Begin3 Title: vim Version: 3.0 Entered-date: 15SEP94 [] Description: Vim (Vi IMproved) is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Many new features have been added: multi level undo, command line history, filename completion, block operations, multiple windows, interactive compilation, text formatting, etc. An MS-DOS binary is available as well. Keywords: Editor, vi, vim Author: (Bram Moolenaar) [address will change soon -dh] Maintained-by: (Bram Moolenaar) [address will change soon -dh] Primary-site: ftp.FU-Berlin.DE /unix/editors/vim 468261 vim-3.0.tar.gz (Complete source and doc's) 270 kB /pc/msdos/editors/vim/ (MS_DOS binary and doc's) Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/apps/editors/vi 468 kB vim-3.0.tar.gz (Complete source and doc's) 1 kB vim-3.0.lsm Original-site: ftp.FU-Berlin.DE /unix/editors/vim Platform: UNIX, MS-DOS, Amiga Copying-policy: CharityWare (author encourages making a contribution to charity) End