/pub/Linux/system/Emulators/alec64-1.12-aoutbin.tar.gz (728881 bytes) ALE C64 Emulator (Jun 02 20:07:17 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Emulators/alec64-1.12-elfbin.tar.gz (749701 bytes) ALE C64 Emulator (Jun 02 20:07:51 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/agat-1.5.tgz (349675 bytes) tool for algorithm animation (Jul 12 15:48:44 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/images/aha2940-0.9b.tar.gz (1068474 bytes) Boot and Rootdisk for adaptec aha2940 pci scsi (Jul 24 15:22:23 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/postgres/appgen-0.2-alpha.tar.gz (93218 bytes) application generator for Postgres95 and httpd (Jul 11 14:07:37 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/clocks/asclock7.tgz (18820 bytes) clock which looks like NeXT date/time application (Jun 08 11:05:20 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Access/abt320.v1.5.elfbin.tar.gz (98869 bytes) driver for the Alva Braille Terminalss (Jul 02 20:12:58 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/awk2c050.tgz (459027 bytes) AWK-to-C Translator (Jun 13 18:34:05 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/mount/automount-0.09.01.tgz (64041 bytes) (Jul 16 13:27:31 EST) simple automounter for local devices (Jul 12 15:48:49 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/acidwarp.0.8.tar.gz (25152 bytes) Linux port of dos eyecandy (Jul 29 04:33:50 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/autoconf-2.10.bin.tgz (123258 bytes) m4 macros to write scripts which configure software (Jul 12 15:48:49 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/autoconf-2.10.src.tgz (380539 bytes) m4 macros to write scripts which configure software (Jul 12 15:49:00 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/amapi.linux-elf.us.tgz (1039144 bytes) X11-based program for 3D modeling (Jul 15 10:37:12 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/andrew/auis635L1-wp.tgz (1899160 bytes) AUIS word processor (May 13 18:40:53 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/bigloo-1.8b.tar.gz (2721627 bytes) scheme system with interpetor and compiler to C (Jul 12 15:50:58 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/bugsx-1.07.tar.gz (341851 bytes) draws parametric plots of biomorphs (Jun 25 08:40:17 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/console/brltty-1.0.tar.gz (107724 bytes) provides tty access via soft Braille display (Jul 30 05:04:03 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/scripts/binstats-0.91.tgz (3667 bytes) prints info on ELF/a.out ratios, duplicate files, etc (Jul 26 17:56:45 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/compiler_tools/bison-1.25.ELF.tgz (106436 bytes) somewhat yacc compatible parser generator (Jul 12 15:51:01 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/compiler_tools/bison-1.25.src.tgz (287239 bytes) somewhat yacc compatible parser generator (Jul 12 15:51:09 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/boing-0.1.tar.gz (191966 bytes) svgalib based breakout game with sound (Jul 21 12:46:07 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/battalion-1.2.ELF.gz (63319 bytes) OpenGL game w/ monsters destroying a town (Jul 12 15:49:23 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/battalion-1.2.src.tgz (1662895 bytes) ls ~/in/b* (Jul 12 15:49:58 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/modula-2/beg1.75-linux.tar.gz (333952 bytes) generates source code from a code selector description (Jun 23 19:08:44 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/delivery/bsmtp-0.94.tar.gz (13667 bytes) Adds batch SMTP support to sendmail (Jul 09 11:13:54 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/bsd.ftpd.shadow.patch.gz (855 bytes) adds shadow support to Berkeley's ftpd (Jun 30 17:29:31 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/bind-4.9.3pl1+RCFSERVICE.tar.gz (1591654 bytes) bind enhancements for service groups (May 15 01:00:22 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ver_cont/cvs-1.8.1.ELF.tgz (261687 bytes) CVS version control system add on for RCS (May 09 10:40:37 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ver_cont/cvs-1.8.1.src.tgz (1406364 bytes) CVS version control system add on for RCS (May 09 10:41:11 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/ctags-1.3.tar.gz (26966 bytes) ctags which generates tags for all possible tag types (Jun 17 22:32:20 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/shell/cal-3.5.tar.gz (47645 bytes) replacement for standard unix calendar program (Jul 18 17:24:39 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Keyboards/cse.tar.gz (18677 bytes) Linux native console font editor (Jul 09 18:38:13 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/colirc.0.2.patch (76484 bytes) colored irc (Jun 23 12:21:54 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/colirc.bin.gz (118341 bytes) colored irc (Jun 23 12:24:59 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/csti35.zip (100878 bytes) lets BBS users use a Linux machine (May 22 04:12:12 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/cidentd.1.0b.tar.gz (19185 bytes) rfc1413 compliant indent server (May 09 21:35:37 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/accounts/chpd-1.0.tar.gz (2559 bytes) notifies users of /etc/passwd changes (Jul 21 01:38:15 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/finger/cfingerd-1.2.3.tar.gz (84693 bytes) *TOTALLY* configurable finger daemon (Jul 28 10:01:56 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/finger/cfingerd-1.2.2.tar.gz (81261 bytes) *TOTALLY* configurable finger daemon (May 13 09:43:14 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Backup/cbkp-0.1.2.tar.gz (38537 bytes) dialog based interface for backups (Jun 30 21:01:11 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/cutils-1.0-linux-bin.tar.gz (49965 bytes) C language miscellaneous utilities (Jul 02 17:40:41 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/cutils-1.0.tar.gz (49679 bytes) C language miscellaneous utilities (Jul 02 17:47:48 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/cutils-1.0-linux-patch.gz (2235 bytes) C language miscellaneous utilities (Jul 02 17:48:02 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/candleweb-1.1beta1.ELF.gus.tgz (532339 bytes) interpreter to the awe language for web interaction (Jul 30 11:40:33 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/candleweb-1.1beta1.ELF.sb.tgz (532351 bytes) interpreter to the awe language for web interaction (Jul 30 11:40:46 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/candleweb-1.1beta1.src.tgz (635064 bytes) interpreter to the awe language for web interaction (Jul 30 11:41:02 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cthugha-L-0.8.bin.tgz (621810 bytes) draws swirling screens based on sound input (Jul 22 14:44:11 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cthugha-L-0.8.src.tgz (125619 bytes) draws swirling screens based on sound input (Jul 22 14:45:21 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cthugha-L-0.8.xtr.tgz (1423687 bytes) draws swirling screens based on sound input (Jul 22 14:52:30 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.4.client.tar.gz (75719 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game with nice graphics (Jul 31 14:46:28 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.4.eutl.tar.gz (30180 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game with nice graphics (Jul 31 14:46:30 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.5.arch.tar.gz (740151 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game with nice graphics (Jul 31 14:46:47 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.5.maps.tar.gz (2058281 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game with nice graphics (Jul 31 14:47:49 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.5.tar.gz (1598176 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game with nice graphics (Jul 31 14:48:33 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/clisp-linux-aout.tar.gz (1973996 bytes) Common Lisp, Linux a.out binaries (Jul 25 19:02:48 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/clisp-linux-elf.tar.gz (1958991 bytes) Common Lisp, Linux elf binaries (Jul 25 19:07:43 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/clisp-source.tar.gz (3252336 bytes) Common Lisp, full source (Jul 25 19:16:19 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/spaceboom-0.95.src.tar.gz (667523 bytes) shoot'em up for Linux (Jul 22 11:30:22 EST) /pub/Linux/ALPHA/dipc/dipc-0.15.tgz (118978 bytes) dips sources (Jul 22 07:02:30 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/cx5x86mod_1.0b.tgz (11983 bytes) module for Cyrix 5x86 CPU register settings (Jun 20 10:00:02 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/eject-1.3.tar.gz (12204 bytes) allows software ejection of CDROMs (Jul 14 22:47:14 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/speech/ears-0.24-bin.tar.gz (353374 bytes) single word speech recognition [src] (Jul 20 07:44:14 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/speech/ears-0.24.tar.gz (171506 bytes) single word speech recognition [src] (Jul 20 07:44:27 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/eIrc-1.1.0.static-elf.tar.gz (671230 bytes) XWindow based IRC client written using Motif (Jul 26 17:34:12 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/eIrc-1.1.0-shared.tar.gz (74877 bytes) XWindow based IRC client written using Motif (Jul 19 16:51:40 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/eIrc-1.1.0-static.tar.gz (606196 bytes) (Jul 19 16:59:54 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/file-transfer/em-1.2.tgz (216428 bytes) easy to use mirror program (Jul 11 00:05:54 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/elk-3.0p2.tgz (761951 bytes) scheme designed for use as extension language subsystem (Jul 19 14:11:27 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/erltools.tgz (1119061 bytes) C/C++ beautifier (Jul 11 22:49:04 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/compiler_tools/flex-2.5.3.ELF.tgz (95807 bytes) GNU's fast lexical analyzer. Mostly like lex (Jul 12 15:51:33 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/compiler_tools/flex-2.5.3.src.tgz (384355 bytes) guessftp file (Jul 12 15:51:43 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/file/file-3.20.1.tgz (74371 bytes) uses magic numbers to detect file types (Jul 29 06:41:33 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/file/fileutils-3.13.tar.gz (585044 bytes) GNU file utils 3.13 (Jul 15 07:39:28 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/file/finfo-3.0.tar.gz (22371 bytes) shows detailed i-node information (Jul 22 05:11:15 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm-2.0.43.tar.gz (548968 bytes) beta version of new fvwm (Jul 12 15:51:56 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/fortran/f2c-960711-ggw.tar.gz (395426 bytes) F2C Fortran to C compiler adapted for Linux (Jul 19 02:14:51 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert/gifmerge-1.33.ELF.gz (4679 bytes) forms a single gif from multiple ones for anim (Jul 30 11:41:03 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert/gifmerge-1.33.src.tgz (5557 bytes) forms a single gif from multiple ones for anim (Jul 30 11:41:05 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/X/glut-3.1.tgz (689436 bytes) OpenGL Utility Toolkit (Jul 12 15:53:05 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/grapher-3d-2.1.a.out.tgz (625568 bytes) generates surfaces of two variable functions (Jul 12 15:53:20 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Daemons/gpm-1.10.tar.gz (232813 bytes) general purpose mouse - selecition, arbritration, lib (Jul 26 11:51:04 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/X/generic-1.5.tgz (251244 bytes) generic 3d graphics kernel (Jul 12 15:52:19 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/pop/get-mail.0.3.tar.gz (11750 bytes) little mail collector using pop (Jul 17 17:24:19 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/glimpseHTTP-2.0.doc.tgz (118296 bytes) tools for using glimpse to provide searchable pages (Jul 12 15:52:47 