The Linux NIS(YP)/NIS+/NYS HOWTO by Andrea Dell'Amico , Mitchum DSouza , Erwin Embsen Version 0.2, Last Modified on June 16, 1994 CONTENTS 0. Glossay of Terms 0.1. Some General Information 1. Introduction 1.1. New versions of this document 1.2. Disclaimer 1.3. Feedback 1.4. Acknowledgements 2. NIS or NIS+ (aka. NYS) ? 3. How it works 4. What you need to set up NIS? 4.1. The RPC Portmapper 4.2. Determine whether you are a Server, Slave or Client. 4.3. The Software 4.4. Setting up a NIS Client 5. What you need to set up NYS (NIS+)? 5.1. Determine whether you are a Server, Slave or Client. 5.2. The Software 5.3. Setting up a NYS Client 5.4. The nsswitch.conf File 6. Setting up a NYS server 7. Verifying the NIS Installation 8. Common Problems and Troubleshooting NIS 9. Frequently Asked Questions 0. Glossary of Terms In this document a lot of acronyms are used. Here are the most important acronyms and a brief explanation: DBM DataBase Management, a library of functions which maintain key/content pairs in a data base. DLL Dynamically Linked Library, a library linked to an executable program at run-time. FTP File Transfer Protocol, a protocol used to transfer files between two computers. NIS Network Information Service, a service that provides information, that has to be known throughout the network, to all machines on the network. nsl network services library, a library of network service calls (socket, bind, etc...) on SYSV Unixes. NYS This is a mutation of the word NIS and represents the NIS+ services library written by Peter Eriksson . RPC Remote Procedure Call. RPC routines allow C programs to make procedure calls on other machines across the network. YP Yellow Pages(tm), a registered trademark in the UK of British Telecom plc. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It's a data communication protocol often used on Unix machines. 0.1. Some General Information The next three lines are quoted from the Sun(tm) System & Network Administration Manual: "NIS was formerly known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP) but the name Yellow Pages(tm) is a registered trademark in the United Kingdom of British Telecom plc and may not be used without permission." NIS stands for Network Information Service. It's purpose is to provide information, that has to be known throughout the network, to all machines on the network. Information likely to be distributed by NIS is: - login names/passwords/home directories (/etc/passwd) - group information (/etc/group) So, for example, if your password entry is recorded in the NIS passwd database, you will be able to login on all machines on the net which have the NIS client programs running. Sun is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. licensed to SunSoft, Inc. 1. Introduction More and more, Linux machines are installed as part of a network of computers. To simplify network administration, most networks (mostly Sun-based networks) run the Network Information Service. Linux machines can take full advantage of existing NIS service or provide NIS service themselves. This document tries to answer questions about setting up NIS(YP)/NIS+/NYS on your Linux machine. Don't forget to read section 4.1, The RPC Portmapper. 1.1. New versions of this document New versions of this document will be posted periodically (about every month) to the newsgroups comp.os.linux.announce and comp.os.linux.misc. The document is archived on a number of Linux FTP sites, including in pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO. 1.2. Disclaimer Although this document has been put together to the best of our knowledge it may, and probably does contain errors. Please read any README files that are bundled with any of the various pieces of software described in this document for more detailed and accurate information. We will attempt to keep this document as error free as possible. 1.3. Feedback If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please email them to . Definitely contact him if you find errors or obvious omissions. 1.4. Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the people who have contributed (directly or indirectly) to this document. In alphabetical order: Andrea Dell'Amico Mitchum DSouza Erwin Embsen Byron A Jeff 2. NIS or NIS+ (aka. NYS) ? The choice between NIS and NIS+ is a question of flexibility vs. maturity. Generally NIS has been around longer and sometimes suffers from its age, inflexibility, and administration difficulties. NIS+ addresses all these problems, provides more flexibility, is easier to set up and administer, and is backward compatable with NIS servers and thus recommended for first time users setting up Linux machines within a NIS enviroment. However, unlike NIS which is integrated into the standard C library, NIS+ requires you to relink all deamons and clients wishing to access these services with the NYS library libnsl.a (similarly to SYSV - or the shared library However, once clients and deamons are compiled with NYS, they bypass the /etc/host.conf mechanism totally (for host lookups) and determine their resolving mechanism via the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. 3. How it works Within a network there must be at least one machine acting as a NIS server. If there are more machines in the network providing NIS, then one machine is said to be the master NIS server and all the other NIS servers are so-called slave NIS servers. Slave servers only have copies of the NIS databases and receive these copies from the master NIS server whenever changes are made to the master's databases. Depending on the number of machines in your network and the reliability of your network, you might decide to install one or more slave servers. Whenever a NIS server goes down or is too slow in responding to requests, a NIS client connected to that server will try to find one that is up or quicker. With NYS, however, the /etc/nsswitch.conf file determines which host you want to go to for a particular service (as there is no binding deamon `ypbind') if your primary NIS server is not running or is too slow to respond. This adds more flexibility as you are able to choose on a per-service basis which host should answer what query. For example, you may specify that if the master server `A' is down then, for host queries, go to server `B' and for password queries go to server `C' etc.. NIS databases are in so-called DBM format, derived from ASCII databases. For example, the files /etc/passwd and /etc/group can be directly converted to DBM format using ASCII-to-DBM translation software ('dbload', it's included with the server software). The master NIS server should have both, the ASCII databases and the DBM databases. Slave servers or client machines will be notified of any change to the NIS maps, (via the "ypbind" deamon), and automatically retrieve the necessary changes in order to synchronize their databases. 