This is my sendmail+elm package for linux hosts on the internet. I've commented /etc/ in such a way that you should be able to figure out what you'll need to change for your site. elm and friends are all compiled to use sendmail for mail transfer, which should be located as /bin/sendmail (I didn't want to break tradition and make a /sbin, although you could put it anywhere you want as long as there's a symlink to it in /bin) all utilities are statically linked since I used gcc 2.3.2 to compile. sendmail goes in /bin, goes in /etc, and all the elm utilities go in /usr/local/bin (make sure you get rid of the ones in /usr/bin if you have any there, as they're quite useless with sendmail.) I didn't include man pages since you can just get the original sources for the man pages. elm is 2.4pl11 sendmail is 5.61c+IDA, to which I didn't have to make any changes to get to compile, although I did create my own linux config file, based on the bsd43 config as well as various others. I didn't keep sources since it works and I have no reason to recompile, and as the sources are over 1.8MB, I decided it wouldn't be very fun to make diffs. -- Nathan Laredo, (my linux box which you should be able to verify is running sendmail by telnetting to port 25 or just plain sending mail there... ) If you have any problems feel free to mail me... I've included my /etc/services which you may want to compare with your stuff (I keep my inet stuff in /etc for traditional reasons, as well as /usr possibily being nfs-mouted sometime in the future...)