This is the Linux/MIPS FAQ. If you can't find an answer to your question here, please contact . The current version of this FAQ is ftpable from ( in /pub/linux/mips. Last update: 94/09/12 Q) What is "Linux/MIPS" ? A) Linux/MIPS is a Linux port for computers equipped with Mips R4x00 processors. For further information, see below. Q) Who is "Waldorf Electronics" ? A) Waldorf Electronics is a small company in Germany, mainly building synthesizers and other things for the music market. Yes, this has normally nothing to do with Linux or Un*x in general. However, we at the R&D Department use both Mips and Linux/i486 boxes for development and believe in the future of Linux, even in the music world. That's why we created this project. Q) On what hardware will Linux/MIPS run ? A) The first target will be the Deskstation Tyne series. These systems support R4400PC and R4600 processors with speeds currently up to 133 MHz. The main boards are equipped with up to 2 Meg L2 Cache, 256 Meg main memory (PS/2 SIMMs) and have 4 ISA plus 2 VLB slots. For further information about Tyne computers, in particular prices, please contact Deskstation Technology at 800-793-3375 (US only), ++1-913-599-1900 (international) or ++44-773-829-542 (Europe). Please note that all questions regarding Linux/MIPS should be directed to . Q) Will Linux/MIPS run on Deskstation systems only? A) Certainly not. We plan to support as many platforms as possible. If you have a Mips-based computer and want to run Linux on it, please let us know. In general, all ARC (Advanced Risc Computing) compliant platforms have good chances to be supported. Q) Will Linux/MIPS run on my old DECstation ? A) If someone is willing to spend some time into the necessary kernel and device driver changes -- yes. Feel free to contact us, we already know of several other people interested in Linux for DECs. Q) Which I/O cards will be supported ? A) This depends on your system. ARC systems, in particular the Tyne systems, support every standard ISA and VLB card, at least in theory. But since we don't have much experience yet, we cannot guarantee that just the cards *you* have will work too. Q) What is the state of the project ? A) Very early, we are still working on the kernel. Please do not expect a full-featured and complete Linux/MIPS package next week. This will take some time. Q) Where can I get kernel patches ? A) Since Mid-August the kernels distributed by Linus Torvalds include our latest changes. You can download them from most major Linux ftp sites. Q) Any support/development tools available ? A) Yes. We have a cross-compilation environment for Linux/i386 which includes GCC, binutils and SPIM, a Mips R2000/R3000 simulator. Binaries and documentation are available from following ftp sites: There's also a large number of useful docs about Mips processors on Q) Is there a mailing list ? A) Yes. We created a linux-activists channel called "mips". To subscribe to this list, send a message to with the command "X-Mn-Admin: join mips" as the first and only line. Q) Can I help ? A) Yes, if you're familiar with C, the Linux kernel and Mips processors your help is appreciated! Please feel free to contact us at