This new file list is available on the Web as: The best way to get to sunsite's ftp archive is to point your web browser at: Note that this will work for mirror sites as long as you replace the site name and the path with appropriate ones. As always, send comments to Erik -------------------- this is space for rent (still) ------------------------- /pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map/Projects-Map.gz (13160 bytes) List of ongoing Linux-related projects (Oct 03 17:35:02 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/drivers/arcnet-0.12.tar.gz (16678 bytes) lets ARCnet cards work with 1.1.51 (Oct 02 06:39:14 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/diskdrives/atdisk2-kernel-1.1.47+.tar.gz (16539 bytes) allows the use of 2 at type hd controllers [1.1.47] (Sep 02 04:58:33 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/c2ps110l.tar.gz (141162 bytes) Big5 chinese -> PostScript converter [demo only] (Oct 03 04:43:31 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/dclock2.tgz (156726 bytes) digital clock (Oct 03 08:16:36 GMT) /pub/Linux/utils/file/managers/mc-0.14.tar.gz (89778 bytes) MouseLess Commander (Sep 16 22:21:03 GMT) /pub/Linux/devel/fortran/fort77.tar.gz (2340 bytes) compiler - like driver for f2c, written in Perl (Sep 30 22:11:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/apps/inetd.term.tar.gz (43379 bytes) inetd w/ term support (Sep 26 16:16:24 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/ircii-2.3.22beta+term.tar.gz (361134 bytes) beta irc client w/ term support (Sep 01 03:01:04 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/ircII2.3.17+tv1.1.tar.gz (444038 bytes) full-featured irc client (w/ term) (Sep 28 03:20:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/router/ipxbridge-0.1.tar.gz (7709 bytes) simple IPX bridge program (Sep 23 04:33:42 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/networked/Ftptool4.6-bin.tar.gz (78231 bytes) OpenLook interface for ftp (Sep 24 01:40:00 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/networked/llnlXFtp2.0.3-Motif-bin-static.tar.gz (764974 bytes) Mosaic interface for ftp (statically linked) (Sep 24 11:00:50 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/tex/ntex/ntp-121.tgz (345026 bytes) upgrade from ntex 1.2 to 1.2.1 (Sep 23 23:27:29 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/newmail3.0.tar.gz (5126 bytes) notifies user on receipt of new mail (Sep 28 19:41:18 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/procfs01-1149.tgz (35248 bytes) procfs as a loadable module (Sep 07 01:24:11 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/readers/splitdigest-2.1.tar.gz (25672 bytes) undigests a file w/ multiple mail digests (Sep 27 05:42:30 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/sam.tar.gz (365112 bytes) sam editor (plan9) (Sep 28 07:19:15 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/news/suck+++.tar.gz (5889 bytes) receives news via NNTP for later reading (Oct 02 17:22:29 GMT) /pub/Linux/devel/db/typhoon-1.06.tar.gz (108708 bytes) relational database management system (Sep 26 22:40:36 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/xfstool0.1-10a.tar.gz (26281 bytes) gives users access to floopy/cdrom filesystems (Sep 28 19:44:51 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/networked/xftp-2.2.athena+term.tgz (485387 bytes) ftp client using Athena widgets (Jul 24 00:46:09 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/cdplayers/xmcd-1.3.bin.tar.gz (520800 bytes) Full-featured X11/Motif-based CD audio player (Oct 02 06:10:11 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/misc/ (2447 bytes) Swiss-German keyboard (Oct 03 10:49:59 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/readers/X11-QMR-1.2.src.tar.gz (102200 bytes) X11/Motif Qmail offline mail reader for Unix [src] (Sep 29 15:34:40 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/readers/X11-QMR-1.2.dbin.tar.gz (101054 bytes) Qmail dynamically linked (Sep 29 15:36:40 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/readers/X11-QMR-1.2.sbin.tar.gz (520810 bytes) Qmail statically linked (Sep 29 15:52:55 GMT) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/XNetMine.tgz (122880 bytes) multi-player