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/glimpseHTTP-2.0.src.tgz (17787 bytes) tools for using glimpse to provide searchable pages (Jul 12 15:52:49 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/glimpse-3.6.ELF.tgz (440031 bytes) indexing and searching for text files (Jul 22 11:34:50 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/glimpse-3.6.src.tgz (316696 bytes) indexing and searching for text files (Jul 22 11:34:59 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/guile-iii.ELF.tgz (412410 bytes) GNU extension language (Jul 12 15:53:30 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/guile-iii.src.tgz (824881 bytes) ls ~/in/g* (Jul 12 15:53:48 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/diskdrives/hdparm-3.1.tar.gz (13963 bytes) adjust ide driver parameters for improved performance (Jul 31 01:18:59 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/accounts/hardcrack-0.2.tar.gz (105405 bytes) Hardcore Unix Password Cracker (Jul 19 12:44:31 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/i2c-0.2.2.tar.gz (205916 bytes) I2C-Bus driver for Linux (Jul 08 09:15:15 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/corba/ilu-2.0alpha8.src.tgz (2194158 bytes) sample ILU from Xerox (Jul 19 14:13:36 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/afdisk-0.01.tar.gz (28170 bytes) fdisk for Amiga RDB hard disks (Aug 06 11:31:21 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/admesh-0.95.ELF.tgz (17104 bytes) program for processing triangulated solid meshes (Aug 08 16:28:04 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/admesh-0.95.src.tgz (51340 bytes) program for processing triangulated solid meshes (Aug 08 16:28:07 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/ax25-utils-2.0.12.tar.gz (204439 bytes) config and user programs for 2.0 AX.25 support (Aug 10 10:46:40 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/asp-1.3.1.tar.gz (22586 bytes) looks up a host by hostname (Aug 05 09:11:42 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/amapi.linux-elf.us.tar.gz (1026365 bytes) X11-based program for 3D modeling (french) (Aug 12 16:19:57 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/amapi.linux-elf.fr.tar.gz (1027176 bytes) X11-based program for 3D modeling (english) (Aug 12 16:27:35 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/batnav48.tgz (196033 bytes) battleship for X - up to five players simultaneously (Aug 08 17:31:12 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Emulators/bsvc-2.0-src.tar.z (456934 bytes) microprocessor Simulator (Motorola 68000, Hector 1600) (Aug 07 23:12:44 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/managers/bxfm-src.0.1.tar.gz (50167 bytes) simple X11R6/Motif 2.0-based file manager (Aug 01 13:34:51 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/managers/bxfm-bin.0.1.tar.gz (1078328 bytes) simple X11R6/Motif 2.0-based file manager (Aug 01 13:37:55 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/bind-4.9.4.ELF.shared.patch.gz (3068 bytes) patch to bind-4.9.4-REL for ELF/shared support (Aug 10 10:19:40 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/scripts/binstats-0.93.tgz (4451 bytes) prints info on ELF/a.out ratios, duplicate files, etc (Aug 12 14:49:01 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/callback-4.10a.tar.gz (118024 bytes) allows dial-in modems to require callback (Aug 09 06:46:08 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/video/cxdrv-0.86.tar.gz (157792 bytes) device driver for the CX100 frame grabber (Aug 15 13:21:38 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/cx5x86mod_1.0c.tgz (12405 bytes) module for Cyrix 5x86 CPU register settings (Aug 16 12:01:56 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/cncl-1.8.tar.gz (453229 bytes) CNCL source code (Aug 07 19:24:51 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/cncl-1.8-doc.tar.gz (567700 bytes) CNCL Communication Networks Class Library docs (Aug 07 19:24:02 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/ascii2postscript-1.4.2.tar.gz (12831 bytes) ASCII to PostScript (level 1 compliant) transformer (Aug 20 08:47:52 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/candleweb-1.2.ELF.gus.tgz (634445 bytes) interpreter to the awe language for web (Aug 22 10:26:11 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/candleweb-1.2.ELF.sb.tgz (634462 bytes) interpreter to the awe language for web (Aug 22 10:26:27 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/candleweb-1.2.src.tgz (634956 bytes) interpreter to the awe language for web (Aug 22 10:26:47 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/colirc.0.3.bin.tgz (122308 bytes) colored irc (Aug 15 13:05:48 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/colirc.0.3.patch (39232 bytes) colored irc (Aug 15 13:06:02 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/ctags-1.4.tar.gz (29052 bytes) ctags which generates tags for all possible tag types (Aug 21 14:30:52 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/cmu-snmp-linux-3.2-bin.tar.gz (129107 bytes) SNMP agent and clients [bin] (Aug 15 08:48:04 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/cmu-snmp-linux-3.2-src.tar.gz (194167 bytes) SNMP agent and clients (Aug 15 08:48:18 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/cutils-1.1.tar.gz (61979 bytes) C language miscellaneous utilities (Aug 12 11:44:59 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/cutils-1.1-linux-bin.tar.gz (58454 bytes) C language miscellaneous utilities (Aug 12 11:46:16 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/dosfs/dmsdosfs-0.6.9b.tgz (111675 bytes) extends msdos fs to read 6.x compressed partitions (Aug 05 08:52:36 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/dxpc-2.0.1.tar.gz (51632 bytes) X protocol compressor for low bandwidth connections (Aug 07 22:14:04 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/daVinci-2.0.1.ELF.tgz (1782045 bytes) interactive graph visualization system (Jul 19 14:08:23 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/daVinci-2.0.1.aout.tgz (1798303 bytes) interactive graph visualization system (Jul 19 14:10:42 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/mixers/aumix-1.0.tar.gz (14727 bytes) audio mixer build w/ ncurses (Aug 23 12:16:20 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/scripts/binstats-0.95.tgz (8172 bytes) prints info on ELF/a.out ratios, duplicate files, etc (Aug 23 16:41:02 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Linux-boot/bootpa20.zip (20215 bytes) allows you to boot Linux partitions from Win NT (Aug 24 20:01:47 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/clocks/asclock.tgz (19085 bytes) clock which looks like NeXT date/time application (Aug 26 11:45:14 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/amaya-linux.tar.gz (1484450 bytes) alpha web browser from w3 consortium (Aug 23 14:29:27 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/amaya-linux-elf.tar.gz (1511782 bytes) alpha browser from the w3 consortium (Aug 23 14:28:53 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/bb_threads_0.3.tar.gz (6103 bytes) bare bones thread package based on clone() (Aug 26 18:54:36 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/msdos/binutils-2.7.go32.tar.gz (525819 bytes) binutils configured with MS-DOS as target (Aug 26 15:46:09 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/dns/bind-4.9.4-P1.ELF.shared.patch.gz (3053 bytes) patch to build shared ELF libresolv (Aug 25 11:41:52 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/dcon0.96.tgz (21455 bytes) script language for modem operations (better then chat) (Jul 20 12:31:57 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/dosfs/dmsdosfs-0.7.0.tgz (143450 bytes) extends msdos fs to read 6.x compressed partitions (Aug 26 07:43:14 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/diald-top-0.6.tgz (35046 bytes) display 'top' like listing for diald packets (Aug 02 20:25:41 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/mixers/aumix-1.1.tar.gz (21048 bytes) audio mixer build w/ ncurses (Sep 02 17:16:30 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/bonnie.tar.gz (18271 bytes) Unix filesystem performance benchmark (Sep 03 01:14:22 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/cd-console-1.0.tar.gz (5096 bytes) text mode CD player (Aug 27 15:41:22 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/cyrix-1.00-elf.patch (1448 bytes) lets cyrix 1.0 build w/ ELF (Sep 01 09:19:04 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/dhcpcd-0.2.tar.gz (23519 bytes) daemon for DHCP booting protocol (Aug 18 10:42:35 EST) /pub/Linux/ALPHA/dce-rpc/dce-linux-BL1.tar.gz (1489516 bytes) partical port of DCE V1.1 public domain sources (Jul 12 20:15:29 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/bbs/drealmBBS-2.1.tar.gz (470133 bytes) Bulletin Board System for Linux (Jul 31 14:48:46 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/aero-1.7.0.aout.tgz (507962 bytes) system for simulation of rigid body systems (Sep 03 13:03:28 ) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/aero-1.7.0.src.tgz (305179 bytes) system for simulation of rigid body systems (Sep 03 13:03:41 ) /pub/Linux/utils/scripts/binstats-0.96.tgz (9505 bytes) prints info on ELF/a.out ratios, duplicate files, etc (Sep 03 19:16:55 ) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/cdda2wav0.6.src.tar.gz (56244 bytes) converts audio CD tracks to .wav (Sep 03 23:22:41 ) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/erltools.tgz (1119061 bytes) C/C++ beautifier, lexical tree maniuplator (Aug 23 12:27:45 ) /pub/Linux/system/Keyboards/edt-vt100-kbd-1.05.tar.gz (73834 bytes) scripts to use Emacs in VAX-VMS-EDT mode (Aug 02 19:09:34 ) /pub/Linux/libs/ftplib.tgz (58281 bytes) library of callable ftp routines (Aug 31 18:01:02 ) /pub/Linux/system/Network/file-transfer/ftpstat-3b.tar.gz (4805 bytes) keepts track of ftp site statistics for welcome.msg (Sep 02 10:38:41 ) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/fortran/f2c-960717.elf.tgz (300687 bytes) binaries of fortran to C translator & assoc libs (Aug 01 12:15:54 ) /pub/Linux/system/Network/file-transfer/fsp.280-B1.tar.gz (151790 bytes) File Service Protocol - enhancement over anon ftp (Aug 25 20:26:08 ) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/f6x86-1.0.tgz (21081 bytes) xforms based tool for configuring Cyrix/IBM 6x86 CPU (Aug 28 00:46:41 ) /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm2rc95fixed (23174 bytes) fvwm95 modified to work w/ autoconf (Aug 14 05:37:09 ) /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm95-2.0.42a-Autoconf.ELF.tgz (516957 bytes) fvwm95 modified to work w/ autoconf (Aug 08 16:28:55 ) /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/fvwm95-2.0.42a-Autoconf.src.tgz (586540 bytes) fvwm95 modified to work w/ autoconf (Aug 08 16:29:28 ) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/gmod+x-3.0.tgz (339395 bytes) .mod player for GUS w/ X support (Sep 01 23:12:58 ) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/dxpc-3.0.0.tar.gz (55807 bytes) X protocol compressor for low bandwidth connections (Sep 04 16:08:22 ) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/grapher-3d-2.1.1.ELF.tgz (388130 bytes) generates surfaces of two variable functions (Aug 08 16:29:42 ) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/mixers/aumix-1.3.tar.gz (25097 bytes) audio mixer for ncurses w/ gpm mouse support (Sep 13 10:56:13 ) /pub/Linux/utils/console/brltty-1.0.1.tar.gz (114603 bytes) provides tty access via soft Braille display (Sep 13 00:57:21 ) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.25-1.i386.rpm (38631 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 20, 1996 9:57:31 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.25-1.src.rpm (75742 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 20, 1996 9:57:59 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.25.ELF.tgz (32621 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 20, 1996 9:58:21 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.25.src.tgz (68949 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 20, 1996 9:58:47 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/asp-1.3.2.tar.gz (24326 bytes) looks up a host by hostname (Sep 23, 1996 10:44:19 