EHR Education and Human Resources CFDA #47.009, 47.066-69, 47.071 PROGRAM DEADLINES: January 15, 1992-- Career Advancement Awards (CAA). (Brochure NSF 90-121.) Eligibility requirements: experienced women researchers who are eligible to receive standard NSF research grants. Because of the nature of these awards, co-investigators would not be appropriate. Contact the disciplinary program officer or Dr. Peter Yankwich (357-7926). [P.T.34;II; K.W.1000000,0600000,0400000.] Research Planning Grants (RPG). (Brochure NSF 90-121.) Eligibility requirements: Women eligible for standard NSF awards who have not previously served as principal or co-principal investigators on an individual federal award or whose research careers have been interrupted for at least two of the past five years. Because of the nature of these awards, co-investigator would not be appropriate. Contact the disciplinary program officer or Dr. Peter Yankwich (357-7926). [P.T.34;II; K.W.1000000,0600000,0400000.] January 31, 1991-- (CORRECTED DATE) NSF Young Investigator Awards. (Brochure NSF 91-112.) Ms. Mary Sladek, Division of Research Career Development (357-9466). [P.T.34; K.W.1000000,0600000.] February 1992-- Curriculum Development in Mathematics--Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus. (Brochure NSF 91-125.) Dr. James Lightbourne, Division of Undergraduate Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (357-7051). [P.T.25;FF;DD;II; K.W.0600000,1000000,1010000,0502031,0502042.] February 14, 1992-- Comprehensive Regional Centers for Minorities (CRCM)/Career Access. (Brochure NSF 91-129.) Supports developing systemic approaches at the precollege level to increasing the presence of underrepresented minorities in science and engineering by establishing major Regional Centers. Eligibility: coalitions of colleges and universities, school districts, business and industry, professional organizations, state and local governments, and community groups. Dr. Costello Brown, Division of Human Resource Development (357- 7461). [P.T.04; AA,FF.] Summer Science Camps (SSC)/Career Access. (Brochure NSF 91- 129.) Supports residential and commuter enrichment projects for minority students in grades 7-9. Eligibility: school districts, museums, colleges and universities, and non-profit youth-centered and/or community-based organizations. Dr. Costello Brown, Division of Human Resource Development (357-7461). [AA,FF; K.W.0314000,0403013,0403001,0502006,0504000.] March 1992-- Graduate Research Traineeship Program. (Contact Program for Brochure.) Dr. Roosevelt Johnson, Division of Research Career Development (357-7536). [P.T.34,44; K.W.0500000.] March 1, 1992-- Instructional Materials for Secondary Mathematics Program. (Brochure NSF 91-100.) Dr. Margaret Cozzens (357-7066). [P.T.25; K.W.0502023.] March 31, 1992-- Partnerships for Minority Student Achievement (PMSA)/Career Access. (Brochure NSF 91-129.) Preliminary proposals required by Jan. 10, 1992. Supports comprehensive precollege education reform programs targeted on school systems with significant minority student populations. Eligibility: city or county school systems or subunits within the system. Dr. Costello Brown, Division of Human Resource Development (357-7461). [P.T.04,42,25,14; DD,FF,II; K.W.0502023,0502031.] TARGET DATES: January 15, 1992-- Applications for Advanced Technologies. Preliminary proposals required. (Brochure NSF 88-29.) Ms. Beverly Hunter, Division of Materials Development, Research, and Informal Science Education (357-7064). [P.T.34; K.W.0502031,0503003,0503016.] February 1, 1992-- Informal Science Education. Preliminary proposals required. (Brochure NSF 88-29.) Dr. Robert Russell, Dr. Hyman Field, or Dr. Barbara Butler, Division of Materials Development, Research, and Informal Science Education (357-7076). [P.T.20,25; K.W.0502031,0503003,0503016.] Teacher Enhancement. (Brochure NSF 91-105.) Dr. Mary Bahns (357-7078), Dr. Julia Clark or Dr. Alan Goodman (357-7431), Dr. Larry Enochs or Dr. Joseph Stewart (357-7074), Dr. David Schindel (357-7069), and Dr. Marjorie Enneking (357-7539), Division of Teacher Preparation and Enhancement. [P.T.34; K.W.0502031,0502023.] Teacher Preparation. (Brochure NSF 91-105.) Dr. Miriam Leiva, Division of Teacher Preparation and Enhancement (357-7069). [P.T.34; K.W.0502036,0504000.] February 14, 1992-- Alliances for Minority Participation (AMP). Implementation Proposals. (Brochure NSF 91-129.) Supports proposals designed to form coalitions among the science, engineering, and mathematics community to substantially increase minority baccalaureate degrees in fields supported by NSF. Eligibility: research scientists, engineers, educators, and administrators may submit for non-profit organizations and/or academic institutions. Dr. William McHenry or Dr. Ana Guzman, Division of Human Resource