============================================================================= (dilinux Final) (10-7-96) This is a (D)rop (I)n version of linux, It can be droped into any dos system e.g. msdos, pcdos, etc. and win95 in dos mode. ============================================================================= Where to get...(ftp.sunsite.unc.edu) (/pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux) (About 8 1/2 mbytes. zipped...) ============================================================================= The complete system... DILINUX1-6.zip + DILINUX.EXE <-The complete linux system...) It runs on kernel 2.0.21...ELF... It's %100 ELF... It was compiled with support for IDE hard drives, it has no support for SCSI hard drives or ethernet cards... It doesn't have X windows or any programs needed for compiling, e.g. gcc compiler, binutils, the complete libc, etc... There are compiled elf versions of all the above, so they can be easily droped into the system... It does include /usr/bin/(make) & (ginstall), these might be of use if you want to install a precompiled-elf program that you dowloaded. Dilinux is primarily intended as a way to have slip/ppp networking under a dos system. You should have at least 8 mb. of Ram = Memory to run this system, you'll also need to create a swap file of at least 4 mb. better yet 8 mb, this is easy to create...see below... If you have 12 mbytes. of memory or more, you probably can get by without creating a swap file, but it would'nt hurt to create a 4 mb. swap file. This is the hardware it supports... 1. PCI motherboards... 2. IDE hard drives... 3. IDE/ATAPI cdrom drives... 4. Standard floppy drives, e.g. a: b: etc... 5. Parallel printers... 6. Serial mice... 7. QIC-117, 40/80/3010/3020 Tape Drives... ~# insmod /sbin/ftape.o <-To load QIC-117 etc. tape driver.v.2.9c.) # rmmod ftape <-To unload tape driver.) The modem is set to /dev/cua1 = com2, the mouse is set to /dev/ttyS0 = com1, these can be changed... cua0 = com1 cua1 = com2 cua2 = com3 cua3 = com4 ttys0 = com1 ttyS1 = com2 ttyS2 = com3 ttyS3 = com4 ~# comset <-Run this script to setup your modem and or mouse.) ~# gpm <-Gpm allows you to cut & paste in a terminal, In a editor for example: start it up to see if your getting any output from the mouse... Filesystem support... 1. ext2 <-Standard linux filesystem. 2. nfs <-Network filesystem, you can use this with slip/ppp. 3. vfat <-Win95 filesystem. 4. msdos 5. umsdos <-This is what allows linux to run on top of dos. 6. iso9660 <-Standard cdrom filesystem. Do this to mount your cdrom, if you have a ide/atapi cdrom... ~# mount /cdrom # cd /cdrom # ls # umount /cdrom <-To unmount: Then change cd's...) # eject <-Eject cd...) Do this to mount a floppy... ~# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0H1440 /mnt # cd /mnt /mnt# ls # cp file.? /root <-Copy file.? from floppy to /root # cp /root/file.? /dev/fd0H1440 <-Copy /root/file.? to floppy. # cd /root ~# umount /dev/fd0H1440 <-Unmoumt from a different directory.) Do this to format a floppy... ~# fdformat /dev/fd0H1440 (Or.> ~# superformat /dev/fd0 ~# dmesg | less <-To see bootup messages of the system, and the hardware that was detected, or look at the file /var/log/(messages). ~# ls -a <-To see the contents of a directory, including the hidden files.) ============================================================================== Dilinux has full slip/cslip/ppp networking support...Ppp.v.2.3b2 ============================================================================== This is some of the software it contains... # slrn -C -n <-Fast newsreader, perfect for a slip/ppp connection. v. # lynx <-lynx WWW browser, with slang-color...v.2.6 "9-2-96" # mc <-Midnight commander file manager, a classic...v.3.5.3 # minicom <-Modem terminal program, with X, Y, Z, modem...v.1.75 # ncftp <-Ncftp...v.2.3.0 # irc <-IrcII...Internet Relay Chat...BitchX.v.68b # tin -rnq <-Tin Newsreader with fast startup, won't read active or # rtin "same" newsgroups file + color...v.1.3-unoff-9601005 # tf <-(T)iny (F)ugue mud client...v.35a20 # pine <-Mail client-reader...v.3.95 # fetchpop <-Pop3 mail client...v.1.9.1 # fetchmail <-Pop2 & 3 mail client.v.1.6...aka popclient. # sendmail <-Mail delivery program.v.8.8.0 # metamail <-Frontend to mmencode, etc., used to display = decode- encode base64 & other mime mail formats.v.2.7 # leafnode <-Complete off-line newsreading solution.v.0.9 # gopher <-Search program.v.2.3.0 # archie <-Ftp search program.v.1.4.1 # e <-Easy & Excellent editor...