The file bsdman.tar.Z contains man files for the BSD libc.a. Since nearly all of these functions are in the libc.a that comes with gcc.2.2.2 these can be considered good documentation for Linux. Some of the details will be incorrect ( particularly the header files may be different to those in the man pages) There are man pages for routines that have not found there way into Linux yet. I've included these as 1) they may well be when you read this and 2) If your porting a program that uses a library routine that Linux doesn't have you might want to have some doc on it. *NOTE these files should be formated with -mandoc (NOT -man) *NOTE ( I now use groff -mandoc for all man files since it seems to *NOTE handle files that use -man as well ) The whatis file was generated using #!/bin/sh for i do echo $i groff -mandoc $i | sed -f ../makewhatis.sed >> whatis.db done The whatis.db file needs some editing to create a proper whatis file. Gerard Allan Gerard A. Allan | Post: EMF | Kings Buildings | University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh EARN/ | Scotland | EH9 3JL Contents (this is the whatis file) ----------------------------------- exit (2) - terminate the calling process accept (2) - accept a connection on a socket access (2) - check access permissions of a file or pathname acct (2) - enable or disable process accounting adjtime (2) - correct the time to allow synchronization of the system clock bind (2) - bind a name to a socket brk, sbrk (2) - change data segment size chdir, fchdir (2) - change current working directory chflags, fchflags (2) - set file flags chmod, fchmod (2) - change mode of file chown, fchown (2) - change owner and group of a file chroot (2) - change root directory close (2) - delete a descriptor connect (2) - initiate a connection on a socket dup, dup2 (2) - duplicate an existing file descriptor execve (2) - execute a file fcntl (2) - file control flock (2) - apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file fork (2) - create a new process fsync (2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with that on disk getfh (2) - get file handle getfsstat (2) - get list of all mounted filesystems getgid, getegid (2) - get group process identification getgroups (2) - get group access list gethostid, sethostid (2) - get/set unique identifier of current host gethostname, sethostname (2) - get/set name of current host getitimer, setitimer (2) - get/set value of interval timer getlogin, setlogin (2) - get/set login name getpagesize (2) - get system page size getpeername (2) - get name of connected peer getpgrp (2) - get process group getpid, getppid (2) - get parent or calling process identification getpriority, setpriority (2) - get/set program scheduling priority getrlimit, setrlimit (2) - control maximum system resource consumption getrusage (2) - get information about resource utilization getsockname (2) - get socket name getsockopt, setsockopt (2) - get and set options on sockets getuid, geteuid (2) - get user identification intro (2) - introduction to system calls and error numbers ioctl (2) - control device kill (2) - send signal to a process link (2) - make a hard file link listen (2) - listen for connections on a socket lseek (2) - reposition read/write file offset madvise (2) - give advise about use of memory mincore (2) - get advise about use of memory mkdir (2) - make a directory file mkfifo (2) - make a fifo file mknod (2) - make a special file node mmap (2) - map files or devices into memory mount, unmount (2) - mount or dismount a filesystem mprotect (2) - control the protection of pages msync (2) - synchronize a mapped region munmap (2) - remove a mapping nfssvc (2) - create a remote NFS server open (2) - open or create a file for reading or writing pipe (2) - create descriptor pair for interprocess communication quotactl (2) - manipulate filesystem quotas read, readv (2) - read input readlink (2) - read value of a symbolic link reboot (2) - reboot system or halt processor recv, recvfrom, recvmsg (2) - receive a message from a socket rename (2) - change the name of a file rmdir (2) - remove a directory file select (2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing send, sendto, sendmsg (2) - send a message from a socket setgroups (2) - set group access list setpgid, setpgrp (2) - set process group setregid (2) - set real and effective group ID setreuid (2) - set real and effective user ID's shutdown (2) - shut down part of a full-duplex connection sigaction (2) - software signal facilities sigprocmask (2) - manipulate current signal mask sigreturn (2) - return from signal sigstack (2) - set and/or get signal stack context sigsuspend (2) - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt socket (2) - create an endpoint for communication socketpair (2) - create a pair of connected sockets stat, lstat, fstat (2) - get file status statfs (2) - get file system statistics swapon (2) - add a swap device for interleaved paging/swapping symlink (2) - make