Development (357-7461). [P.T.34;FF; K.W.1000000,0600000,1010000,0502031,0502023,0502042.] Research Careers for Minority Scholars (RCMS). (Brochure NSF 91- 129.) Program provides grants to all U.S. colleges and universities to assist in the implementation of projects that will contribute to the entry and retention of minority undergraduate students in science and engineering. Dr. Roosevelt Calbert, Division of Human Resource Development (357-5054). [P.T.34;FF; K.W.1000000,0600000,0400000,1010000.] February 15, 1992-- Research in Teaching and Learning. Preliminary proposals required. (Brochure NSF 88-29.) Dr. Raymond Hannapel or Ms. Barbara Lovitts, Division of Materials Development, Research, and Informal Science Education (357-7071). [P.T.34; K.W.0502031,0503003,0503016.] ENG Engineering CFDA #47.041 PROGRAM DEADLINES: January 2, 1992-- Research in Electrochemical Synthesis. (Joint Program of the Electric Power Research Institute and the NSF.) (Brochure 91-108.) Contact the Program Director for the Chemical Reaction Processes Program, Division of Chemical and Thermal Systems (357-9606). [P.T.34; K.W.0605000.] January 15, 1992-- Research Initiation Awards (RIA). (Contact Program for Brochure.) Ms. Sharon Middledorf, Division of Engineering Infrastructure Development (786-9530) or Dr. Bernard Chern, Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate (357- 7373). [P.T.34; K.W.0605000,0607000,0608000.] State/Industry University Cooperative Research Centers. (Brochure NSF 91-42.) Dr. Tap Mukherjee, Division of Engineering Centers (357-9707). [P.T.04,34; K.W.1107000.] January 31, 1992-- Advanced Polymeric Materials (Joint NSF/EPRI Program). (Contact Program for Brochure.) Dr. Jorn Larsen-Basse, Division of Mechanical and Structural Systems (357-9542). [P.T.34; K.W.1009008.] Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation for Large Structural Systems (NDE). (Contact Program for Brochure.) Dr. John Scalzi, Dr. Ken Chong, or Dr. Mehmet Tumay, Division of Mechanical and Structural Systems (357-9542). [P.T.34; K.W.0609000.] February 1, 1992-- Engineering Research Equipment Grants (REG). (Brochure NSF 90-146.) Sharon Middledorf, Division of Engineering Infrastructure Development (786-9530). [P.T. 18,34; K.W.0600000.] Engineering Education Coalitions--Phase I Proposal. Dr. Win Aung, Division of Engineering Infrastructure Development (786- 9532). [P.T.25; K.W.0502042.] GEO Geosciences CFDA #47.050 TARGET DATES: January 1, 1992-- Arctic Social Sciences. (Brochure NSF 90-57.) Dr. Noel Broadbent, Division of Polar Programs (357-7817). [P.T.34; LOC.0014000.] Division of Atmospheric Sciences. Research proposals that require National Center for Atmospheric Research or university- based national facilities for the period Oct. 1, 1992, through Apr. 1, 1993. Dr. Stephen Nelson (357-9431) or Dr. Clifford Jacobs (357-9695). [P.T.34; K.W.1001010.] OSTI Office of Science and Technology Infrastructure CFDA 47.073 PROGRAM DEADLINES: February 3, 1992-- Academic Research Infrastructure Program. (Brochure NSF 91- 140.) Dr. Nathaniel Pitts or Dr. Sonja Sperlich (357-9808). [P.T.14.] STIA Scientific, Technological, and International Affairs CFDA #47.053 PROGRAM DEADLINES: January 15, 1992-- U.S. Taiwan Cooperative Science Program. Proposals for cooperative research projects and joint workshop seminars. Dr. William Chang, Division of International Programs (653-5343). [P.T.34; K.W.0112133.] Summer Institute in Japan. (Brochure NSF 90-144.) Up to 50 U.S. science and engineering graduate students will intern at Japanese research labs and receive Japanese language training in Tsukuba Science City, Japan, during the summer of 1992. Contact Publications (357-7861), NSF, 1800 G Street, N.W., Wash., D.C. 20550 or via E-mail, pubs@nsf (BITNET) or (Internet). [P.T.34,48; K.W.0112066; Loc.0112070.] TARGET DATES: March 1, 1992-- Cooperative Science, Engineering, and Science Education Programs with Western Europe. (Brochure NSF 91-3.) Semi-annual target dates for proposals for joint research, seminars, and state-of-the- art surveys. Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Germany, and Switzerland. Ms. Christine French (653-5437). Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Ms. Rose Bader (653-5437). Greece, Portugal, and Spain. Dr. Harold Stolberg (653-5749). Italy. Ms. Jeanne Hudson (653-5437). Division of International Programs. [P.T.34,42,48; K.W.0400000,0600000,1000000.] Science in Developing Countries: North Africa and Turkey, Dr. Edward Murdy (653-5361); Sub-Saharan Africa, Dr. Frances Li (653-5361); East Asia, Dr. Gerald Edwards (653-5343); South and West Asia, Dr. Osman Shinaishin (653-5362); Latin America and Caribbean, Dr. Harold Stolberg or Ms. Emily Rudin (653-5749). Division of International Programs. [P.T.34,48; K.W.1000000,0400000,0600000.] End Part 2