Begin2 Title = Diskquotas for Linux Version = 1.33 Desc1 = This package contains diffs and programs to have diskquotas on Desc2 = your filesystems. Its has the uses teh same interface as the Desc3 = BSD quota-system and uses ported BSD commands as much as possible. Desc4 = This is the 7th release of the quota-stuff which is more or less Desc5 = as stable as can be. Author = Marco van Wieringen AuthorEmail = Maintainer = Marco van Wieringen MaintEmail = Site1 = Path1 = /pub/Linux/System/Admin File1 = quota-1.33.tgz FileSize1 = ~60 Kb Required1 = At least a 1.1.13+ kernel because the patches work only for the new Required2 = tty-drivers. The patchfile included is one big diff-file that also Required3 = includes the accountingpatches that work with the GNU-accounting Required4 = utils. CopyPolicy1 = BSD Copyright for the ported BSD commands and GNU GPL for the new CopyPolicy2 = stuff. Keywords = quota diskquota processaccounting acct RelFiles1 = quota repquota quotaon quotaoff quotacheck rpc.rquotad Entered = 16JUN94 EnteredBy = Marco van Wieringen CheckedEmail = End