Jules Verne Centennial

The Smithsonian Institution Libraries have posted a web site containing some examples of the illustrations drawn from early editions of Verne's work. These include first editions of Five Weeks in a Balloon and Robur the Conqueror .

The page may ve viewed at http://www.sil.si.edu/OnDisplay/JulesVerne100/index.htm

A Jules Verne Centennial: 1905 - 2005

is an SIL On Display project first developed in December 2005. Smithsonian Institution Libraries Washington, D.C. 2005

On Display Curator

Norman Wolcott

Volunteer, New Media Office, Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Norman Wolcott, a retired physicist and Naval officer, is currently a volunteer at the Smithsonian working on multi-media projects. He has recently been involved in research on the works of Jules Verne and his translators making several of the works of Verne available for free download on the Project Gutenberg website. He delivered a paper at the March 2005 Mondial Centenary Verne celebration in Amiens, France, on “The Victorian Translators of Verne”. His latest activity has been the publication (as the Choptank Press) of the first dual language edition of a Verne novel, The Blockade Runners, complete with the 1874 illustrations.

Site design

Martin R. Kalfatovic
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Digital imaging information

Original images captured at 300 dpi using BetterLight Super6K at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries Imaging Center Images stored as TIFFs. High resolution web images reduced to 72 dpi and rescaled to 750 pixels on the short side. Low resolution images reduced to 256 colors and rescaled to 750 pixels on the short side.