Index of /public/ftp/pub/Linux/X11/XFree86-3.1

..                       Parent directory
INDEX.html               Alternate index format
CHANGES                  Changes to the distribution
FILES.gz                 full list of files in XFree
INSTALL                  installation instructions
SUMS                     file sums (integrity check)
XF86-3.1-8514.tar.gz     8514 Accelerated Server
XF86-3.1-AGX.tar.gz      AGX accecelerated server
XF86-3.1-Mach32.tar.gz   Mach32 accelerated server
XF86-3.1-Mach8.tar.gz    Mach8 accelerated server
XF86-3.1-Mono.tar.gz     monochrome server
XF86-3.1-P9000.tar.gz    P9000 server
XF86-3.1-S3.tar.gz       S3 server
XF86-3.1-SVGA.tar.gz     SuperVGA server (i.e. Tseng, Trident, Cirrus)
XF86-3.1-VGA16.tar.gz    generic 16 color VGA server
XF86-3.1-W32.tar.gz      ET4000W32 server
XF86-3.1-bin.tar.gz      basic binaries (xterm, xclock, etc)
XF86-3.1-cfg.tar.gz      configuration files
XF86-3.1-ctrb.tar.gz     a few binaries from the contrib tape
XF86-3.1-doc.tar.gz      documentation on configuration
XF86-3.1-extra.tar.gz    extra stuff
XF86-3.1-fnt.tar.gz      basic fonts
XF86-3.1-fnt100.tar.gz   more fonts
XF86-3.1-fnt75.tar.gz    more fonts
XF86-3.1-fntbig.tar.gz   big (Kanji) fonts
XF86-3.1-fntscl.tar.gz   scalable fonts
XF86-3.1-inc.tar.gz      include files for developers
XF86-3.1-lib.tar.gz      shread libraries
XF86-3.1-lkit.tar.gz     link kit for creating a custom server
XF86-3.1-man.tar.gz      man pages
XF86-3.1-pex.tar.gz      pex support
XF86-3.1-slib.tar.gz     static libraries
XF86-3.1-usrbin.tar.gz   rstartd
XF86-3.1-xdmshdw.tar.gz  xdm setup w/ shadow password support
xf86config.gz            automated configuration utility

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