symbolic link to a file sync (2) - synchronize disk block in-core status with that on disk syscall (2) - indirect system call truncate (2) - truncate a file to a specified length umask (2) - set file creation mode mask unlink (2) - remove directory entry utimes (2) - set file access and modification times vfork (2) - spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way wait, waitpid, wait4, wait3 (2) - wait for process terminatation write, writev (2) - write output creat (2) - create a new file killpg (2) - send signal to a process group sigblock (2) - block signals sigpause (2) - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt sigsetmask (2) - set current signal mask sigvec (2) - software signal facilities abort (3) - cause abnormal program termination abs (3) - integer absolute value function alarm (3) - set signal timer alarm alloca (3) - memory allocator atexit (3) - register a function to be called on exit atof (3) - convert ASCII string to double atoi (3) - convert ASCII string to integer atol (3) - convert ASCII string to long integer bcmp (3) - compare byte string bcopy (3) - copy byte string bsearch (3) - binary search of a sorted table bcmp, bcopy, bzero, memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memmove, memset (3) - byte string operations bzero (3) - write zeroes to a byte string calloc (3) - allocate clean memory (zero initialized space) clock (3) - determine processor time used crypt, setkey, encrypt, des_setkey, des_cipher (3) - DES encryption ctermid (3) - generate terminal pathname asctime, ctime, difftime, gmtime, localtime, mktime (3) - transform binary date and time value to ASCII isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isxdigit, isalnum, isspace, ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii, toupper, tolower, toascii (3) - character classification macros opendir, readdir, telldir, seekdir, rewinddir, closedir, dirfd (3) - directory operations div (3) - return quotient and remainder from division execl, execlp, execle, exect, execv, execvp (3) - execute a file exit (3) - perform normal program termination fclose (3) - close a stream clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno (3) - check and reset stream status fflush, fpurge (3) - flush a stream ffs (3) - find first bit set in a bit string fgetline (3) - get a line from a stream fgets, gets (3) - get a line from a stream fnmatch (3) - match filename or pathname fopen, fdopen, freopen (3) - stream open functions fputs, puts (3) - output a line to a stream fread, fwrite (3) - binary stream input/output free (3) - free up memory allocated with malloc, calloc or realloc frexp (3) - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral components fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind (3) - reposition a stream fts (3) - traverse a file hierarchy funopen, fropen, fwopen (3) - open a stream fgetc, getc, getchar, getw (3) - get next character or word from input stream getwd (3) - get working directory pathname getenv, putenv, setenv, unsetenv (3) - environment variable functions getfsent, getfsspec, getfsfile, setfsent, endfsent (3) - get file system descriptor file entry getgrent, getgrnam, getgrgid, setgroupent, setgrent, endgrent (3) - group database operations getmntinfo (3) - get information about mounted file systems getopt (3) - get option letter from argv getpass (3) - get a password getpwent, getpwnam, getpwuid, setpassent, setpwent, endpwent (3) - password database operations getsubopt (3) - get sub options from an argument getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent (3) - get ttys file entry glob, globfree (3) - generate pathnames matching a pattern index (3) - locate character in string initgroups (3) - initialize group access list isalnum (3) - alphanumeric character test isalpha (3) - alphabetic character test isascii (3) - ascii character test iscntrl (3) - control character test isdigit (3) - decimal-digit character test isgraph (3) - printing character test (space character exculsive) isinf, isnan (3) - test for infinity or not-a-number (NaN) islower (3) - lower-case character test isprint (3) - printing character test (space character inclusive) ispunct (3) - punctuation character test isspace (3) - white-space character test isupper (3) - upper-case character test isxdigit (3) - hexadecimal-digit character test labs (3) - return the absolute value of a long integer ldexp (3) - mutliply floating-point number by integral power of 2 ldiv (3) - return quotient and remainder from division malloc, (3) - general memory allocation function memchr (3) - locate byte in byte string memcmp (3) - compare byte string memcpy (3) - copy byte string memmove (3) - copy byte string malloc, free, realloc, calloc, alloca (3) - general memory allocation operations memset (3) - write a byte to byte string mktemp (3) - make temporary file name (unique) modf (3) - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number nice (3) - set program scheduling