Current PG Books on Line

V001 4548 Cinq Semaines En Ballon French    
V001 3526 Five Weeks in a Balloon English "Lackland" Appleton
V002 3748 A Journey to the Interior of the Earth English Malleson Ward-Lock
V002 xxxx A Journey to the Centre of the Earth English Anon. S+L
V002 10349 Naar het middelpunt der Aarde Dutch    
V002 4791 Voyage au Centre de la Terre French    
V003 799 De la Terre a la Lune French    
V003 83 From the Earth to the Moon English Mercier S+L
V003 12901 Moon Voyage (Ward-Lock Edition) English Anon. Ward-Lock
V004 11927 Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras French    
V004-2 9618 The Field of Ice (Capt. Hatteras-II) English Anon. Routledge
V005 2083 Children of Captain Grant English Anon./Boss Routledge/Parke
V005 14163 Les enfants du capitane Grant French    
V006 164 20,000 Leagues under the Sea English Mercier  
V006 2488 20,000 Leagues under the Sea English Walter PG
V006 11205 20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Oostelijk Halfrond Dutch    
V006 11393 20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Westelijk Halfrond Dutch    
V006 5097 20000 Lieues sous les mers French    
V006 5095 20000 Lieues sous les mers Part 1 French    
V006 5096 20000 Lieues sous les mers Part 2 French    
V007 83 Around the Moon English Mercier S+L
V007 4717 Autour de la Lune French    
V007 16457 All Around the Moon English Roth Cath. Pub.
V007 12901 Moon Voyage (Ward-Lock Edition) English Anon. Ward-Lock
V008 8992 Blockade Runners English "N. D'Anvers" S+L
V008 14847 "The Floating City" Finnish    
V010 8991 The Fur Country English "N. D'Anvers" S+L
V011 103 Around the world in 80 days English Towle Osgood,S+L
V011 2154 Around the world in 80 days, Jr Ed. English Towle; ed. Osgood,S+L
V011 11318 De reis om de wereld in tachtig dagen Dutch    
V011 3456 Tour Du Mond 80 Jours French    
V011 800 Tour du Monde en 80 Jours French    
V012 11589 Maître Zacharius; Le docteur Ox French    
V013 1268 The Mysterious Island English Kingston S+L
V013 8993 The Mysterious Island English White Warburton
V013 14287 L' ÍÎe Mysterieuse French    
V014 1652 Survivors of the Chancellor English Frewer S+L
V014 1698 Survivors of the Chancellor English Frewer/Boss S+L/Parke
V015 1842 Michael Strogoff English Kingston/Boss S+L/Parke
V015 7442 Michel Strogoff French    
V016 1353 Off on a Comet I and II (Hector Servadac) English Frewer/Boss S+L/Parke
V017 5081 Les Indes Noires French    
V017 1355 Underground City English Kingston/Boss S+L/Parke
V018 12051 Dick Sand English Anon. Munro
V018 9150 Dick Sands English Frewer/Boss S+L/Parke
V019 4968 Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Begum French    
V020 14162 Les tribulationsd'un Chinois en Chine French    
V022 3091 Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon English Gordon S+L
V022 14806 La Jangada French    
V025 8174 Keraban Le Tetu, Vol. I French    
V025 8175 Keraban Le Tetu, Vol. II French    
V029 16344 The Waif of the Cynthia English Anon. Munro
V030 3808 Robur the Conqueror (Clipper of the Clouds) English Anon. S+L
V030 5126 Robur-le-Conquerant French    
V030 1559 Robur der Sieger German    
V031 13527 Ticket No, "9672" English Kendall Munro
V031 15203 Un billet de loterie French    
V033 15646 Nord contre sud French    
V035 12533 Sans dessus dessous French    
V035 10547 Topsy-Turvy English Anon. Ogilvie
V039 5082 Le château des Carpathes French    
V040 11263 The Adventures of a Special Correspondent (Claudius Bombarnac) English Anon S+L
V044 11556 Facing the Flag English Anon. Neely
V044 16826 Face au drapeau French    
V046 10339 An Antarctic Mystery English Cashel-Hoey S+L
V050 16827 Un village aerién French    
V054 3809 The Master of the World English Anon. Parke
V061 11484 Le pilote du Danube French    
V999 16085 A Voyage in a Balloon English Wilbur Sartain

Last Updated on 11/26/05
By Friar_Tuck