minesweeper game (Oct 03 18:17:06 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/request.src0.1.4.tar.gz (7014 bytes) filelist browser/.req generator (Sep 21 13:36:42 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/gated.ospf.bin.gz (293571 bytes) alternate gated binary (Sep 06 11:58:10 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/bbs-5.47-src.tar.gz (136852 bytes) the No-Name BBS system (Oct 05 00:44:44 GMT) /pub/Linux/games/tierra.tar.Z (1991284 bytes) artificial life development system (Aug 21 03:24:58 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/thsfs.tgz (12076 bytes) lets Linux read a DoubleSpaced filesystem (Oct 04 17:43:44 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/news/fidogate-3.8.tar.gz (453120 bytes) fidonet/usenet gateway (Oct 04 16:18:12 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/dclock3.tgz (158401 bytes) digital clock (Oct 05 06:44:20 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/sound/linux-pss-soundcard.patch (3374 bytes) patch to initialize pss chips correctly (Oct 05 02:33:28 GMT) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/xgospel18h+term.tar.gz (409350 bytes) X IGS client w/ term suppoer (Sep 22 08:54:54 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/set_time.tar.gz (4957 bytes) Allows updating of system clock via a tcp/ip query (Oct 05 01:35:58 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/vchat-ip-2.12b.tar.gz (34920 bytes) multi-user TCP/IP chat program (Sep 19 14:28:27 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/tcp.tar (92160 bytes) brief introduction to tcp/ip (Aug 26 03:18:17 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/misc/striped.swapfiles.tar.gz (31896 bytes) swap file performance enhancement (Sep 12 06:31:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/feddi08.tgz (0 bytes) FIDO Scanner/Tosser/Nodelist compiler/Editor (Oct 05 15:46:29 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/btfpatch.tgz (4197 bytes) Patches binkley 3.02pl10 to work with the FEddi (Oct 05 15:44:27 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi/dpt_EATA_0.3a.tgz (12411 bytes) driver for EATA compliant SCSI drivers (Oct 05 20:35:38 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi/dpt_EATA_slakboot.gz (745472 bytes) slackware boot disk w/ EATA SCSI support (Oct 05 20:51:58 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/set_time-1.2.tar.gz (5487 bytes) Allows updating of system clock via a tcp/ip query (Oct 06 17:49:29 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/news/tin-1.3-941006beta.tgz (169895 bytes) latest tin newsreader (BETA) (Oct 07 07:46:10 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/hdparm-1.6.tar.gz (7403 bytes) get/set hard disk parameters (Oct 07 16:05:12 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/extra/autoterm-01.tgz (17504 bytes) simple autologin scripts for term/kermit (Oct 06 10:48:21 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/pop/poppassd-bin.tar.gz (5457 bytes) lets users change there password remotely [bin] (Oct 07 10:16:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/pop/poppassd-perl.gz (2281 bytes) permits remote clients to change passwd w/ MH (Oct 07 10:16:03 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/pop/poppassd-src.tar.gz (7968 bytes) lets users change there password remotely [src] (Oct 07 10:16:06 GMT) /pub/Linux/libs/X/xpm-3.4c-X11R6-bin-Readme (360 bytes) xpm chared lib for X11R6 (Oct 06 23:17:25 GMT) /pub/Linux/libs/X/xpm-3.4c-X11R6-bin-lsm (323 bytes) ls ~/in (Oct 06 23:18:11 GMT) /pub/Linux/libs/X/xpm-3.4c-X11R6-bin.tgz (45233 bytes) xpm shared lib for X11R6 (Oct 06 23:18:24 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/console/linux-new-textmodes.patch (8360 bytes) adds new textmodes to linux's startup (Oct 06 16:53:55 GMT) /pub/Linux/devel/fortran/fort77-1.3.tar.gz (2090 bytes) compiler - like driver for f2c, written in Perl (Oct 07 10:40:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/games/x11/strategy/xpat2-1.00-src.tar.gz (302101 bytes) X-patience - many solitaire card games [src] (Oct 07 13:00:34 GMT) /pub/Linux/games/x11/strategy/xpat2-1.00-bin.tar.gz (330650 bytes) X-patience - many solitaire card games [bin] (Oct 07 13:10:08 