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/images/aha2940-0.9d.tar.gz (1068751 bytes) (Sep 17, 1996 5:6:47 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Access/brltty-1.0.2.tar.gz (112472 bytes) provides tty access via soft Braille display (Sep 17, 1996 14:26:13 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/bridgex.tar.gz (13880 bytes) tools/docs for advanced bridging w/ Linux (Sep 21, 1996 11:59:42 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/bridge.tar.gz (8449 bytes) tools/docs for bridging w/ Linux (Sep 21, 1996 11:49:37 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/bstreams.tar.gz (19725 bytes) C++ package for binary data i/o via <<, >> ops (Sep 21, 1996 15:41:5 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/bootpc.v060.tgz (28278 bytes) bootp client for booting off a net with dynamic IPs (Sep 23, 1996 12:4:13 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/cdrom/cm205cd.0.5.tar.gz (21450 bytes) driver for cm205 CD's with 2.0.x kernel (Sep 8, 1996 3:21:55 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/finger/cfingerd-1.3.0.noroot.tgz (33574 bytes) cfingerd modified to not need root privs (Sep 22, 1996 18:57:43 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/finger/cfingerd-1.3.0.tar.gz (89503 bytes) *TOTALLY* configurable finger daemon (Sep 22, 1996 18:59:25 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/cd-console-1.1.tar.gz (11050 bytes) text mode CD player (Sep 18, 1996 11:29:41 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/dosfs/dmsdosfs-0.7.1.tgz (145569 bytes) extends msdos fs to read 6.x compressed partitions (Sep 11, 1996 7:4:37 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/dotfile-2.0b1.tar.gz (608596 bytes) tcl/tk interface to generate configuration files (Sep 17, 1996 9:33:6 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/dxpc-3.3.0.tar.gz (58752 bytes) X protocol compressor for low bandwidth connections (Sep 22, 1996 5:41:19 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/ext2/e2fsprogs-1.05-elfbin.tar.gz (205562 bytes) ELF binaries of ext2 progams mke2fs, fsck.ext2 (Sep 10, 1996 17:0:11 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/ext2/e2fsprogs-1.05.tar.gz (388758 bytes) source for various ext2 programs (Sep 10, 1996 17:1:59 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/speech/ears-0.25.tar.gz (170575 bytes) single word speech recognition [src] (Sep 11, 1996 10:53:11 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/speech/ears-0.26.tar.gz (170795 bytes) single word speech recognition [src] (Sep 22, 1996 7:0:16 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/eject-1.4.tar.gz (12712 bytes) allows software ejection of various media (Sep 9, 1996 21:19:48 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/erltools.tgz (1085484 bytes) C/C++ beautifier, lexical tree maniuplator (Sep 24, 1996 18:16:22 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/fax/efax08a.tar.gz (93986 bytes) send/receive faxes with Class 1 or 2 fax modems (Sep 17, 1996 0:47:4 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/fortran/fort77-1.12.tar.gz (5782 bytes) compiler - like driver for f2c, written in Perl (Sep 11, 1996 14:23:10 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/gmod+x-3.0.1.tgz (348661 bytes) .mod player for GUS w/ X support (Sep 22, 1996 18:11:5 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/groff-1.10.ELF.tgz (1810719 bytes) NU groff text formatter (?roff replacement) [elf] (Aug 12, 1996 10:56:22 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/emacs/hm--html-menus-5.0.tar.gz (62343 bytes) menus for html mode of emacs (Aug 16, 1996 4:45:2 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.27-1.i386.rpm (42414 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 27, 1996 4:32:12 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.27-1.src.rpm (81894 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 27, 1996 4:32:27 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.27.ELF.tgz (36271 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 27, 1996 4:32:31 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/a2ps-4.5.27.src.tgz (75140 bytes) converts various file formats to PostScript (Sep 27, 1996 4:32:38 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/bbs/adbbs-1.6c.tgz (48448 bytes) bbs/menuing system w/ ANSI color support (Sep 27, 1996 19:49:13 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/bootpc.v061.tgz (29015 bytes) bootp client for booting off a net with dynamic IPs (Sep 27, 1996 11:51:25 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/compress/bzip-0.21.tar.gz (67106 bytes) block-sorting file compressor (Sep 27, 1996 11:24:58 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/cdplayer-0.2.tar.gz (13665 bytes) ncurses cdplayer (Sep 25, 1996 14:49:59 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.6.arch.tar.gz (761335 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game (Sep 13, 1996 9:35:56 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.6.doc.tar.gz (692327 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game (Sep 13, 1996 9:36:21 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.6.maps.tar.gz (1923300 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game (Sep 13, 1996 9:37:20 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/rpg/crossfire-0.92.6.tar.gz (1845336 bytes) X11 based dungeon exploration game (Sep 13, 1996 9:39:58 EST) /pub/Linux/logos/l-inside.tar.gz (8875 bytes) linux inside logo (Aug 14, 1996 0:22:13 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/lclint-2.2a.common-mini.tar.gz (120059 bytes) lint like checker for C programs (Sep 12, 1996 12:58:1 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/lclint-2.2a.common.tar.gz (744003 bytes) lint like checker for C programs (Sep 12, 1996 13:1:11 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/lclint-2.2a.linux-elf.tar.gz (445977 bytes) lint like checker for C programs (Sep 12, 1996 13:2:14 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/lclint-2.2a.src.tar.gz (1748571 bytes) lint like checker for C programs (Sep 12, 1996 13:6:21 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/lde-2.3Beta8.tar.gz (282065 bytes) Linux Disk Editor (Sep 15, 1996 19:2:42 EST) /pub/Linux/games/networked/lgc.zip (249290 bytes) multi-player gaming system with many clients (Sep 20, 1996 4:19:18 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/libelf-0.6.4.tar.gz (77262 bytes) ELF object file access library (Jul 31, 1996 21:41:40 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/libgr-2.0.9.ELF.tgz (823091 bytes) various graphics libraries as ELF (Jul 12, 1996 11:55:38 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/libgr-2.0.9.tar.gz (1435150 bytes) various graphics libraries as ELF (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:10 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/libkb-1.00.tar.gz (235896 bytes) keyboard library for both Linux and MSDOS (Jul 23, 1996 12:55:24 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/linuxconf-1.6.bin-aout.tar.gz (375452 bytes) general admin tool for slackware (Aug 4, 1996 23:24:9 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/linuxconf-1.6.bin-elf.tar.gz (329055 bytes) general admin tool for slackware (Aug 4, 1996 23:26:49 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/linuxconf-1.6.src.tar.gz (544290 bytes) general admin tool for slackware (Aug 4, 1996 23:31:32 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lout/lout.3.08.tar.gz (1348912 bytes) source code for formatter (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:40 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lout/lout.3.08.user.ps.gz (428643 bytes) users guide as PostScript (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:51 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lout/lout.barcodes.1.1.tar.gz (13770 bytes) support for generating barcodes (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:52 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lout/lout.eiffel.1.1.tar.gz (17470 bytes) formatting for programs written in eiffel (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:53 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/devel/lib3d-0.1.7.tar.gz (123895 bytes) fast z-buffer rendering library (Jul 28, 1996 7:21:53 EST) /pub/Linux/games/networked/lgc_1.04.tar.gz (32664 bytes) multi-player gaming system with many clients (Sep 19, 1996 19:15:56 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/logtime-1.20.tar.gz (205425 bytes) tools for keeping track of time on ISP (Aug 25, 1996 4:19:49 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lyx-0.10.0-ELF-bin.tar.gz (478469 bytes) WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] (Jul 31, 1996 21:33:9 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lyx-0.10.0.tar.gz (536811 bytes) WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] (Jul 31, 1996 21:32:45 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lyx-0.10.1-ELF-bin.tar.gz (483706 bytes) WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] (Aug 14, 1996 1:19:19 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lyx-0.10.1.tar.gz (541184 bytes) WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] (Aug 14, 1996 1:13:57 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/lzo-0.22.tar.gz (145012 bytes) real-time data compression library (Sep 19, 1996 14:42:57 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/dhcpcd-0.4.tar.gz (31017 bytes) daemon for DHCP booting protocol (Sep 24, 1996 17:33:56 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux.exe (70623 bytes) installs dilinux (Sep 25, 1996 19:45:28 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux1.zip (1443840 bytes) drop in linux for dos [1 of 6] (Sep 25, 1996 20:47:9 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux2.zip (1443840 bytes) drop in linux for dos [2 of 6] (Sep 25, 1996 21:24:43 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux3.zip (1443840 bytes) drop in linux for dos [3 of 6] (Sep 25, 1996 22:15:4 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux4.zip (1443840 bytes) drop in linux for dos [4 of 6] (Sep 25, 1996 22:29:59 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux5.zip (1443840 bytes) drop in linux for dos [5 of 6] (Sep 25, 1996 23:0:51 EST) /pub/Linux/distributions/dilinux/dilinux6.zip (1063428 bytes) drop in linux for dos [6 of 6] (Sep 25, 1996 23:18:44 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Keyboards/diacrd-usx-0.02.tgz (42330 bytes) transforms diacritical US keys for X (Sep 17, 1996 21:55:24 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/erltools-104.tgz (1085484 bytes) various C tools (beautifier, parser generator, etc) (Sep 27, 1996 18:31:21 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/lcc-3.5-linux-bin.tar.gz (140305 bytes) Retargetable C Compiler (Aug 16, 1996 11:36:9 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/essentia-3.3.2-0.i386.rpm (2482981 bytes) full featured database engine (Sep 18, 1996 12:27:15 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/essentia-3.3.2.tgz (2483457 bytes) full featured database engine (Sep 23, 1996 11:3:49 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/essentia-doc-3.3.2-0.i386.rpm (46424 bytes) documentation on essentia database (Sep 18, 1996 16:13:47 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/essentia-doc.tgz (43481 bytes) documentation on essentia database (Sep 18, 1996 16:14:19 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/essentia-jdbc-Beta-0.i386.rpm (80821 bytes) JDBC interface to essentia database (Sep 18, 1996 16:14:49 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/essentia-jdbc.tgz (68797 bytes) JDBC interface to essentia database (Sep 18, 1996 16:15:34 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/ext2/ext2_200.zip (1014101 bytes) ext2 IFS driver for OS/2 (Sep 24, 1996 17:23:12 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/ferret-1.1-eval.tar.gz (189702 bytes) index for large collections of data (Sep 28, 1996 17:54:5 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/flpr-2.0.tgz (54500 bytes) perl script to detect file type before invoking lpr (Sep 19, 1996 11:37:36 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/pop/fetchmail-1.1.tar.gz (209953 bytes) popclient derivative with many, many features (Sep 28, 1996 13:20:23 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/tapes/ftape-2.0.x.tar.gz (91948 bytes) replacement ftape driver for 2.0.x kernels (Sep 22, 1996 9:15:55 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/tapes/ftape-2.09-2.09c.dif.gz (2903 bytes) patch from ftape 2.0.9 to 2.0.9c (Sep 12, 1996 5:20:44 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/gomscript/gomscript-linux-2.0.0.tar.gz (324207 bytes) C++ like interpretor (Aug 22, 1996 2:3:36 EST) /pub/Linux/ALPHA/hfs/hfs_fs-0.7.4.tar.gz (139093 bytes) HFS filesystem module (Sep 16, 1996 8:12:30 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/hfsutils-1.17b.tar.gz (105856 bytes) allows access to Macintosh HFS disks (Aug 7, 1996 2:4:39 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/emacs/hm--view-process-2.4.tar.gz (39258 bytes) emacs lisp for viewing process status (Aug 20, 1996 3:36:18 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/readers/leafnode-0.9.ELF.tgz (43647 bytes) off-line newsreadin (dload, read, post, followup) (Sep 25, 1996 7:43:23 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/libpcd-0.1.tar.gz (41396 bytes) library for reading PhotoCD's with sample apps (Aug 17, 1996 9:51:17 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/listing-13.tar.gz (10310 bytes) shell script to integrate a2ps and ghostscript (Aug 26, 1996 13:19:21 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/libjpeg-6a.tar.gz (500701 bytes) JPEG library version 6a (Jul 26, 1996 2:39:50 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/leap-0.8.3.tar.gz (158225 bytes) rdbms w/ relational algebra query language (Sep 17, 1996 12:54:36 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/file/less-321.ELF.tgz (61384 bytes) Fancy version of more - stdin browser (Jul 31, 1996 10:48:48 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/file/less-321.src.tgz (193639 bytes) Fancy version of more - stdin browser (Jul 31, 1996 10:48:57 EST) /pub/Linux/games/networked/lgc-1.04-1.i386.rpm (36983 bytes) multi-player gaming system with many clients (Sep 19, 1996 19:16:17 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/lyn0.8a.4L.tar.gz (54298 bytes) curses CD player with CD database (Sep 2, 1996 7:14:26 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/lynx2-6.color.ELF.tgz (270526 bytes) ELF binary of lyn w/ color support (Sep 9, 1996 3:3:14 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/inline-math-2.1.tar.gz (13000 bytes) inline floating-point GCC macros for the 80387/80486 (Aug 12, 1996 7:15:58 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ideafix/ideafix-4.3.2-0.i386.rpm (4867320 bytes) application development environment (Sep 20, 1996 17:35:30 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ideafix/ideafix-4.3.2.tgz (4753724 bytes) application development environment (Sep 21, 1996 1:13:26 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ideafix/ideafix-doc-4.3.2-0.i386.rpm (1456143 bytes) documentation on ideafix environment (Sep 21, 1996 1:20:1 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ideafix/ideafix-doc.tgz (1472985 bytes) documentation on ideafix environment (Sep 21, 1996 5:7:40 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/iro-1.0.tar.gz (5181 bytes) IP Name/Address client/server for dynamic web links (Sep 11, 1996 0:27:1 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/isputil-0.5.tgz (124709 bytes) utils for selling online hours (Sep 15, 1996 14:49:23 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ispcost-0.36.tar.gz (30266 bytes) X app for making dialup conns, computing costs (Aug 30, 1996 7:41:35 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/iphunter-0.2.tar.gz (2433 bytes) finds the IP address of the machine (Aug 22, 1996 3:43:25 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/iqlsrv-1.3-2.i386.rpm (388034 bytes) InterSoft SQL Server (Sep 18, 1996 21:57:20 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/iqlsrv-1.3-2.tgz (386943 bytes) InterSoft SQL Server (Sep 18, 1996 22:2:48 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/imgsizer-1.0.tar.gz (11176 bytes) perl script to generate WIDTH, HEIGHT, tags (Jul 30, 1996 22:19:35 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/ilog-talk-3.2.tar.gz (3611825 bytes) development environment for ILOG Talk lisp-ish lang (Jul 31, 1996 9:52:18 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Fido/ifmail-2.8f_to_2.8f-tx7.7.tgz (149285 bytes) patch for addng features to ifmail 2.8f (Sep 12, 1996 4:22:5 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/ircii-pana-68b.tar.gz (829078 bytes) ansi color irc client (Sep 23, 1996 22:38:49 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/itcldiffs.for.tkstep.tgz (17155 bytes) makes itcl 2.1 widgets look like NextStep (Jul 24, 1996 23:1:14 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/inn1.4u4-config-1.0.gz (9207 bytes) config.data file for building inn 1.4u4 on Linux (Aug 25, 1996 20:13:49 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/inn1.4u4-lnx-bin-1.0.tar.gz (448759 bytes) inn 1.4u4 binaries for Linux (Aug 25, 1996 20:14:1 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert/jpeginfo-1.1.2.tar.gz (10937 bytes) displays info, checks integrity of JPEG files (Sep 28, 1996 9:58:4 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert/jpegoptim-1.0a.tar.gz (12408 bytes) utility to optimize/compress JPEG/JFIF files (Sep 28, 1996 9:58:26 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/shell/kcd-1.0.0.tar.gz (34730 bytes) change directories using cursor keys through dir tree (Sep 26, 1996 23:23:30 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/kiss-0.13.tar.gz (181233 bytes) simple shell w/ included commands for rescues (Sep 21, 1996 5:15:51 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules1.3-bin-X11.tar.gz (90268 bytes) binaries for X version of koules (Sep 12, 1996 4:38:47 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules1.3-bin-svga.tar.gz (78907 bytes) binaries for svgalib version of koules (Sep 12, 1996 4:39:59 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules1.3-sound.tar.gz (154581 bytes) source code for koules (Sep 12, 1996 4:43:27 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules1.3-src.tar.gz (332380 bytes) source code for koules (Sep 12, 1996 4:54:19 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules-1.3-1.src.rpm (337604 bytes) source RPM for koules (needs Red Hat 3.0.3) (Sep 12, 1996 4:25:41 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules-sound-1.3-1.i386.rpm (128016 bytes) i386 binary RPM for svgalib koules (Sep 12, 1996 4:30:29 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules-svga-1.3-1.i386.rpm (87198 bytes) i386 binary RPM for svgalib (Sep 12, 1996 4:33:14 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/koules/koules-x11-1.3-1.i386.rpm (98610 bytes) i386 binary RPM for svgalib X (Sep 12, 1996 4:36:24 EST) /pub/Linux/logos/linux-3D-anim.gif (20832 bytes) transparent and animated 3D Linux gif (Aug 24, 1996 17:34:24 EST) /pub/Linux/logos/logo_ascii.tar.gz (33023 bytes) ASCII version of the unofficial Linux logo (Jul 24, 1996 7:32:59 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lout/lout.latin2.2.0.tar.gz (23469 bytes) support for latin 2 character set (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:55 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/lout/lout.teq.2.0.tar.gz (174642 bytes) support for TeX equations (Jul 12, 1996 11:56:59 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/lynx2-6.color.ELF.tgz (270526 bytes) lynx 2.6 w/ slang color (Sep 9, 1996 3:3:14 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/linuxdoc-sgml-1.5.ELF.tgz (322117 bytes) ELF binaries of Linuxdoc SGML 1.5 (Jul 19, 1996 10:15:37 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/masqtool-1.1.tar.gz (9371 bytes) menu driven tool for IP masquerading (Aug 12, 1996 16:41:33 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/medit-1.5.1.tar.gz (83951 bytes) multi window, easy to use editor (Sep 18, 1996 1:37:56 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/devel/mgui-1.6.1.tar.gz (418310 bytes) windows interface for DOS, Windows, and X (Sep 18, 1996 1:44:2 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/monax25-1.11.tar.gz (36257 bytes) records the usage of a packet radio channel (Aug 9, 1996 9:13:7 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/mpage24.tgz (56745 bytes) many to one page printing utility (Sep 5, 1996 16:38:17 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/mpr-1.2.tar.gz (52949 bytes) poor man's memory profiler for C programs (Sep 11, 1996 3:19:3 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/msql-1.0.16.ELF.tgz (251783 bytes) lightweight sql engine (subset of ANSI) (Jul 12, 1996 11:58:28 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/msql-1.0.16.src.tgz (195705 bytes) lightweight sql engine (subset of ANSI) (Jul 12, 1996 11:58:33 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/video/mv1000drv-0.20.tgz (84501 bytes) driver for Mutech MV1000 PCI-framegrabber (Jul 25, 1996 10:47:57 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/mailhandlers/maildec-1.1pl0.tar.gz (13617 bytes) decoder for Base64, UU/XX, BinHex encoded files (Sep 25, 1996 10:55:10 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/modem-0.3b.tar.gz (79150 bytes) distributed communication package for modems (Sep 5, 1996 12:40:11 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/mgv-1.0-elf.tar.gz (1139021 bytes) Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Sep 12, 1996 19:7:1 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/mgv-1.0.tar.gz (557037 bytes) Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5. (Sep 12, 1996 12:4:19 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers/man-1.4h.tar.gz (99061 bytes) man based on man 1.3 w/ compression, locale (Jul 22, 1996 6:45:59 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/video/meteor-1.4a.tgz (52959 bytes) driver for the matrox meteor frame grabber card (Sep 5, 1996 6:37:15 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/microsat-0.91.tar.gz (122253 bytes) allows Linux AX.25 code to use amatuer PACSATs (Aug 9, 1996 9:12:32 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/viewers/mtv-0.0b4.tgz (157205 bytes) X MPEG player (Aug 10, 1996 15:53:13 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/mp3play.tar.gz (82130 bytes) plays mpeg 3 sound files on *fast* machines (Sep 27, 1996 14:58:17 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/mikmod-2.13-unix.tar.gz (177339 bytes) ncurses based module player (Sep 27, 1996 12:52:25 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/minicom-1.75-s.ELF.tgz (139970 bytes) ELF binaries of minicom (Jul 8, 1996 21:59:52 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/scanners/mscan-0.1.tar.gz (26670 bytes) user level program for using Mustek scanners (Sep 27, 1996 1:43:28 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/biology/molmol-2.2.0-bin.tgz (993465 bytes) displays, analyzes, and manips 3d macromolecules (Jul 12, 1996 11:57:39 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/biology/molmol-2.2.0-doc.tgz (818321 bytes) displays, analyzes, and manips 3d macromolecules (Jul 12, 1996 11:57:58 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/biology/molmol-2.2.0-src.tgz (993623 bytes) displays, analyzes, and manips 3d macromolecules (Jul 12, 1996 11:58:20 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/servers/nas-1.2p5-1.i386.rpm (578514 bytes) Network Audio Server (& devel library) (Sep 17, 1996 9:33:32 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/servers/nas-1.2p5-1.src.rpm (600060 bytes) Network Audio Server (& devel library) (Sep 17, 1996 9:34:34 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/servers/nas-1.2p5.ELF.tgz (545904 bytes) Network Audio Server (& devel library) (Sep 17, 1996 9:35:13 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/servers/nas-1.2p5.src.tgz (594952 bytes) Network Audio Server (& devel library) (Sep 17, 1996 9:38:29 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi/ncrBsd2Linux-1.12a-src.tar.gz (73864 bytes) FreeBSD NCR810 SCSI driver ported to Linux (Jul 5, 1996 19:28:36 