~# e = pico.v.2.9 # vi <-A more complicated editor...~# vi = vim.v.4.2 # telnet, ftp, talk, ytalk, write, rlogin, finger, nslookup, ping, etc. # bash <-Two Shells, bash.v.1.14.7 & tcsh.v.6.06. # zgv <-Image viewer...jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png, etc...v.2.7 # fax <-Efax fax program.v.0.8a To install leafnode above, do this.-> /root/leafnode-0.9# Read INSTALL # Install (/root/Logo.gif) <-Gif to test zgv.) Dilinux includes /lib/libsvga.so.1.2.10, this is used to support various programs that require a graphics capable console e.g. screensavers, video games, jpeg-gif-mpeg viewers, etc., there are precompiled-elf versions of these programs that can be droped into the system. /lib/libtermcap.so.2.0.8 <-Dilinux libraries.) libcurses.so.1.0.0 libncurses.so.1.9.9g libc.so.5.4.7 libm.so.5.0.6 libgpm.so.1.10 libvgagl.so.1.2.10 ============================================================================= How to install... ============================================================================= C:\ dilinux.exe <-Extract to get.> linux.bat, pkunzip.exe, umsdos.txt, readme, bootfail.bat, join.bat, loadlin.txt. C:\ join <-Join dilinux1-6.zip to get.> C:\ linux.zip C:\ pkunzip -d linux.zip <-Unpack linux.zip to get.> C:\linux C:\ linux <-Boot linux...see below first... Linux.bat looks like this... c:\linux\loadlin c:\linux\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 rw If /dev/hda1 is not where your dos partition is mounted, change this in linux.bat. C:\ fdisk <-To find out your partition number... ~# fdisk <-Fdisk in linux.) Change linux.bat to reflect where your dos partition is mounted, e.g. root=/dev/hda2 /dev/hda3 /dev/hda4... Read the loadlin.txt, it tells you things you should do to allow loadlin to work with win95, in dos mode. If you try and boot linux and it freezes with kernel panic, or it's unable to mount (VFS), just shutdown or reboot the computer, don't look at the screen and wonder what's happening, reboot and be sure you have the right partition "/dev/hda?" listed in linux.bat. DiLinux login: root <-To login... DiLinux:~# mc # minicom # halt <-To shutdown the system... # reboot <-To shutdown & reboot... The complete system requires about 20 mbytes... Zipped it's about 8 1/2 mbytes... Read the stuff in /docs, there are some /GUIDES by me there, they might be helpfull, there's also man pages for most of the programs & commands installed... Read /docs/GUIDES/(dip-guide). <-It's the most important for guiding you in configuring and connecting the system for slip/ppp networking. Try the script pppsetup, to connect to your service provider. ~# pppsetup <-Answer the questions, and then.-> ~# ppp-go ~# ppp-off <-To quit ppp.) You can use (dip) to make a slip or cslip connection, dip can also make a ppp connection, read the dip-guide above for instructions. ~# man /man/slrn.gz <-Manual pages for DiLinux programs minicom.gz and commands. tf.gz tin.gz ircII.gz etc.gz ~# less filename <-To read a text file...) # lynx file.html <-To read a file with a .html extensiom.) You can also read a file from within...~# mc (Press the [F3] key...) (To edit a file.> [F4] (To copy a file.> [F5] (To move or rename a file.> [F6] (To quit mc.> [F10] ============================================================================= To create a 8 mb. swap file... ~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1024 count=8192 (Or.