New files on sunsite as of Oct 21 15:21:31 GMT

/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/gmod-1.3f.lsm (1225 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/gmod-1.3f.tgz (73894 bytes)
.mod player for GUS (Oct 17 22:13:25 GMT)
/pub/Linux/utils/file/most4.4.tgz (272888 bytes)
like 'more' or 'less' except more so (Oct 14 01:05:07 GMT)
/pub/Linux/utils/file/most4.4.lsm (502 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/mod-0.6.lsm (935 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/mod-0.6.tgz (65973 bytes)
MOD GUS file player protracker (Oct 16 15:29:18 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/CDplayer-2.0.tar.gz (54469 bytes)
command-line audio cd player (Oct 15 04:29:34 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/CDplayer-2.0.lsm (1254 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/viewers/zgv2.3-bin.tar.gz (116858 bytes)
svga based viewer for GIF and JPEG [bin] (Oct 20 13:45:08 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/viewers/zgv2.3-src.tar.gz (84983 bytes)
svga based viewer for GIF and JPEG [src] (Oct 19 11:20:14 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/viewers/zgv2.3.lsm (657 bytes)
/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/nedit-3.1.tar.gz (900731 bytes)
statically linked motif based editor (Oct 18 06:45:46 GMT)
/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/nedit-3.1-static.tar.gz (810715 bytes)
statically linked motif based editor (Oct 19 01:39:50 GMT)
/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/nedit.lsm (1601 bytes)
/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/nedit-3.1.src.tar.gz (162599 bytes)
source for motif editor (Oct 19 01:40:11 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/drivers/arcnet.lsm (719 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/drivers/arcnet-0.20.tar.gz (20635 bytes)
lets ARCnet cards work with 1.1.51 (Oct 16 06:16:31 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/sliphangup1.1.tar.gz (5232 bytes)
terminates dip after period of inactivity (Oct 13 17:06:06 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/sliphangup1.1.lsm (934 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/sliplogin.lsm (699 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/sliplogin-1.3.tar.gz (15019 bytes)
makes linux work as a slip server (Oct 14 23:24:15 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/BBS/rocat-0.85.lsm (707 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/BBS/rocat-0.85.tar.gz (199837 bytes)
full-featured BBS ported to Unix (Oct 19 04:35:12 GMT)
/pub/Linux/utils/shell/qprompt-2.3.lsm (878 bytes)
/pub/Linux/utils/shell/qprompt-2.3.tar.gz (7447 bytes)
single character prompting utility with optional timer (Oct 20 05:32:43 GMT)
/pub/Linux/games/x11/action/doom/joystick4doom.lsm (1010 bytes)
/pub/Linux/games/x11/action/doom/smooth-joystick4doom.tgz (7903 bytes)
alternate doom joystick support (Oct 20 22:41:49 GMT)
/pub/Linux/games/x11/action/doom/smooth-joystick4doom.lsm (1010 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Misc/ps/procps-0.97.tgz (134127 bytes)
proc filesystem based ps, top, etc. (Oct 16 21:55:47 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Misc/ps/procps-0.97.lsm (567 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp-2.1.2b.tar.gz (322010 bytes)
support programs for ppp (daemons, chat, etc) (Oct 15 17:48:12 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp-2.1.2b.tar.gz.lsm (511 bytes)
/pub/Linux/X11/X-servers/chips-3.1.lsm (465 bytes)
/pub/Linux/X11/X-servers/chips-3.1.tar.gz (611554 bytes)
Chips&Tech SVGA server for XF86-3.1 (Oct 15 21:33:19 GMT)
/pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/rxvt-2.09.tar.gz (99750 bytes)
source for a reduced xterm (Oct 20 15:03:39 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/cam.tgz (40371 bytes)
an audio mixer for Linux (Oct 19 11:39:05 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/cam.lsm (491 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/cdda2wav0.2alpha.src.tar.gz (26471 bytes)
converts audio CD tracks to .wav (Oct 17 07:01:44 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/sound/cdda2wav.lsm (911 bytes)
/pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm.dashboard.tgz (47233 bytes)
configfiles+icons for fvwm to have ~hp-dashboard (Oct 13 16:31:02 GMT)
/pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm.dashboard.lsm (565 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Admin/idleout-mcm.lsm (474 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Admin/idleout-mcm.tar.gz (3383 bytes)