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/nfs/nfs-server-2.2beta21.tar.gz (158678 bytes) user space nfs server (Sep 20, 1996 14:35:23 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/financial/netcdemo-1.04.tar.gz (936085 bytes) demo of credit card processing package (Sep 17, 1996 23:4:18 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/management/netwatch0.4.bin.tar.gz (26034 bytes) displays ethernet usage information (Aug 24, 1996 23:43:6 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/management/netwatch0.4.src.tar.gz (33873 bytes) displays ethernet usage information (Aug 24, 1996 23:43:17 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/newsdump-1.2.tar.gz (21365 bytes) perl scripts for news posting and retrieval (Sep 16, 1996 10:53:7 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/ng2h-104.tgz (17022 bytes) converts Norton Guide database files to HTML (Jul 7, 1996 5:26:24 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/misc/nfs-swap-2.0.12.diff (24243 bytes) patch to 2.0.12 to allow swapping over NFS (Aug 12, 1996 13:53:29 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/nslookup.ELF.tgz (89716 bytes) ELF binaries of nslookup and host (Sep 29, 1996 13:14:26 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/readers/nn-6.5.1-linux-bin.tar.gz (323505 bytes) nn threaded newsreader (Aug 28, 1996 23:7:53 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/occ-v1.tar.gz (19176 bytes) online cost calculator (Jul 26, 1996 20:24:41 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/console/open-1.4.tar.gz (17271 bytes) opens a new v.c. running a command (Jul 19, 1996 14:15:32 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/circuits/oscope-1.1.tar.gz (60728 bytes) 44kHz oscilloscope for /dev/dsp for X and svgalib (Aug 4, 1996 10:36:12 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/speech/ogi-speech-tools.tar.gz (1378876 bytes) Speech data manipulation research tools (Aug 2, 1996 19:24:27 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/ogre-5.01.tar.gz (57459 bytes) generates 3d data files for VR engines (Sep 27, 1996 11:25:49 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/odbc-ess-win-3.3.2-0.i386.rpm (919663 bytes) ODBC interface for Windows and Essentia (Sep 20, 1996 12:58:3 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/essentia/odbc-ess-win-3.3.2.tgz (917419 bytes) ls ~/in/o* (Sep 20, 1996 13:7:7 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/console/pcsndrv-1.0.tgz (200877 bytes) sound driver for the PC speaker (Jul 12, 1996 11:58:51 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/pdksh-5.2.8.man.cat.gz (47440 bytes) free version of Korn Shell (Aug 25, 1996 12:27:10 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/pdksh-5.2.8.tar.gz (435498 bytes) pdksh man page (Aug 25, 1996 12:28:9 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/shell/pdmenu-0.3.tar.gz (31114 bytes) simple menu program written in perl, uses dialog (Jul 21, 1996 18:14:34 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/readers/pine3.95.ELF.tgz (695468 bytes) pine 3.95 ELF binaries (Sep 9, 1996 18:37:30 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/pixcon1.03.tgz (1041710 bytes) 3D rendering package w/ shading (Aug 1, 1996 0:32:6 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/draw/pixmap-2.6p4-1.i386.rpm (123961 bytes) pixmap editor based on XPM version (Sep 5, 1996 6:37:36 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/draw/pixmap-2.6p4-1.src.rpm (141478 bytes) pixmap editor based on XPM version (Sep 5, 1996 6:37:47 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/draw/pixmap-2.6p4.ELF.tgz (85953 bytes) pixmap editor based on XPM version (Sep 5, 1996 6:37:53 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/draw/pixmap-2.6p4.src.tgz (157434 bytes) pixmap editor based on XPM version (Sep 5, 1996 6:38:7 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/datebooks/plan-1.5.2-srcbin.tar.gz (1163731 bytes) X11/Motif Schedule Planner statically linked (Sep 5, 1996 0:58:35 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cds/playcd-1.0.tar.gz (44511 bytes) small and simple text mode CD player (Jul 9, 1996 9:15:52 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Status/ps/procinfo-0.10.tar.gz (14773 bytes) displays system info from /proc (Sep 15, 1996 4:5:21 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/mailhandlers/procmail-3.11pre4.tar.gz (170529 bytes) powerful filter for incoming mail and LDA (Aug 25, 1996 19:31:14 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/status/procmeter-2.1.tgz (24319 bytes) displays a set of graphs with system stats (Sep 3, 1996 1:52:55 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/distrib/pvm-3.3.11.tgz (614916 bytes) Parallel Virtual Machine distributed comp. system (Jul 12, 1996 11:59:14 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/pstream-0.0.1.tgz (17053 bytes) persistent object stream library (Sep 3, 1996 19:29:16 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ver_cont/prcs-1.0.0-ELF.tgz (160700 bytes) RCS frontenf for projects (CVSish (Sep 11, 1996 12:22:10 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ver_cont/prcs-1.0.0.tar.gz (437209 bytes) RCS frontenf for projects (CVSish) (Sep 4, 1996 23:25:9 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.2.tar.gz (2451 bytes) script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 20, 1996 1:5:54 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp/pppload-1.0-1.i386.rpm (13256 bytes) display PPP link throughput in X graph (Sep 12, 1996 22:12:6 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp/pppload-1.0-bin.tar.gz (27111 bytes) display PPP link throughput in X graph (Sep 12, 1996 22:10:48 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp/pppload-1.0.tar.gz (15099 bytes) display PPP link throughput in X graph (Sep 12, 1996 22:8:45 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert/ppm2fli_b1-92.ELF.tgz (37040 bytes) converts PPM, PGM, PBM to FLI animations and back (Aug 1, 1996 10:37:35 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/convert/ppm2fli_b1-92.src.tgz (38876 bytes) converts PPM, PGM, PBM to FLI animations and back (Aug 1, 1996 10:37:38 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/pk-1.0 (0 bytes) script to patch kernels, set symlinks (Sep 2, 1996 13:47:34 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/pk-1.0.tar.gz (3378 bytes) script to patch kernels, set symlinks (Sep 2, 1996 13:47:43 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/ppp/pind-0.2.tgz (9656 bytes) X utility to watch PPP time (Jul 12, 1996 6:54:41 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/file-transfer/pftp-0.2.7.tar.gz (11732 bytes) tranfers files through a telnet session (Sep 3, 1996 13:30:26 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/compiler_tools/precc-2.44.tgz (210530 bytes) infinite lookahead compiler compiler (Jul 12, 1996 14:18:0 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/readers/peruser2.8.3.binaries.tar.gz (67513 bytes) xforms based off line newsreader (Sep 22, 1996 18:56:55 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/readers/peruser2.8.3.source.tar.gz (55823 bytes) xforms based offline news reader (Sep 22, 1996 18:57:16 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/plcd-0.2b.tar.gz (9757 bytes) CD player designed for scripting (Sep 7, 1996 13:42:36 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/plcd-1.0b.tar.gz (10663 bytes) CD player designed for scripting (Sep 16, 1996 23:45:32 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/mail/plor.tgz (59553 bytes) SOUP & qwk Offline Reader (Aug 26, 1996 2:47:50 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/phonebook-1.0.tar.gz (3680 bytes) scripts for maintaining simple address book (Aug 7, 1996 9:28:3 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/shell/paicc-1.4.tar.gz (39227 bytes) turns static command output into real time display (Sep 8, 1996 18:42:8 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Backup/part.tar.gz (12479 bytes) uility for backup on 3.5 inch disks (Sep 9, 1996 14:23:20 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/fortran/pflnx511.tgz (1027890 bytes) ELF binaries of plusFORM toolkit (Aug 6, 1996 5:36:0 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/finger/perl-finger-0.2.tar (20480 bytes) findger daemon allowing perl scripts for users (Jul 14, 1996 1:31:57 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Linux-boot/patch-non640k-0.9.gz (12014 bytes) allows 2.0.10 to boot on machines with < 640k conv mem (Aug 14, 1996 12:0:32 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/gimp/plug-ins-960617.ELF.tgz (374485 bytes) various plugins for the GIMP (Jul 12, 1996 11:58:59 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/gimp/plug-ins-960617.gimprc (6869 bytes) gimprc entries for plug-ins collection (Jul 12, 1996 11:59:0 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/povray-3.0.ELF.tgz (2002394 bytes) 3.0 release of pocray raytracer (Aug 22, 1996 6:36:26 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/povray-3.0.doc.ps.gz (908752 bytes) docs on povray 3.0 (Aug 22, 1996 6:36:59 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/povray-3.0.src.tgz (746812 bytes) source for povray 3.0 (Aug 28, 1996 11:45:39 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/math/qc-0.14.tar.gz (11581 bytes) interactive calculator equivalent to a TI-30ish (Aug 27, 1996 16:8:45 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/qfw-1.0.tar.gz (3500 bytes) From: header dynamic modifier for qmail (Aug 11, 1996 17:15:14 EST) /pub/Linux/games/quake/qutils-adb.1.0.tar.gz (87713 bytes) Quake utilities from iD with ELF bins (Jul 7, 1996 21:48:50 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/rdate-960923.tar.gz (2420 bytes) sets system time from another systems (Sep 24, 1996 2:9:49 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/rel-1.3.tar.gz (87385 bytes) finds relevence of docs to boolean keyword expression (Sep 13, 1996 23:56:52 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Printing/rlpr-1.21.tar.gz (20462 bytes) sends print jobs to lpd servres w/o /etc/printcap (Aug 4, 1996 21:34:11 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers/rman-2.5a6.ELF.tgz (22293 bytes) filter for man pages (needed by tkman) (Jul 22, 1996 7:35:1 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers/rman-2.5a6.src.tgz (42303 bytes) filter for man pages (needed by tkman) (Jul 22, 1996 7:35:4 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/bbs/rocat-1.05.tar.gz (935133 bytes) full-featured BBS ported to Unix (Sep 22, 1996 12:53:43 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/rupuders-0.03.tar.gz (170342 bytes) simple shoot-em-up game (Jul 16, 1996 18:46:14 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/ramp-0.0.9a.tar.gz (713663 bytes) manipulates sound in real time (Jul 16, 1996 14:44:18 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Daemons/regd-0.0.1.tgz (23397 bytes) tcp registration daemon ala Win95 registry (Sep 3, 1996 19:30:14 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/radiusclient-0.2.7.tar.gz (110388 bytes) radius auth/acct client (Sep 16, 1996 15:11:48 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/repton-1.0a-bin.tar.gz (220122 bytes) Repton-clone arcade game (Sep 10, 1996 15:23:24 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/repton-1.0a.tar.gz (228683 bytes) Repton-clone arcade game (Sep 10, 1996 15:37:25 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/databases/reccat+.0.3.tgz (77241 bytes) browser for record, cd, cassettes collections (Sep 2, 1996 7:29:26 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/rexec.tgz (10486 bytes) rexec client (Sep 16, 1996 12:21:46 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/rjg-crack.tar.gz (56154 bytes) Fast Brute-Force Password Cracker (Aug 19, 1996 0:51:50 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Recovery/resque_disk.2.0.18 (1474560 bytes) rescue disk based on 2.0.18 (Sep 12, 1996 0:7:30 EST) /pub/Linux/games/quake/regged-linux.txt (2232 bytes) info on running quake (Jul 25, 1996 12:22:23 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/rxvt-2.19.2.XPM-1.i386.rpm (40785 bytes) reduced (size and memory) xterm (Sep 27, 1996 4:33:15 