priority nlist (3) - retrieve symbol table name list from an executable file pause (3) - stop until signal popen, pclose (3) - process I/O printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf (3) - formatted output conversion psignal, sys_siglist (3) - system signal messages fputc, putc, putchar, putw (3) - output a character or word to a stream qsort, heapsort (3) - sort functions radixsort (3) - radix sort raise (3) - send a signal to the current process rand, srand (3) - bad random number generator random, srandom, initstate, setstate (3) - better random number generator; routines for changing generators realloc (3) - reallocation of memory function regcomp, regexec, regsub, regerror (3) - regular expression handlers remove (3) - remove directory entry rindex (3) - locate character in string scandir, alphasort (3) - scan a directory scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf (3) - input format conversion setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf (3) - stream buffering operations sigsetjmp, siglongjmp, setjmp, longjmp, _setjmp, _longjmp longjmperror (3) - non-local jumps getmode, setmode (3) - modify mode bits setuid, seteuid, setruid, setgid, setegid, setrgid (3) - set user and group ID signal (3) - simplified software signal facilities sigsetops, sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember (3) - manipulate signal masks sleep (3) - suspend process execution for interval of seconds stdio (3) - standard input/output library functions strcasecmp (3) - compare strings, ignoring case strcat (3) - concatenate strings strchr (3) - locate character in string strcmp (3) - compare strings strcoll (3) - compare strings according to current collation strcpy (3) - copy strings strcspn (3) - span the complement of a string strdup (3) - save a copy of a string perror, strerror, sys_errlist, sys_nerr (3) - system error messages strftime (3) - format date and time strcat, strncat, strchr, strrchr, strcmp, strncmp, strcasecmp, strncasecmp, strcpy, strncpy, strerror, strlen, strpbrk, strsep, strspn, strcspn, strstr, strtok, index, rindex (3) - string specific functions strlen (3) - find length of string strmode (3) - convert inode status information into a symbolic string strpbrk (3) - locate multiple characters in string strrchr (3) - locate character in string strsep (3) - separate strings strspn (3) - span a string strstr (3) - locate a substring in a string strtod (3) - convert ASCII string to double strtok, strsep (3) - string token operations strtol (3) - convert string value to a long integer strtoul (3) - convert a string to an unsigned long integer strxfrm (3) - transform a string under locale swab (3) - swap adjacent bytes syslog, vsyslog, openlog, closelog, setlogmask (3) - control system log system (3) - pass a command to the shell time (3) - get time of day times (3) - process times timezone (3) - return the timezone abbreviation tempnam, tmpfile, tmpnam (3) - temporary file routines tolower (3) - upper case to lower case letter conversion toupper (3) - lower case to upper case letter conversion ttyname, isatty, ttyslot (3) - get name of associated terminal (tty) from file descriptor tzset, tzsetwall (3) - initialize time conversion information ualarm (3) - schedule signal after specified time ungetc (3) - un-get character from input stream unvis, strunvis (3) - decode a visual representation of characters usleep (3) - suspend execution for interval of microseconds utime (3) - set file times valloc (3) - aligned memory allocation function vis (3) - visually encode characters acos (3) - arc cosine function acosh (3) - inverse hyperbolic cosine function asin (3) - arc sine function asinh (3) - inverse hyperbolic sine function atan (3) - arc tangent function of one variable atan2 (3) - arc tangent function of two variables atanh (3) - inverse hyperbolic tangent function ceil (3) - smallest integral value not greater than x cos (3) - cosine function cosh (3) - hyperbolic cosine function erf, erfc (3) - error function operators exp, expm1, log, log10, log1p, pow (3) - exponential, logarithm, power functions fabs (3) - floating-point absolute value function floor (3) - largest integral value not greater than x fmod (3) - floating-point remainder function hypot, cabs (3) - euclidean distance and complex absolute value functions copysign, drem, finite, logb, scalb copysign, remainder, (3) - exponent manipulations infnan (3) - signals invalid floating-point operations on a VAX (temporary) j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn (3) - bessel functions of first and second kind lgamma (3) - log gamma function (math) - introduction to mathematical library functions rint (3) - and round-to-closest integer functions sin (3) - sine function sinh (3) - hyperbolic sine function cbrt, sqrt (3) - cube root and square root functions tan (3) - tangent function tanh (3) - hyperbolic tangent function regexp, regcomp, regexec, regsub, regerror (3) - regular expression handlers