> count=4192 for 4 mb. # sync # mkswap -c /swap 8192 # sync # swapon /swap Then remove the # from this line in.-> /etc/rc.d/rc.local /sbin/swapon /swap ~# swap8 <-Or run this script to do all of the above.) # swap4 <-For a 4 mbyte. swap file.) ~# swapoff /swap <-If you want to remove the /swap file. # rm /swap ============================================================================= ~# free <-To see memory usage...) (Or.> ~# top <-Takes a few seconds # df <-To see disk space...) to start, press Q to quit.) Don't make any changes to C:\linux from within dos, each directory in C:\linux has a --linux-.--- file, don't remove these from within dos, they are not visable when you're in linux, it's best not to even look in C:\linux from within dos. Don't make changes to /DOS from within linux either. If you want to add a program to linux, download it from within linux, unpack it from within linux, install it from within linux. This is a ELF system, it will only run elf compiled programs, so be sure the program you want to download is compiled elf, read the .lsm file that should be with the program or a readme. The program should have a .bin & or .elf somewhere in it's name, for example: program.bin.elf.tar.gz Just because it has a .bin in it's name does'nt mean it's compiled (elf), it could be compiled (aout), look at the date, if it's before August 1995 there is a good chance it's compiled (aout), you won't be able to run it. ~# tar xzvf program.tar.gz <-This is how you unpack a .tar.gz or .tgz file. # unzip program.zip <-If it's a .zip file. # unzip program.exe <-If it's a .exe file. # gunzip program.gz <-If it's a .gz file. # tar xvf program.tar <-If it's a .tar file. ~# file program <-To see if a program is compiled elf, use the (file) command, it should say (ELF) somewhere in the little description. ~# file /usr/bin/ncftp <-To test the file command.) # ldd /usr/bin/ncftp <-To see what libraries a program is linked with.) Ncftp is linked with libc, libtermcap, & libncurses, this means ncftp won't run without these libraries. If you download a program and try to run it, and it says "can't find lib.something?", this means you don't have a library required to run this program, you can forget about it or get that library and put it in /lib/lib.something?. Just be sure the library is compiled elf and after you put it in /lib, run.> ~# ldconfig -v <-To link it up.) Most programs you download will include a man page, you won't be able to read these, they usally need to be formatted first, the /man pages that come with dilinux or already formatted. To format a man page, you need the program (groff) this is not included with dilinux, you can find a compiled-elf version on sunsite /pub/Linux/system/text, you'll also need the program (man), this is somewhere on sunsite also. Most linux software can be found at (ftp.sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux), or one of it's mirrors, (ftp.cc.gatech.edu /pub/linux) etc... Man pages usally have a .1 -.8 or .man, extension, for example: foo.1 There are also .hqx, .arj, .uue, .lha = .lzh, & zoo unpackers. # hexbin # unarj # uudecode # lha # zoo There's also a bootfail.bat to boot linux if it refuses to boot from linux.bat, if you removed a important file or program, or made some changes to a important file, bootfail.bat will allow you to get back into linux to fix the problem. You don't have to download this readme it's included in dilinux.exe... You can remove dilinux1-6.zip, linux.zip & dilinux.exe after it's installed if you wish... Running a (defragmentation) program on your dos system, should not have a negative affect on C:\linux. Disclaimer... It works on my system but this doesn't mean anything, I have just one computer out of millions, if all else fails do this... C:\ deltree linux "Terminate with extreme prejudice." ==============================================================================