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/rxvt-2.19.2.XPM-1.src.rpm (169434 bytes) reduced (size and memory) xterm (Sep 27, 1996 4:33:23 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/rxvt-2.19.2.XPM.ELF.tgz (34112 bytes) reduced (size and memory) xterm (Sep 27, 1996 4:33:29 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/rxvt-2.19.2.XPM.src.tgz (161634 bytes) reduced (size and memory) xterm (Sep 27, 1996 4:33:41 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/sced-0.94.ELF.gz (678284 bytes) create 3d scenes and export them to diff formats (Sep 5, 1996 6:38:48 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/delivery/sendmail-8.7.6.upgrade.aout.tar.gz (439251 bytes) sendmail 8.7.6 a.out binary (important security fixes!) (Sep 24, 1996 17:46:59 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/mixers/setmix-0.5.tar.gz (14640 bytes) program to set and read mixers settings using a file (Jul 22, 1996 10:12:28 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/setserial-2.12.tar.gz (12972 bytes) configures the serial port device (Aug 3, 1996 3:0:59 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/shadow-ina-box-1.1.patch.tgz (3965 bytes) full collection of shadows utilities w/ programs (Jul 31, 1996 22:40:47 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/shadow-ina-box-1.1.tgz (2759047 bytes) full collection of shadows utilities w/ programs (Jul 31, 1996 23:10:30 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Backup/shak-2.0b.tar.gz (115558 bytes) script wrapper for backing up files (Aug 3, 1996 13:48:34 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/serial/sidrv.taz (43383 bytes) driver for Specialix SIO and XIO serial cards (Jul 20, 1996 9:26:20 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/studio.0.2.tgz (633253 bytes) record and play back audio files in various formats (Sep 2, 1996 7:26:41 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/suck-3.2.1.tar.gz (86945 bytes) receives news via NNTP for later reading (Sep 21, 1996 14:47:19 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/smbfs/smbfs-0.5.tgz (54245 bytes) mounts drives exported by WfW, Win NT, etc (Sep 12, 1996 22:0:8 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/swig-1.0-1.i386.rpm (293330 bytes) gnerates wrappers for function/script lang interfaces (Sep 4, 1996 9:12:28 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/swig-1.0-1.src.rpm (485776 bytes) gnerates wrappers for function/script lang interfaces (Sep 4, 1996 9:12:54 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/swig-1.0.ELF.tgz (129871 bytes) gnerates wrappers for function/script lang interfaces (Sep 4, 1996 9:13:9 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/swig-1.0.src.tgz (479827 bytes) gnerates wrappers for function/script lang interfaces (Sep 4, 1996 9:13:27 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/signify-1.01.tar.gz (11214 bytes) perl tool to gerneate random signatures (Sep 28, 1996 17:27:9 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/sigview.tgz (276822 bytes) graphical viewer for circuit simulator output (Aug 15, 1996 0:31:36 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/scanport.tar.gz (23540 bytes) scans ISA io space for hardware devices (Sep 25, 1996 3:0:11 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/shifra.tar.gz (114496 bytes) video games w/ sound (Jul 29, 1996 10:32:27 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/sccw.tar.gz (5083 bytes) Morse Code practice using a soundcard (Aug 29, 1996 23:23:36 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/stime-0.1.tar.gz (607 bytes) shows sytem time in seconds (Jul 26, 1996 22:29:58 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/set6x86.tar.gz (8458 bytes) sets 5x86 and 6x86 config registers (Aug 5, 1996 9:30:0 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/delivery/sendmail.8.7.6.ELF.tgz (370368 bytes) sendmail 8.7.6 ELF bins (lots of security fixes) (Sep 27, 1996 17:13:3 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/readers/slrn0.9.0.0.ELF.tgz (185438 bytes) threaded newsreader built on slgn library (Sep 5, 1996 0:46:52 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/su1-2.5.tgz (18488 bytes) allows selected users to run root programs (Sep 28, 1996 21:58:9 EST) /pub/Linux/docs/linux-doc-project/system-admin-guide/sag-0.4-letter.dvi.gz (111126 bytes) sag on US letter paper (Sep 21, 1996 11:55:25 EST) /pub/Linux/docs/linux-doc-project/system-admin-guide/sag-0.4-letter.ps.gz (189360 bytes) sag on US letter paper, PostScript (Sep 21, 1996 11:57:51 EST) /pub/Linux/docs/linux-doc-project/system-admin-guide/sag-0.4.tar.gz (536521 bytes) sag TeX source (Sep 21, 1996 12:3:51 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/svgalib-1.2.10.CTp.tgz (6608 bytes) svgalib patch to add Chips & Technologies support (Jul 23, 1996 4:48:22 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Backup/taper-6.7.4.diff.gz (18680 bytes) backup program like Norton Backup (Aug 5, 1996 16:49:40 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Backup/taper-6.7.4.tar.gz (262231 bytes) backup program like Norton Backup (Aug 5, 1996 16:22:55 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/midi/tclmidi-3.1f.tar.gz (213309 bytes) language for creating and editing standard MIDI files (Sep 20, 1996 10:1:13 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/textutils-1.19.tar.gz (721985 bytes) GNU text utilities (cat, tr, tail, head, etc) (Jul 15, 1996 3:41:12 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/clocks/timers-1.2.tar.gz (15018 bytes) manages stopwatches for timing things (Jul 18, 1996 18:4:48 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/networked/tkSamba-0.2a.tgz (6703 bytes) tcl/tk front end for working with smbclient (Jul 17, 1996 12:17:8 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/managers/tkdesk-1.0b3.tar.gz (653448 bytes) graphical file manager for Unix/Linux (Sep 25, 1996 20:59:5 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers/tkman-1.8b5.tar.gz (139467 bytes) tk based man pager (Aug 22, 1996 6:29:15 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/tex/ts-9608.tgz (298439 bytes) X based TeX shell (like dos texshell) (Sep 10, 1996 2:3:26 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/tv-0.1.tar.gz (162094 bytes) TurboVision framework for Linux (Aug 22, 1996 6:58:26 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/bbs/tbbs.1.3pl8.1.tgz (1472946 bytes) BBS system w/ rip, nntp, qwk, etc (Aug 22, 1996 12:36:57 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/management/trafshow-1.0.tgz (28267 bytes) shows traffic in ncurses display (Jul 18, 1996 3:34:3 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/file/tree-1.1.tgz (13135 bytes) indented directory litings w/ colors (Sep 25, 1996 0:43:8 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tksm1.3.tgz (236481 bytes) OpenGL based 3D modeling extension for Tcl/Tk (Jul 12, 1996 12:0:27 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tcl7.5p1.ELF.tgz (310949 bytes) tcl 7.5p1 w/ ELF shared libs (Aug 22, 1996 6:27:3 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tcl7.5p1.src.tgz (856047 bytes) tcl 7.5p1 source code (Aug 22, 1996 6:27:22 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tcl7.6b1.ELF.tgz (462715 bytes) tcl 7.6b1 w/ ELF shared libs (Sep 4, 1996 9:13:42 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tcl7.6b1.src.tgz (905722 bytes) tcl 7.6b1 source code (Sep 4, 1996 9:14:28 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tk4.1p1.ELF.tgz (695536 bytes) tk 4.1 w/ ELF shared libs (Aug 22, 1996 6:27:44 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tk4.1p1.src.tgz (1626000 bytes) tk 4.1p1 source code (Aug 22, 1996 6:28:43 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tk4.2b1.ELF.tgz (1017483 bytes) tk 4.2b1 w/ ELF shared libs (Sep 4, 1996 9:15:13 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tk4.2b1.tar.gz (1698816 bytes) tk 4.2b1 source code (Sep 4, 1996 9:16:39 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/tkstep_shlibs.tgz (255291 bytes) TkStep Shared Lib + Wish (Sep 26, 1996 23:14:55 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/mixers/tkmix1.0.tar.gz (8057 bytes) tcl/tk based mixer (Jul 15, 1996 16:1:39 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/admin/tcpblast.960925.c.gz (2045 bytes) tool for measuring network bandwidth (Sep 25, 1996 17:5:35 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/biology/tacg-1.5-src+bins.tar.gz (105758 bytes) command line tool for restriction enzyme DNA analysis (Sep 27, 1996 18:52:12 EST) /pub/Linux/games/muds/tf-35a20.ELF.tgz (205940 bytes) TinyFugue - a popluar telnet client for mudding (Aug 2, 1996 7:12:55 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/twinsock2.0.ELF.tgz (42501 bytes) allows network programs to work over a shell connection (Sep 12, 1996 7:16:13 EST) /pub/Linux/system/News/readers/tin1.3-unoff-960917.ELF.tgz (175963 bytes) unofficial tin release (Sep 21, 1996 20:13:30 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/tcsh-6.06-bin-ELF.tar.gz (115443 bytes) tcsh binaries (enhanced csh) (Jul 8, 1996 1:2:43 EST) /pub/Linux/ALPHA/ufs/ufs-0.4.1.tar.gz (24170 bytes) readonly ufs support (Jul 30, 1996 23:47:31 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/ultra-2.20a.tgz (401153 bytes) Linux Ultra Sound Project (Sep 10, 1996 7:22:18 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/misc/umb-2.0.tar.gz (5922 bytes) allows use of 640kB -> 1MB memory blocks (Sep 18, 1996 23:3:40 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/shell/undelete-v0.1.tar.gz (1042 bytes) simple undelete via trash directory (Aug 2, 1996 20:2:45 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Daemons/updated-1.2.tar.gz (9112 bytes) update daemon for Linux 2.0 or newer (Jul 27, 1996 8:9:22 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/debuggers/ups-2.54-RGA.tar.gz (816711 bytes) C, C++ (and limited Fortran) debugger with X11 gui (Aug 26, 1996 16:40:25 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/uudeview-0.5.5.tar.gz (250898 bytes) uu, xx, base64, binhex decoder (Aug 22, 1996 5:9:14 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/venus-0.5.tar.gz (66096 bytes) TurboVision like C++ framework (Aug 27, 1996 5:23:11 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Manual-pagers/vh-man2html-1.5.tar.gz (63549 bytes) cgi scripts for using httpd for serving man pages (Sep 21, 1996 14:24:32 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Emulators/vice-0.11.0.tar.gz (723226 bytes) Commodore C64/C128/PET/VIC20 Emulators (Jul 31, 1996 11:13:36 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Emulators/vice-roms.tar.gz (98628 bytes) Commodore C64/C128/PET/VIC20 Emulators (Jul 31, 1996 11:15:13 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/volume-2.1.tar.gz (55444 bytes) sets speaker volumes (Sep 4, 1996 1:38:23 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/comm/voice-0.3.tar.gz (27214 bytes) drivers voice capable modems (w/ answering machine app) (Aug 30, 1996 19:42:32 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/console/vchar-1.00.tgz (99666 bytes) vga character editor (Sep 12, 1996 13:57:16 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/toys/vector-0.05.tar.gz (13395 bytes) rotates 3d cube in X root window (Aug 29, 1996 21:9:41 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Misc/x10-amh-v1.05.tgz (11888 bytes) use X10 modules to turn appliances/lights on and off (Sep 23, 1996 2:36:51 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/toys/xbio-1.1.tgz (181729 bytes) displays biorythms (Sep 29, 1996 9:43:16 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/xcdroast-0.95.tar.gz (213479 bytes) X front end for cd creation (Jul 12, 1996 3:15:44 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/clocks/xdaliclock-2.07.tar.gz (46507 bytes) fancy digital clock (Jul 12, 1996 12:1:17 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xevil-1.5.bin.gz (146077 bytes) action video game for X [bin] (Jul 12, 1996 12:4:30 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xevil-1.5.src.tgz (244466 bytes) action video game for X [src] (Jul 12, 1996 12:4:37 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/financial/xfinans-5.9.tar.gz (124696 bytes) personal