======================================= Frequently Asked Questions for CHPOEM-L ======================================= ===================== 1. What is CHPOEM-L ? ===================== CHPOEM-L is an electronic mailing list devoted to sharing and _discussing_ Chinese poems. Postings in either uuencode GB, HZ, or uuencoded BIG5 are welcome. Postings to this list is automatically considered by `Hua Xia Wen Zhai' editors for publication. The suggested 'membership fee' is to post ONE poem per YEAR. With more than 365 subscribers, for that 'membership fee', you can get at least ONE poem per DAY. Try to use as reliable a source as possible when typing poems, and identify it in your message. As a general rule, try to use the following format: line 1: AUTHOR TITLE ; (Poet's name, a space, then title of poem) line 2: ; (Leave a blank line before starting text) line 3: ...text... ; (Text of poem) ... .... your name and email id at the end To subscribe to CHPOEM-L, send email to either LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. Leave the subject line blank. For the text of the message, enter the following line only (filling in your name as appropriate): SUB CHPOEM-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname Once you subscribed to CHPOEM-L, you can communicate with other subscribers by sending email to either CHPOEM-L@UBVM.BITNET or CHPOEM-L@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. To unsubscribe from the list, send the message SIGNOFF CHPOEM-L to either LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. =============================== 2. Where are postings archived? =============================== Postings of this list are archived in a number of FTP places. If you do not know how to use anonymous FTP, please send a message to ftp-info@ifcss.org. Wang Huangxin ( wang@pennmess.physics.upenn.edu ) collected postings to this list and put them into a number of files in GB format according to categories. They are available via anonymous FTP from ifcss.org ( ) in the directory of china-studies/chpoem/gb ahkcus.org ( ) in directory of gb/poem lunix.met.kth.se ( ) in directory pub/poem Read README in the same directory for details. Shann Wei-Chang made some corrections of the Tang2 Shi1 300 Shou3 Ned Walsh posted in Spring '92 and put them them into one big file in Big5 format. He also added a tiny index. The file is now available via anonymous FTP from ifcss.org ( ) in the directory of china-studies/chpoem/b5 dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw ( in the directory pub/shann/chinese/literature/TangShi.300 In the same place one can also find the poems, songs and riddles in Hong Lou Meng, input by Yao Minghui, Wang Feng and Deng Mingqi with corrections by Shann Wei-Chang. It is in BIG5 format. The pre-Tang peoms posted by Ned Walsh in BIG5 and some chinese classics, analects, daxue, mencius, xiaojing, zhongyong, inputed by John H. Jenkins in Big5 can be found from ifcss.org /b5 directory. Current postings not yet included in Wang Huangxin's collection can be found from: ifcss.org ( ) in the directory of china-studies/chpoem/tmp* This directory serves as a temporary place for current postings and the files will be deleted once they are included in Wang Huangxin's collection. =========================== 3. About Chinese Computing =========================== Most commonly used softwares can be obtained from ifcss.org[]:/software directory via anonymous FTP. Read 'catalogue' first. Also some FAQs in ifcss.org[]:/china-studies/net-resources may also help. The following are rarely mentioned in other FAQs so I include them here. ======================= File format conversions ======================= mac uses CR as end of line. msdos uses CR/LF as end of line. unix uses LF as end of line. The file formats are automatically converted by file transferring programs, but sometimes not. The following are solutions: mac to unix: unix-prompt> tr '\015' '\012' < infile > outfile mac to msdos: can be done by add-lf.exe FTP'able from ifcss.org:/software/dos/utils msdos to unix: can be done by flip.exe FTP'able from ifcss.org:/software/dos/utils msdos to mac: see below unix to msdos: can be done by flip.exe FTP'able from ifcss.org:/software/dos/utils unix to mac: see below Mac users: You have it the easiest. The Mac will interpret all three possible end-of-line markers without difficulty. Beware, however, that downloading files in text mode causes line- feeds to be replaced with carriage returns--creating double carriage returns when downloading DOS files. Avoid this by always downloading files in binary mode. ================ uuencode problem ================ Some uuencoded file has a little bug, i.e. there is an "short file" error at the end of the uudecoded file, usually garbage tacked on to otherwise complete text. Fix: please replace all spaces AFTER the "begin 644....." line with single-back-quotes (`). And if there's a blank line between the last line of encoded text and the "end" line, please type a ` there as well. Another solution is to get uuencode.c and uudecode.c from ifcss.org in the directory of /software/unix/utils compile them, and use them for uuencoding and uudecoding. ================== 4. Acknowledgement ================== I would like to thank all contributors to this list. Special thanks are goven to Ned Walsh ( walsh@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu ) for creating and mainteining this file previously and inputing many poems including Tang Shi 300 Shou and Wang Huangxin ( wang@pennmess.physics.upenn.edu ) for the collection of the poems posted in this list. -- XiaoFei Wang ( xiaofei@einstein.physics.buffalo.edu )