Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) Position and Location: Positions periodically available, Division of Materials Research. Type of Employment: One- or two-year rotational/temporary basis under the terms of the Visiting Scientist Program. Duties and Responsibilities: Planning, coordination, and management of basic research activities primarily through federal grants and contracts to academic institutions and nonprofit, non- academic research institutions. Qualifications: Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, engineering, or other related fields and six or more years of successful research experience beyond the Ph.D. Broad knowledge of the field, and some administrative experience required. For More Information: Division of Materials Research Director, Dr. Jagdish (Jay) Narayan or Deputy Director, Dr. Adriaan de Graaf, 357-9794. Position and Location: Program Director positions which periodically become available, Division of Mathematical Sciences. Type of Employment: One- or two-year rotational/temporary basis under the terms of the Visiting Scientist Program. Duties and Responsibilities: Planning, coordination, and management of basic research activities primarily through federal grants and contracts to academic institutions and non-profit, non-academic research institutions. Qualifications: Ph.D in mathematics, six or more years of successful research experience beyond the Ph.D. Broad, general knowledge of the field, and some administrative experience required. For More Information: Division of Mathematical Sciences Division Director, Dr. Judith Sunley, 357-9669. Staff Changes Edward M. Finn to MacMurdo Station Manager, Division of Polar Programs, 357-7808. Michael R. Haney to Associate Program Director, Teacher Enhancement Program, Division of Teacher Preparation and Enhancement, 357-7074. Michael K. Lamvik to Program Director, Instrumentation and Instrument Development, Division of Biological Instrumentation and Resources, 357-7652. James D. Sandefur to Program Director, Instructional Materials Development Program, Division of Materials Development, Research and Informal Science Education, 357-7076. Martha Scott to Associate Program Director, Chemical Oceanography, Division of Ocean Sciences, 357-7694. Kenneth N. Schatten to Program Director, Solar Terrestrial Research, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, 357-7618. Sergio R. Signorini to Associate Program Director, Physical Oceanography, Division of Ocean Sciences, 357-7907. Herman P. Zimmerman to Program Manager, Climate Dynamics Program, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, 357-9892. March 1992 Publications Before ordering printed copies of brochures, please try NSF's on- line publishing service called STIS, the Science and Technology Information System it's fast and it's free. You can access electronic copies of program announcements, the Guide to Programs, Grants for Research and Education in Science and Engineering, the Bulletin, the NSF Phone Book, and other NSF publications. Abstracts of awards for the years 1989 through 1991 are also available. To access the system, follow the instructions on the STIS flyer (NSF 91-10, rev. 10-4-91). To get an electronic copy of the flyer, send an E-Mail message to (Internet) or stisfly@NSF (BITNET). Single copies (printed) of the following publications are available from the Forms and Publications Unit, Room 232, National Science Foundation, 1800 G St., N.W., Wash., DC 20550. Printed publications may also be ordered by FAX (703/644-4278) or electronically via E-Mail. Send E-Mail requests to (Internet) or pubs@NSF (BITNET). Requests must include the NSF publication number and title, number of copies needed, your name, and a complete mailing address. Publications will be mailed within two days of receipt of request. NSF 86-53. NSF-ICOT Visitors Program -- (Japan). NSF 89-2. NSF Grants and Awards, FY 1988.* NSF 89-59. Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 with Regulations, Maps of Special Areas, and Application Forms (Public Law 95-541). NSF 89-85. Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER). (Brochure) NSF 89-100. U.S.-U.S.S.R. Cooperation in Field of Basic Scientific Research. NSF 90-1. NSF Annual Report, FY 1989. NSF 90-2. NSF Grants and Awards, FY 1989.* NSF 90-33. NACSIS: NSF Gateway to Japan's University-Based National Science Information System. NSF 90-58. NSF's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program: An Assessment of the First Three Years. NSF 90-77. Grants for Research and Education in Science and Engineering. NSF 90-108. Precollege Science and Mathematics Education. A chapter reprinted from Science and Engineering Indicators--1989. NSF 90-144. Japan Program Announcement. NSF 90-149. Research on Key Issues in Science and Engineering Education. NSF 90-121. Research Planning Grants and Career Advancement Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers. NSF 90-150. NSF's Presidential Young Investigators Program: A Study of the First Two "Classes." NSF 90-301. Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. NSF 91-1. NSF Annual Report, FY 1990. NSF 91-3. Western European Program Announcement. NSF 91-10. STIS Flier. NSF 91-38. About the National Science Foundation. (Flier) NSF 91-41. Antarctic Program Announcement and Proposal Preparation Guide. NSF 91-45. Division of Computer and Computation Research, FY 1989. (Summary of Awards) NSF 91-48. The Alan T. Waterman Award. NSF 91-61. Publications of the National Science Foundation. NSF 91-80. Guide to Programs, FY 1992. NSF 91-87. Visiting Professorships for Women. NSF 91-100. Instructional Materials for Secondary School Mathematics. (Solicitation) NSF 91-103. Presidential Faculty Fellows. NSF 91-105. Teacher Preparation and Enhancement. (Program Announcement and Guidelines.) NSF 91-108. Research in Electrochemical Synthesis. (Program Announcement.) NSF 91-109. Studies in Science, Technology, and Society. NSF 91-112. NSF Young Investigator Awards. (Guidelines for FY 1992.) NSF 92-2. NSF Grants and Awards, FY 1991.* NSB 89-1. Science and Engineering Indicators -- 1989. NSB 89-2. The State of U.S. Science & Engineering -- Statement Accompanying Science and Engineering Indicators -- 1989. *Number of grants and dollar totals only, listed by state, NSF directorate, and NSF division (no details on PI's, grant titles, etc.). END March Bulletin