Begin3 Title: XBanner Version: 1.3 Entered-date: 01OCT96 Description: XBanner will make your XDM login screen look beautiful instead of the usual gray background it usually has. This program renders a line of text with different graphic effects, and features color-cycling, color gradients, and many different coloring and rendering effects. Keywords: X, X-Windows, XDM, X11, banner Author: (Amit Margalit) Maintained-by: (Amit Margalit) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/XBanner Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/X11/xutils 265Kb XBanner1.3.tar.gz 1Kb XBanner1.3.lsm Platforms: Any that has X11, ANSI C, xdm Copying-policy: GPL2 End