/pub/Linux/apps/comm (INDEX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7plus4lx.tgz uuencode type binary->ascii trasnlator bt302PL10.tar.gz binkleyterm binaries btfpatch.tgz Patches binkley 3.02pl10 to work with the FEddi ckermit-189.tar.gz kermit with net support and rts/ctr fix ecu.patch patch to compile ecu under linux ecu3.24bin.tgz binaries for ecu (a communucations program) ecu3.24src.tgz source for ecu (a communications program) fax/ applications for fax management feddi08.tgz FIDO Scanner/Tosser/Nodelist compiler/Editor graphic_rz.diff patch to add graphics to rz iscreen.tar.z Like screen, multiplexes one physical terminal lrzsz-0.11.tar.gz cosmetically improved rz/sz (last PD version) macs160.tgz Color/Macros patch to minicom 1.6 minicom-1.60.tgz telix-like comm program pcomm.tgz procommish comm program w/ zmodem request.src0.1.4.tar.gz filelist browser/.req generator rzsz-9204.tar.gz zmodem (rz/sz) for linux screen-3.2b.linux.tar.z Source for screen (mulitple screens on one terminal) term/ serial line socket redirector/multiplexor xc-4.1p2.tar.gz xcomm (clean compiles under linux)