Linux Backup Utility (L.B.U v1.0) by: Jonathan Warburton-Brown ( ) August, 1994 Release Notes ============= Ever since I first started using Linux (in 1991) I have been an avid supporter of both it and the principles it upholds. I have also wanted to put back into the great Internet pool some small offering that would contribute to the Linux project. This is it. L.B.U does not make any attempt, at this stage, to be a full backup solution and was in fact written mainly to give me some practice at using shell script programming techniques. If you have a copy of this utility it comes to you under the terms of the GNU GPL and you are free to use/abuse it as you will. I take absolutely NO responsibility for any consequences that arise from its use. If you make any changes I would appreciate my name remaining in the credits for it. L.B.U is entirely a personal contribution written with my own resources in my own time. The company for which I work has no involvement with L.B.U. This is my very first attempt to put something together for use in the Linux community and my first attempt at shell-script programming so please don't laugh too hard. Mail is always fun to receive if you have any comments or suggestions or if you find some use for this utility and besides, it lets me track L.B.U's meteoric propagation around the globe 8-). There are surely bugs in the program, so let me know about them too !! I will probably not be able to mail a response to any mail you send me, so let me thank you here for your efforts. L.B.U is a shell-script and therefore the is little reason why, with a minimal effort, it could not be ported to other Un*xes. The snag is that it relies on a great menuing utility called dialog (by Savio Lam). I do not know if Savio has made the sources to dialog publicly available, but if so then there should be not great problems. But I wrote L.B.U for Linux !!!! While I will consider seriously any suggestions for enhancements, I can only work on this in the spare time I find and can therefore not guarantee to incorporate any changes or even release any new versions. Time will tell. It should be noted that I consider lbu to be very ALPHA. INSTALLATION ============ Log in to your system as root. cd / zcat Lnx-Bkp-Util-v1.00.tgz | tar -xvpf - This will create a directory /usr/lib/LBU where all the L.B.U associated files will be kept. the L.B.U executable (lbu) will be placed in /usr/bin. If these default locations and names are not acceptable to you look at the script file itself for a few changeable items. Other than that you'll have to edit the body of the script itself. Using the dialog utility is best with con80x25 in your terminfo database. By default it should be in /usr/lib/terminfo/c. When you restore the distribution archive con80x25 will go into your current directory. Move it to the above location if necessary but if you have one... leave well enough alone. I only include it in the distribution because when I came to write this utility I realised I did not have it and had to get it from elsewhere. Who knows, its inclusion in the distribution may save someone a little grief. If all else fails then set your TERM environment variable to be vt100. Similarly I have included a copy of dialog just in case. Use it if you need to. The default location for dialog is /bin. L.B.U makes a few assumptions about the location of the required binaries (at, atrm, atq, grep, awk, crond, dialog, ls, cut, touch date, chmod and tar) and assumes that they are in your PATH. That is about it really. To invoke L.B.U, just type lbu at the command prompt. Enjoy, and thanks to all Linuxers everywhere for their contribution to the success of Linux. Jonathan Warburton-Brown ------------------------