Automatically logs out idle users (Oct 16 15:45:55 GMT)
/pub/Linux/kernel/patches/misc/pentium_kernel.diff.gz (558 bytes)
adds option of compiling for pentium (Oct 14 00:17:11 GMT)
/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/jade-3.2.lsm (891 bytes)
/pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/jade-3.2.tar.gz (590695 bytes)
programmer's text editor for X11 (Oct 23 13:41:42 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/router/ipxbridge.lsm (1677 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/router/ipxbridge-0.2.tar.gz (29074 bytes)
simple IPX bridge program (Oct 23 06:42:52 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.3.patch.gz (4859 bytes)
patch from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 (Oct 21 18:24:56 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.3.tar.gz (210397 bytes)
(Oct 21 18:25:09 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.0.tar.gz (222309 bytes)
term 2.2.0 (Oct 18 00:53:20 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/termify-0.3.linux-bin.tar.gz (168881 bytes)
adds term support to binaries (Oct 18 05:33:12 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/termify-0.3.linux.tar.gz (19359 bytes)
adds term support to binaries [src] (Oct 18 05:33:16 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/termify.lsm (1109 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.1.patch.gz (1941 bytes)
patch from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (Oct 19 00:44:55 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.1.tar.gz (206631 bytes)
term 2.2.1 (Oct 19 00:45:18 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.2.patch.gz (631 bytes)
patch from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 (Oct 19 11:38:20 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/comm/term/term-2.2.2.tar.gz (209604 bytes)
term 2.2.2 (Oct 19 11:38:33 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Mail/smail-3.1.28.bind.lsm (1223 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Mail/smail-3.1.28.bind.tar.gz (1098609 bytes)
smail bin w/ dbm & locking (Oct 22 08:29:00 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/distrib/nqs-3.36-linux.diff2.gz (5826 bytes)
diffs to compile monsanto nqs (Oct 21 08:56:14 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/distrib/nqs-3.36-linux.diff2.lsm (1225 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/distrib/monsanto-nqs-3.36.tar.gz (973114 bytes)
Monsanto Netowrked Queueing System ported (Oct 21 07:11:58 GMT)
/pub/Linux/system/Network/distrib/monsanto-nqs-3.36.tar.lsm (596 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Mail/news/newspak-2.4.lsm (880 bytes)
/pub/Linux/system/Mail/news/newspak-2.4.tar.gz (177046 bytes)
config files for compiling various news things (Oct 23 00:35:03 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/accounting/cbb.README (4185 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/accounting/cbb-0.44a.tar.gz (42745 bytes)
check book balancer (Oct 22 14:17:15 GMT)
/pub/Linux/games/x11/action/doom/smooth-joystick4doom.lsm (1012 bytes)
/pub/Linux/games/x11/action/doom/smooth-joystick4doom.tgz (8524 bytes)
alternate doom joystick support (Oct 21 23:10:22 GMT)
/pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map/Projects-Map.gz (13044 bytes)
List of ongoing Linux-related projects (Oct 22 01:55:55 GMT)
/pub/Linux/utils/file/managers/vsh.lsm (717 bytes)
/pub/Linux/utils/file/managers/vsh.tar.gz (73896 bytes)
simple visual shell (Oct 23 08:56:10 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.2.tar-c.Z (1717166 bytes)
brlcad part c (Oct 22 05:51:42 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.2.tar-d.Z (742189 bytes)
brlcad part d (Oct 22 06:03:57 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.2.tar-e.Z (1899889 bytes)
brlcad part e (Oct 22 06:33:44 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.2.tar-f.Z (5498851 bytes)
brlcad part f (Oct 22 08:15:14 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.readme (140 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.0.readme (312 bytes)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.2.tar-a.Z (1295375 bytes)
brlcad part a (Oct 22 04:29:36 GMT)
/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/cad4.2.tar-b.Z (3149050 bytes)
brlcad part b (Oct 22 05:26:44 GMT)
/pub/Linux/kernel/patches/console/selection-1.7.tar.gz (22361 bytes)
allows cut/paste between VC's (Oct 24 17:48:10 GMT)