4. What you need to set up NIS? 4.1. The RPC Portmapper To run any of the software mentioned below you will need to run the program /usr/sbin/rpc.portmap. Some Linux distributions already have the code in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 to start up this daemon. All you have to do is comment it out and reboot your Linux machine to activate it. The RPC portmapper (portmap(8c)) is a server that converts TCP/IP protocol port numbers into RPC program numbers. It must be running in order to make RPC calls (which is what the NIS client software does). When an RPC server is started (like a NIS server program), it will tell portmap what port number it is listening to, and what RPC program numbers it is prepared to serve. When a client wishes to make an RPC call to a given program number, it will first contact portmap on the server machine to determine the port number where RPC packets should be sent. Normally, standard RPC servers are started by inetd(8C), so portmap must be started before inetd is invoked. 4.2. Determine whether you are a Server, Slave or Client. To answer this question you have to consider two cases: 1. Your machine is going to be part of a network with existing NIS servers 2. You do not have any NIS servers in the network yet In the first case, you only need the client programs (ypbind, ypwhich, ypcat, yppoll, ypmatch). The most important program is ypbind. This program must be running at all times, that is, it should always appear in the list of processes. It's a so-called daemon process and needs to be started from the system's startup file (eg. /etc/rc.local). As soon as ypbind is running, your system has become a NIS client. In the second case, if you don't have NIS servers, then you will also need a NIS server program (usually called ypserv) and you have to designate one of the machines in your network as a master NIS server. Note that it is a good practise to designate at least one machine as a slave server. 4.3. The Software The system library "/usr/lib/libc.a" (version 4.4.2 and better) or the shared library "/usr/lib/" and its related DLL contain all necessary system calls to succesfully compile the NIS client and server software. Some people reported that NIS only works with "/usr/lib/libc.a" version 4.5.21 and better so if you want to play it safe don't user older libc's. The NIS client software can be obtained from: Site Directory File Name /pub/linux/yp yp-linux.tar.gz /pub/OS/Linux/util/networking/\ util-swan/Programs/System/yp/ yp-linux.tar.gz /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin yp-clients.tar.gz Once you obtained the software, please follow the instructions which come with the software. 4.4. Setting up a NIS Client Assuming you have succesfully compiled the software you are now ready to install the software. A suitable place for the ypbind daemon is the directory /usr/sbin. You'll need to do this as root of course. The other binaries (ypwhich, ypcat, yppoll, ypmatch) should go in a directory accessible by all users, for example /usr/etc or /usr/local/bin. It might be a good idea to test ypbind before incorporating it in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2. To test ypbind do the following: - Make sure you have your domain name set. If it is not set then issue the command: /bin/domainname my.domain where my.domain is the domain your machine is part of. - Start up "/usr/sbin/rpc.portmap" if it is not already running. - Create the directory "/var/yp" if it does not exist. - Start up "/usr/sbin/ypbind" - Use the command "rpcinfo -p localhost" to check if ypbind was able to register its service with the portmapper. The rpcinfo should produce something like: program vers proto port 100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 2 udp 111 portmapper 100007 2 udp 637 ypbind 100007 2 tcp 639 ypbind 300019 1 udp 660 - You may also run "rpcinfo -u localhost ypbind". This command should produce something like: program 100007 version 2 ready and waiting Finally, do not forget that for host lookups you must set (or add) "nis" to the lookup order line in your /etc/host.conf file. Please read the manpage `resolv+.8' for more details. At this point you should be able to use NIS client programs like ypcat, etc... For example, "ypcat passwd" will give you the entire NIS password database. IMPORTANT: If you skipped the test procedure then make sure you have set the domain name, and created the directory: /var/yp This directory MUST exist for ypbind to start up succesfully. If the test worked you may now want to change the files /etc/rc.d/rc.M and /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 on your system so that ypbind will be started up at boot time and your system will act as a NIS client. Edit the file /etc/rc.d/rc.M and look for the commands which set the domain name. Change the domain name into the name of your domain. Also, edit the file /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2, comment out the lines which start up the rpc.portmap daemon, and add the following lines just after the place where rpc.portmap is started: # # Start the ypbind daemon # if [ -f ${NET}/ypbind -a -d /var/yp ]; then echo -n " ypbind" ${NET}/ypbind fi Unlike Sun's implementation of NIS you do not need to edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group to take advantage of NIS. Sun's implementation needs a line "+:*:0:0:::" in /etc/passwd and a line "+:*:0:" in /etc/group to tell NIS to search the NIS password and group databases. Well, that's it. Reboot the machine and watch the boot messages to see if ypbind is actually started. IMPORTANT: Note that the netgroup feature is not yet implemented. Netgroups allow access control for every machine and every user in the NIS domain, and they require an entry like: +@this_machine_users in /etc/passwd. At this moment, every user in the NIS password database can access your linux machine if you run "ypbind". 