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/file-transfer/ftp.gz (23728 bytes) Fixes problems w/ SLS, Slackware's ftp (Oct 05 21:40:59 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Emulators/ (111416 bytes) emulates HP48 calculator software (Oct 10 12:16:54 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/mixers/cam.tgz (40689 bytes) Cpu's Audio Mixer for Linux (Oct 11 09:23:48 GMT) /pub/Linux/devel/modula-2/beg1.75-linux.tar.gz (476518 bytes) generates source code from a code selector description (Oct 11 22:15:39 GMT) /pub/Linux/devel/modula-2/mocka9409src.tar.gz (246317 bytes) source for a modula-2 compiler (modula-2) (Oct 11 22:10:40 GMT) /pub/Linux/devel/modula-2/mocka9409main-linux.tar.gz (309041 bytes) binaries of a modula-2 compiler (Oct 11 22:08:21 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/mount/mount-utils-1.10.tar.gz (2759 bytes) tool to safely allow users to mount filesystems (Oct 11 16:02:37 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/drivers/arcnet-0.14.tar.gz (19181 bytes) lets ARCnet cards work with 1.1.51 (Oct 09 00:38:19 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/btfpatch.tgz (4197 bytes) Patches binkley 3.02pl10 to work with the FEddi (Oct 09 15:20:16 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi/dpt_EATA_0.3a.kernel (326628 bytes) kernel image w/ dpt support (Oct 06 22:49:40 GMT) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi/dptscsi.gz (567177 bytes) slackware boot disk w/ dpt support (Oct 11 22:06:56 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/feddi08.tgz (89569 bytes) FIDO Scanner/Tosser/Nodelist compiler/Editor (Oct 09 15:21:00 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm-1.24l.tar.gz (324009 bytes) fvwm virtual windo manager (Oct 11 14:23:39 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/vi/color-elvis-0.2e.tar.gz (16793 bytes) elvis-1.8pl3 patch adding color syntax highlites (Oct 12 00:06:41 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/rdate-linux.tar.gz (3199 bytes) sets system time from another systems (Oct 11 02:03:17 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/sliplogin-1.2.tar.gz (15043 bytes) makes linux work as a slip server (Oct 09 15:25:08 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/news/suck-1.3.tar.gz (6122 bytes) receives news via NNTP for later reading (Oct 10 10:53:46 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/delivery/smail-3.1.28.nobug.tar.gz (1259936 bytes) smail 3.1.28 w/ recent bug fixes [bin] [src] (Oct 10 21:28:26 GMT) /pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map/Projects-Map.gz (0 bytes) List of ongoing Linux-related projects (Oct 08 01:56:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/games/x11/action/doom/joystick4doom.tgz (8678 bytes) adds joystick support to DOOM for Linux (Oct 11 07:35:11 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/ingres04.tgz (608780 bytes) source for the ingres relational database (Oct 12 03:54:41 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/transport/ifmail-2.6.tar.gz (217446 bytes) FidoNet mailer (Oct 10 15:50:43 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/procfs-0.2-1.1.52.tgz (37554 bytes) procfs as a loadable module (Oct 09 13:57:10 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/WorkBoneII-0.2.tgz (46041 bytes) curses based CD player (Oct 09 09:37:01 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/Chinese-Tools-1.2.XFree86-3.1.tgz (2745520 bytes) cxterm for X11R6 (Oct 09 01:24:32 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/compress/lbxproxy-Sun.4.1.3-bin.tgz (214544 bytes) lbxproxy binary for SunOs [X11R6] (Oct 07 18:00:26 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/compress/lbxproxy-Ultrix.4.4-bin.tgz (213680 bytes) lbxproxy binary for Ultrix [X11R6] (Oct 11 17:07:14 GMT) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/Radiance2R4.tar.gz (5798315 bytes) Radiance ray tracer (Oct 09 18:16:08 GMT) /pub/Linux/system/Network/file-transfer/ncftp185+term.tar.gz (173908 bytes) enhanced ftp client w/ term support (Oct 10 19:27:22 GMT) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/xearth+fvwm.diff.tar.gz (2966 bytes) patches xearth to fit in GoodStuff button bar (Oct 09 06:37:46 GMT)