yesterday of the future of a new Middle East. Like all Americans, I have been inspired by Israel's long struggle to survive and to flourish. Today Israel is strong and growing stronger. You stand on the threshold of a new era of peace and security. America, as always, is proud to stand with you. We intend to remain by your side in the years ahead. Your new peace treaty points the way toward a goal we have all sought for a very long time -- a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. This goal, as we all know, will require all Israelis to continue to demonstrate the awesome courage and vision and determination that has brought you this far. But we have seen the bright promise of the future. I would like to say, on a very personal level, how much I have enjoyed working with the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, and all the others on the Israeli team; how much it has meant to the Secretary of State and to all the rest of us to have the opportunity to be part of a genuine commitment to lasting peace. I look forward to meeting with the Prime Minister, to speaking at the Knesset. I hope to have the chance to meet as many citizens of this magnificent country as possible. I thank you for making us feel very welcome. Thank you. (applause.) 4:14 p.m. (L)