accounting program for X11 (Aug 26, 1996 3:13:23 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xli-1.16.ELF.tgz (120143 bytes) displays many different image formats (Aug 8, 1996 12:30:58 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xli-1.16.src.tgz (287692 bytes) displays many different image formats (Aug 8, 1996 12:31:27 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/screensavers/xlockmore-3.10.tgz (411011 bytes) xlock w/ extra screen hacks (Aug 6, 1996 9:47:58 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/cdplayers/xmcd-2.0.pl0-pl2.patch.gz (13679 bytes) patch for xmcd (Jul 12, 1996 12:6:12 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/cdplayers/xmcd-2.0.tar.gz (344069 bytes) Full-featured X11/Motif-based CD audio player [src] (Jul 12, 1996 12:6:20 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/cdplayers/xmcd-2.0p2.binELF-staticMotif2.0.gz (526759 bytes) Full-featured X11/Motif-based CD audio player [bin] (Aug 6, 1996 20:44:12 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/cdplayers/xmcd-2.0pl2-bin.tar.gz (596651 bytes) dnyamically linked xmcd (Jul 12, 1996 12:6:33 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/cdplayers/xmcd-2.p02.binELF.gz (85314 bytes) dnyamically linked xmcd (Aug 5, 1996 15:27:45 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/xmemory-3.7.tgz (224347 bytes) multiplayer memory game (Jul 25, 1996 7:7:16 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/xmgr-4.00a.bin.gif (51906 bytes) X Plotting tool, staticly linked with Motif for R5 (Aug 29, 1996 10:17:56 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/xmgr-4.00a.bin.tgz (1436770 bytes) X Plotting tool, staticly linked with Motif for R5 (Sep 1, 1996 11:55:19 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/xmorph-10sep96-1.i386.rpm (42308 bytes) morphing program for X requiring targa input files (Sep 12, 1996 9:37:9 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/xmorph-10sep96-1.src.rpm (94787 bytes) morphing program for X requiring targa input files (Sep 12, 1996 9:37:16 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/xmorph-10sep96.ELF.tgz (36457 bytes) morphing program for X requiring targa input files (Sep 12, 1996 9:37:22 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/xmorph-10sep96.src.tgz (87797 bytes) morphing program for X requiring targa input files (Sep 12, 1996 9:37:41 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/toolbars/xmtoolbar-1.2-Xm-static.gz (611169 bytes) source for toolbar based on Motif (Aug 3, 1996 10:26:42 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/toolbars/xmtoolbar-1.2-full-static.gz (948710 bytes) source for toolbar based on Motif (Aug 3, 1996 10:29:23 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/toolbars/xmtoolbar-source-1.2.tar.gz (42981 bytes) source for toolbar based on Motif (Aug 3, 1996 10:0:15 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/draw/xpaint-2.4.5.tar.gz (244349 bytes) X-Windows paint program (Aug 26, 1996 1:33:37 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/draw/xpaint-2.4.6.tar.gz (244561 bytes) X-Windows paint program (Sep 9, 1996 1:37:29 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/status/xperfmon++_1.0.tar.gz (38194 bytes) shows system status in X (Sep 15, 1996 18:50:42 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Power/xbatstat-0.3.3.tar.gz (80022 bytes) isplays bettery status in a X window (needs xforms) (Sep 19, 1996 12:34:55 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xpcd-1.01.tar.gz (102794 bytes) viewer for PhotoCD's (Aug 17, 1996 9:52:30 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xpilot-3.5.1.tar.gz (766887 bytes) multiplayer tactical manouvering game for X (Jul 12, 1996 12:7:15 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/strategy/xpuzzles-5.3.3.tgz (298183 bytes) collection of rotational 3D and sliding block puzzles (Aug 26, 1996 10:7:0 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xtrojka123.tar.gz (49446 bytes) falling block game, Unix X Window version (Jul 28, 1996 10:27:26 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/status/xwatch-2.09.tar.gz (44141 bytes) watches various log files in an x window (Jul 12, 1996 5:33:58 EST) /pub/Linux/system/BBS/bbs/dbox-1.0.tgz (1028505 bytes) dmoe of BBS mail system (Sep 29, 1996 17:12:57 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/w3ng103.tgz (16581 bytes) makes norton guide database's avail fm web server (Jul 7, 1996 5:26:46 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Admin/watchdog_2.0-0.tar.gz (22671 bytes) reboots your system if it starts to look bad (Aug 1, 1996 7:53:35 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/wave-1.0.tgz (7220 bytes) generates sound waveforms (Sep 2, 1996 16:1:40 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/webroute.tgz (6232 bytes) simple web proxy (Aug 26, 1996 5:56:50 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/widtools-1p1.tgz (29245 bytes) widgets tools for shell scripts, needs xform (Aug 13, 1996 10:32:29 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/editors/wedit-1.13.0.tar.gz (509970 bytes) programers editor like PE II (Sep 12, 1996 12:52:53 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/info-systems/www/wwwutil-0.4.tgz (109512 bytes) various web scripts (Sep 15, 1996 6:45:7 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/wp2x.zip (121669 bytes) converts Word Perfect 5.1 files to many formats (Sep 12, 1996 14:8:20 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xcentipede-0.01.ELF.gz (6884 bytes) X version of classic Centipedes game (Aug 1, 1996 10:37:40 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xcentipede-0.01.src.tgz (10016 bytes) X version of classic Centipedes game (Aug 1, 1996 10:37:42 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/radio/xradio-1.0.src.tgz (18227 bytes) graphical frontend for AIMS RadioTrack (Radio Reveal) (Aug 26, 1996 16:30:23 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/radio/xpinguin.tgz (95519 bytes) xteddy like program w/ Linux logo (Aug 12, 1996 2:39:38 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xoids-1.5-1.i386.rpm (32840 bytes) X11 asteroids clone (Sep 20, 1996 10:2:7 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xoids-1.5-1.src.rpm (41438 bytes) X11 asteroids clone (Sep 16, 1996 9:23:33 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xoids-1.5.ELF.tgz (26845 bytes) X11 asteroids clone (Sep 20, 1996 10:2:25 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xoids-1.5.src.tgz (34281 bytes) X11 asteroids clone (Sep 16, 1996 9:23:44 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1p1.tgz (79101 bytes) xforms based interface to povray (Sep 17, 1996 12:41:30 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/status/xsar-02.tgz (12051 bytes) simple system activity reporter for X11 (Jul 17, 1996 6:11:56 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/colors/xact-1.1.ELF.tgz (14578 bytes) high level color table editor (Jul 30, 1996 7:41:6 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/colors/xact-1.1.src.tgz (16623 bytes) high level color table editor (Jul 30, 1996 7:41:8 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/comm/xfax.1.05Linuxbin.tar.gz (180712 bytes) xforms based front end to efax (Sep 18, 1996 9:27:15 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/comm/xfax.v1.05s.tar.gz (27355 bytes) xforms based front end to efax (Sep 18, 1996 9:27:34 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xpacman-0.11.ELF.gz (9589 bytes) basic version of pacman (Aug 22, 1996 6:29:17 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xpacman-0.11.src.tgz (13041 bytes) basic version of pacman (Aug 22, 1996 6:29:22 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/video/xsnake.tar.gz (16195 bytes) Snake-type game for X11 (Sep 26, 1996 16:34:34 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/convert/xsox.1.02.linux.bin.tar.gz (116534 bytes) xforms front end to xsox (Sep 18, 1996 9:34:27 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/convert/xsox.1.02a_source.tar.gz (14283 bytes) xforms front end to sox (Sep 18, 1996 9:35:7 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/devel/xforms-0.81.ELF.tgz (594592 bytes) gui toolkit for X with interface builder (Jul 12, 1996 12:4:50 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/strategy/xjig-2.4.ELF.tgz (45139 bytes) X based jigsaw puzzles (Jul 31, 1996 10:48:59 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/strategy/xjig-2.4.tgz (124272 bytes) X based jigsaw puzzles (Jul 25, 1996 7:6:25 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/xiafs/xiafspgm-patch-2.shar.gz (11967 bytes) patch to update xiafspgm-0.8.1.tar.z (Jul 15, 1996 8:36:34 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/toys/xodo-1.2.tar.gz (48616 bytes) tracks how far your mouse has travelled (Sep 8, 1996 19:0:0 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/xwb_v2.2.tgz (106115 bytes) tool for editing various types of files (Aug 6, 1996 4:36:16 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/management/xnet-0.5.tgz (19880 bytes) monitors packet traffic in an X window (Sep 17, 1996 20:13:27 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/xgraphic-3.93.ELF.gz (228085 bytes) curve tracing software (Jul 12, 1996 12:4:56 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/xgraphic-3.93.doc_french.ps.gz (38480 bytes) curve tracing software (Jul 12, 1996 12:4:58 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math/xgraphic-3.93.funsample.gz (89752 bytes) curve tracing software (Jul 12, 1996 12:5:1 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xanim-27063-1.i386.rpm (230291 bytes) shows .fli, QuickTime, .avi, etc. [bin] (Sep 12, 1996 9:36:37 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xanim-27063-1.src.rpm (423381 bytes) shows .fli, QuickTime, .avi, etc. [src] (Sep 12, 1996 9:36:59 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xanim27063.ELF.tgz (224708 bytes) shows .fli, QuickTime, .avi, etc. [bin] (Aug 8, 1996 12:30:29 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/viewers/xanim27063.src.tgz (382758 bytes) shows .fli, QuickTime, .avi, etc. [src] (Aug 8, 1996 12:30:51 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/xautolock-pl10-1.i386.rpm (17704 bytes) launches programs after X has been idle (Sep 20, 1996 10:1:24 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/xautolock-pl10-1.src.rpm (31003 bytes) launches programs after X has been idle (Sep 20, 1996 10:1:43 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/xautolock-pl10.ELF.tgz (11588 bytes) launches programs after X has been idle (Sep 20, 1996 10:1:49 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/xautolock-pl10.src.tgz (24213 bytes) launches programs after X has been idle (Sep 20, 1996 10:1:55 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/xsqlmenu_1.02LinuxBin.tar.gz (130945 bytes) xforms interface to msql databases (Jul 16, 1996 9:8:36 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/databases/xsqlmenu_1.02s.tar.gz (14973 bytes) xforms interface to msql databases (Jul 16, 1996 9:8:38 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/xtank-1.4d.tar.gz (577047 bytes) multiplayer tank game (Aug 25, 1996 2:54:20 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/text/yodl-1.07.tar.gz (189621 bytes) document preprocessor w/ HTML, man, LaTeX support (Sep 21, 1996 5:17:7 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Recovery/yard-1.7.tar.gz (116815 bytes) prefabricated yard specs for rescue disks (Sep 22, 1996 20:41:39 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Recovery/yard-prefabs-1.tgz (56311 bytes) prefabricated yard specs for rescue disks (Jul 18, 1996 18:37:20 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Recovery/yard-prefabs-2.tgz (99146 bytes) prefabricated yard specs for rescue disks (Jul 27, 1996 20:44:11 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/zsh-3.0.0.ELF.tgz (314305 bytes) zsh (bourne / korn mix) source (Aug 22, 1996 6:29:41 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/zsh-3.0.0.doc.tgz (730962 bytes) zsh (bourne / korn mix) source (Aug 22, 1996 6:30:24 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Shells/zsh-3.0.0.src.tgz (628435 bytes) zsh (bourne / korn mix) source (Aug 22, 