Subject: Kernel change summary 1.1.49 -> 1.1.50 Keywords: kernel change summary Approved: (Matt Welsh) CONFIG_I_AM_A_BROKEN_BSD_WEENIE taken out of Missed a check for the floppy device in the I/O request queuer. Support for detecting the "ST11 BIOS V1.7" added to XT hard disk driver. 3c501 driver made somewhat more reliable by eliminating a critical region. LANCE driver improved to work with VLB NE2100 compatibles, and the HP J2405A and HP Vectra built-in adapter. AHA152x now knows about the VTech Platinum SMP. SCSI drivers know about the QUANTUM PD1225S. Oops. Memory mapper wasn't checking for failed kmalloc's. Moved the arphdr structure to if_arp.h for compatibility with BSD based programs. The 802.2 network handler didn't work with more than one protocol registered. Yet more small nasties removed from the TCP code. BSD accept sematics fixed.