5. What you need to set up NYS? 5.1 Determine whether you are a Server, Slave or Client. To answer this question you have to consider two cases: 1. Your machine is going to be part of a network with existing NIS servers 2. You do not have any NIS servers in the network yet In the first case, you only need to relink all client and deamon programs with the NYS library (or statically link them with libnsl.a). This means adding the line LIBS=-lnsl to your Makefile signifing you want to link the Network Services Library. Basically all network deamons and the `login' program need to be recompiled. In no way is this an easy task, and a full "NYS aware" suite of programs is being gathered. Similarly like in the case of the standard NIS, if you don't have NIS servers, then you will also need a NIS server program (usually called ypserv) and you have to designate one of the machines in your network as a master NIS server. Again, you might want to set up at least one slave server as well. 5.2 The Software You need to retrieve and compile the NYS services library If you don't have the DLL tools installed you may retrieve a precompiled shared, static and stub library from the same site mentioned below. The NYS library (source and precompiled version) can be obtained from: Site Directory File Name /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS nys-0.26.tar.gz /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/lib Precompiled `login' and `su' programs may also be fetched from Site Directory File Name /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/bin login /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/bin su Similarly, example configuration files may be retrieved from Site Directory File Name /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/etc *conf For compilation of the nsl library, please follow the instructions which come with the software. If you wish to compile the shared DLL library you must have the DLL tools installed in the standard place (/usr/dll). The DLL tools (the package tools-2.11.tar.gz) can be obtained from many sites. 5.3. Setting up a NYS Client Unlike NIS, there is no setting up required for a NYS client. All that is required is that the configuration files (/etc/yp.conf, /etc/nis.conf) point to the correct servers for their information. See the examples provided with the source code. 5.4. The nsswitch.conf File The Network Services switch file /etc/nsswitch.conf determines the order of lookups performed when a certain piece of information is requested, just like the /etc/host.conf file which determines the way host lookups are performed. Again, look at at the example file provided in the source distribution. For example, the line hosts: files nis dns specifies that host lookup functions should first look in the local /etc/hosts file, followed by a NIS lookup and finally thru the domain name service (/etc/resolv.conf and named), at which point if no match is found an error is returned. 6. Setting up a NYS Server The NIS/NYS server software can be found on: Site Directory File Name /pub/NYS ypserv-0.5.tar.gz /unix/system/linux/funet/BETA/NYS ypserv-0.5.tar.gz /os/linux/BETA/NYS ypserv-0.5.tar.gz The server setup is the same for both NIS and NYS. Compile the software to generate the 'ypserv', 'dbcat' and 'dbload' programs. Firstly, determine what files you require to be available via NIS/NYS and then add or remove the appropriate entries to the ypMakefile. Now build the DBM files by % make -f ypMakefile Make sure the portmapper (rpc.portmap) is running, and start the server 'ypserv'. The command % rpcinfo -u localhost ypserv should output something like program 100004 version 2 ready and waiting That's it, your server is up and running. 7. Verifying the NIS/NYS Installation If everything is fine (as it should be), you should be able to verify your installation with a few simple commands. Assuming, for example, your passwd file is being supplied by NIS/NYS, the command % ypcat passwd should give you the contents of your NIS passwd file. The command % ypmatch userid passwd (where userid is the login name of an arbitrary user) should give you the user's entry in the NIS passwd file. The 'ypcat' and 'ypmatch' programs should be included with your distribution of NIS or NYS. 8. Common Problems and Troubleshooting NIS Here are some common problems reported by various users: 1) The libraries for 4.5.19 are broken. NIS won't work with it. 2) If you upgrade the libraries from 4.5.19 to 4.5.24 then the su command breaks. You need to get the su command from the slackware 1.2.0 distribution. Incidentally that's where you can get the updated libraries. 3) You could run into trouble with NIS and DNS on the same machine. My DNS server occasionally will not bring up NIS. Haven't yet tracked down why. 4) When a NIS server goes down and comes up again ypbind starts complaining with messages like: yp_match: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused and logins are refused for those who are registered in the NIS database. Try to login as root and if you succeed, then kill ypbind and start it up again. 9. Frequently Asked Questions Most of your questions should be answered by now. If there are still questions unanswered you might want to post a message to or contact one of the authors of this HOWTO.