This is the historic linux archive. I rummaged through all the cd's and old ftp archives I could find to put this together. It includes snapshots of the early linux archives including and It includes the early distributions including MCC (Manchester Computing Center) and SLS (Softlanding Linux Systems) which were the first and amongst the beautiful attempts to make linux easy to install and use. The early redhat releases are also included as is early Suse, Debian, Slackware, and Blade. Most of the software here is free and open although the early redhats include some free commercial software as well. The early distributions ran on machines as small as 386's with 2-4 MB of RAM, so these could be fun ways to resurect ancient hardware. This is my newest gift to the linux community: a linux museum. If you have further contributions of historic software and/or documentation about these works, send e-mail to