1996 6:34:25 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/tapes/zftape-1.06-1.06a.dif.gz (1010 bytes) ftape with compression added (Sep 12, 1996 5:21:5 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/tapes/zftape-1.06.tar.gz (207951 bytes) ftape with compression added (Aug 30, 1996 21:16:23 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/zircon-1.17p4b37.tar.gz (203064 bytes) tcl/tk IRC client [src] (Sep 17, 1996 9:38:51 EST) /pub/Linux/games/textrpg/zipinfocm-2.0.linux.tar.gz (73198 bytes) plays infocom games (levels 1-5) (Sep 20, 1996 0:42:2 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/AFsp-2.1.ELF.tgz (287974 bytes) library for reading and writing sound files (Aug 27, 1996 8:13:55 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/AFsp-2.1.src.tgz (353747 bytes) library for reading and writing sound files (Aug 27, 1996 8:14:13 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/ACE-4.0.31.tar.gz (1746027 bytes) OO network programming toolkit (Sep 24, 1996 10:52:21 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/window-managers/AfterStep-0.98aBETA33.tgz (645267 bytes) clone of NeXTSTEP user interface (Sep 27, 1996 4:33:10 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/cow/COW-2.00pl0.ELF.Small.Screen.gz (324550 bytes) elf client for small screens (Aug 28, 1996 10:49:3 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/cow/COW-2.00pl0.ELF.gz (324474 bytes) elf client for larger screens (Aug 28, 1996 10:49:51 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/cow/COW-2.00pl0.Sound.tgz (684445 bytes) sournd files (Aug 28, 1996 10:51:41 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/cow/COW-2.00pl0.doc.tgz (56481 bytes) source code (Aug 28, 1996 10:51:47 EST) /pub/Linux/games/x11/networked/cow/COW-2.00pl0.src.tgz (671741 bytes) source code (Aug 28, 1996 10:54:6 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-bins-naked.tar.gz (7770972 bytes) CMU lsip binaries (Sep 20, 1996 4:7:6 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-clm-package.tar.gz (165512 bytes) SMU lisp (Sep 20, 1996 4:7:43 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-clx-package.tar.gz (562031 bytes) CMU lisp (Sep 20, 1996 4:8:47 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-full-source.tar.gz (8082845 bytes) full source for SMU lisp (Sep 20, 1996 4:22:37 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-hemlock-package.tar.gz (1195108 bytes) more CMU lisp (Sep 20, 1996 4:24:45 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-pcl-image.tar.gz (4054190 bytes) more CMU lisp (Sep 20, 1996 4:31:49 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/Dial-Up_Utils-2.06-1.i386.rpm (88224 bytes) util programs for ISP or BBS admins (Sep 27, 1996 20:31:17 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/Dial-Up_Utils_2.06-bin.tar.gz (84082 bytes) util programs for ISP or BBS admins (Sep 27, 1996 20:30:24 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Serial/Dial-Up_Utils_2.06.tar.gz (30606 bytes) util programs for ISP or BBS admins (Sep 27, 1996 20:30:37 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ai/EMA-XPS-2.1.4-aout.tar.gz (5266812 bytes) Hybrid Graphic Expert System Shell (Sep 20, 1996 5:52:2 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/ai/EMA-XPS-2.1.4-src.tar.gz (1355303 bytes) Hybrid Graphic Expert System Shell (Sep 20, 1996 6:4:6 EST) /pub/Linux/system/UPS/Enhanced_APC_BackUPS.tar.gz (8684 bytes) support for APC BackUPS UPS's (Sep 20, 1996 3:9:47 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Fido/FEddi-0.9pl7.tar.gz (223964 bytes) scanner/tosser/nodelist compiler/editor (Sep 16, 1996 17:0:48 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/networked/Ftptool4.6.linux.bin.tar.gz (79627 bytes) OpenLook interface for ftp (Sep 13, 1996 19:8:36 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Fido/FidoTools-0.9.tar.gz (26335 bytes) tosser, attacher, posting utils for fidonet (Sep 7, 1996 12:19:53 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xutils/managers/FileRunner_2.0.tgz (80662 bytes) file manager w/ FTP based on tcl/tk (Sep 24, 1996 16:11:4 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/ImageMagick- (873007 bytes) ImageMagick ELF binaries (needs libgr 2.0.9) (Sep 13, 1996 3:27:9 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/Maelstrom-1.4.3-L2.0.0beta11-src.tar.gz (1462164 bytes) asteroids type game for X and svgalib (Jul 10, 1996 19:53:18 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/Maelstrom-Sounds-L2.0.0.tar.gz (1706928 bytes) asteroids type game for X and svgalib (Jul 10, 1996 20:0:5 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/X/Mesa-1.2.8.ELF.tgz (382128 bytes) 3-D graphics library w/ OpenGLish API (Jul 12, 1996 12:2:41 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/X/Mesa-1.2.8.src.tgz (1108152 bytes) 3-D graphics library w/ OpenGLish API (Jul 12, 1996 12:3:6 EST) /pub/Linux/games/muds/Mordor_3.00.tar.gz (1872181 bytes) Mud server with database and client (May 14, 1996 23:54:34 EST) /pub/Linux/games/muds/Mordor_3.00_source.tar.gz (184887 bytes) Mud server with database and client [src] (May 14, 1996 23:54:34 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players/Mod4X.0.1.0.BETA.tar.gz (209555 bytes) xforms based module player (Aug 8, 1996 7:2:31 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/NetKit-B-0.08.tar.gz (471367 bytes) collection of basic networking programs (Aug 23, 1996 1:58:11 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/devel/OffiX-2.1.ELF.tgz (276844 bytes) DND development tools and sample apps (Sep 26, 1996 9:22:29 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/devel/OffiX-2.1.src.tgz (320765 bytes) DND development tools and sample apps (Sep 26, 1996 9:23:8 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/PopTart-0.97.tar.gz (25292 bytes) highly configurable POP3 mail client (Sep 29, 1996 1:28:38 EST) /pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map/Projects-Map.gz (14395 bytes) list of ongoing Linux related projects (Sep 23, 1996 1:29:25 EST) /pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map/Projects-Map.html (48439 bytes) list of ongoing Linux related projects (Sep 23, 1996 1:29:35 EST) /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/misc/PnP4kernel.tgz (44838 bytes) PnP subsystem for Linux kernel (Jul 18, 1996 18:7:29 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/c++/QvLib-1.0.tar.gz (36211 bytes) C++ classes to parse VRML 1.0 files (Sep 27, 1996 11:11:21 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/STk-3.1.1-Linux-2.X-ix86.tar.gz (582908 bytes) scheme interpreter with Tk widget set support [src] (Sep 27, 1996 9:53:5 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/STk-3.1.1-common.tar.gz (678586 bytes) scheme interpreter with Tk widget set support [src] (Sep 27, 1996 9:55:29 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/STk-3.1.1.tar.gz (2608212 bytes) scheme interpreter with Tk widget set support [src] (Sep 26, 1996 17:42:25 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/console/SVGATextMode-1.4-bin.tar.gz (208789 bytes) allows control of console text-mode (Sep 22, 1996 9:28:47 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/console/SVGATextMode-1.4-dos.tar.gz (240023 bytes) allows control of console text-mode (Sep 22, 1996 9:33:13 EST) /pub/Linux/utils/console/SVGATextMode-1.4-src.tar.gz (301061 bytes) allows control of console text-mode (Sep 22, 1996 9:45:6 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/Scriptum- (1046087 bytes) full featured Motif/X based editor (Sep 12, 1996 2:19:32 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/Scriptum- (2362958 bytes) full featured Motif/X based editor (Sep 12, 1996 2:30:19 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/Scriptum-1.1.7b-common.tgz (118472 bytes) full featured Motif/X based editor (Sep 9, 1996 10:41:44 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/Scriptum-1.1.7b-html-doc.tar.gz (1249553 bytes) full featured Motif/X based editor (Sep 9, 1996 10:49:25 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/Scriptum-1.1.7b-linux-elf-shared.tgz (1045869 bytes) full featured Motif/X based editor (Sep 9, 1996 10:38:22 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors/Scriptum-1.1.7b-linux-elf-static.tgz (2362982 bytes) full featured Motif/X based editor (Sep 9, 1996 11:5:2 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Mail/mailhandlers/SmartList-3.11pre4.tar.gz (76665 bytes) mailing list manager for proclist based systems (Aug 25, 1996 19:31:21 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/XaoS-1.1-1.src.rpm (55822 bytes) interactive fractal zoomer for X, svgalib (Sep 10, 1996 4:39:11 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/XaoS-1.1.tar.gz (51844 bytes) source for XaoS (Sep 10, 1996 4:40:2 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/XaoS-svga-1.1-1.i386.rpm (26089 bytes) SVGA version of XaoS (Sep 10, 1996 4:40:23 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/XaoS-x11-1.1-1.i386.rpm (23483 bytes) X version of XaoS (Sep 10, 1996 4:40:43 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/XPostitPlus-2.3.tar.gz (78950 bytes) post it notes for X (Sep 15, 1996 1:17:51 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/Xterminal-0.010.tar.gz (23401 bytes) text-based Object Oriented User Interface library (Jul 12, 1996 1:52:50 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/X/Xaw95-1.1-bin.tar.gz (135590 bytes) Xaw3d hacked for Win95 look (Sep 8, 1996 18:30:34 EST) /pub/Linux/libs/X/Xaw95-1.1-src.tar.gz (326350 bytes) Xaw3d hacked for Win95 look (Sep 8, 1996 18:30:5 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/sound/radio/Xtuner-2.0.tar.gz (26197 bytes) X interface to RadioReveal (Sep 16, 1996 8:49:19 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/devel/Xclasses-0.16.tar.gz (884015 bytes) C++ library for X (Sep 2, 1996 4:41:37 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/Tix-4.1a3.ManPages.ps.gz (217183 bytes) extra metawidgets for tk 4.1 (Sep 17, 1996 9:31:50 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/Tix-4.1a3.ManTitle.ps.gz (8951 bytes) extra metawidgets for tk 4.1 (Sep 17, 1996 9:31:51 EST) /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl/Tix-4.1a3.tar.gz (587615 bytes) extra metawidgets for tk 4.1 (Sep 17, 1996 9:32:22 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/Tnos-2.10-doc.tgz (163448 bytes) documentation for Tnos (Jul 23, 1996 23:13:59 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/Tnos-2.10-man.tgz (213882 bytes) man pages for Tnos (Jul 23, 1996 23:9:47 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/Tnos-2.10-src.tgz (1187688 bytes) KA9Q-variant TCP/IP program for Amateur Radio [src] (Jul 23, 1996 23:20:2 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/ham/Tnos-2.10.tgz (912862 bytes) KA9Q-variant TCP/IP program for Amateur Radio [bin] (Jul 23, 1996 23:13:6 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/Tykkipeli2.GIFs.tar.gz (215966 bytes) Artillery Duel/Scorched Earth-type game (Aug 11, 1996 11:0:46 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/Tykkipeli2.v0.4.27.tar.gz (210647 bytes) Artillery Duel/Scorched Earth-type game (Aug 11, 1996 11:0:51 EST) /pub/Linux/games/video/Tykkipeli2.v0.4.30.tar.gz (215699 bytes) Artillery Duel/Scorched Earth-type game (Sep 25, 1996 16:7:44 EST) /pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/T-OnlineCC-0.4.tar.gz (8380 bytes) controls SLIP connections to Deutsche Telekom T-Online (Sep 17, 1996 5:48:24 EST) /pub/Linux/X11/icons/3d_pixmaps_V1.2.tar.gz (945881 bytes) collection of 3d pixmaps (Sep 29, 1996 8:15:22 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/financial/Wingz-142.tgz (1992338 bytes) X spreadsheet (shareware) (Jul 18, 1996 13:0:40 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/2p4lbin.tgz (3271710 bytes) Raytracing und 2 Pass Algorithmen (Sep 9, 1996 6:48:3 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/2p4lbins.tgz (5208589 bytes) Raytracing und 2 Pass Algorithmen (Sep 9, 1996 7:24:4 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/2p4ldoku.tgz (1538197 bytes) Raytracing und 2 Pass Algorithmen (Sep 9, 1996 7:42:6 EST) /pub/Linux/apps/graphics/rays/2p4lsrc.tgz (1419316 bytes) Raytracing und 2 Pass Algorithmen (Sep 9, 1996 8:6:42 EST)