Begin2 Title = SAR: a Search And Rescue set Version = 1.00 Desc1 = SAR is a set which creates a Search And Rescue floppy, to be Desc2 = used after the unfortunate crash of your hard disk. The floppy Desc3 = is created using *your* up-to-date kernel and utility set, Desc4 = so it is as recent as you like. Configuration files allow Desc5 = customized creation of the SAR floppy. Author = Karel Kubat AuthorEmail = Maintainer = Karel Kubat MaintEmail = Site1 = (primary site) Path1 = pub/unix File1 = SAR-1.00.tar.gz, SAR.lsm FileSize1 = SZ Site2 = Path2 = ?????????????? File2 = SAR-1.00.tar.gz, SAR.lsm FileSize2 = SZ Site3 = Path3 = pub/Linux/system/Backup File3 = SAR-1.00.tar.gz, SAR.lsm FileSize3 = SZ Required1 = Programs which are used by the construction shell: awk, ls, Required2 = mkdir and the such. CopyPolicy1 = Can be freely distributed, but ask me to make modifications CopyPolicy2 = if necessary, instead of hacking in it yourself. Keywords = backup recue SAR search Comment1 = The advantage of this SAR set is that (a) it's small, leaving Comment2 = space for your particular programs; (b) it's customizable, Comment3 = (c) it uses your recent kernel + utilities. Includes extensive Comment4 = LaTeX-able documentation. Entered = 28MAR1994 EnteredBy = Karel Kubat CheckedEmail = End