Title = Grxlib for Linux (Graphics Library) Version = Version 1.03b Desc1 = This is the GRX library that is used under the DJGPP DOS Desc2 = Extender. It has been converted to work under the Linux Desc3 = OS with support from the svgalib library. Desc4 = Desc5 = Author = Dan Jackson AuthorEmail = djackson@ichips.intel.com Maintainer = Dan Jackson MaintEmail = djackson@ichips.intel.com Site1 = sunsite.unc.edu Path1 = /pub/Linux/apps/graphics File1 = libgrx-1.03b.tgz FileSize1 = 914647 Required1 = svgalib110.tgz or newer Required2 = Linux 0.99.14 or newer CopyPolicy1 = GNU LGPL CopyPolicy2 = Keywords = Comment1 = This package offers Linear Frame Buffer support for graphic Comment2 = operations under the Linux Operating system. Support has also Comment3 = been added for banked operation for chips that donot support Comment4 = Linear frame buffering. RelFiles1 = RelFiles2 = RelFiles3 = Entered = Sept 25 1994 EnteredBy = Dan Jackson CheckedEmail = djackson@ichips.intel.com