The "Grafix" package, Vers 1.2, has been uploaded to under /pub/Linux/Incoming. It will probably move to /pub/Linux/X11/devel (c) Wolfgang Koehler,, Nov. 1995 The "GNU Public Lincense" policy applies to all programs of this package Short Readme ============ - Grafix is a C++-library that makes it very easy to write C++-programs with graphic user interfaces for X-window. - Grafix is based on Unix and the X Window system. - Grafix does not use any commercial code, like Motif, so it is totally free. - Grafix is been ported and tested for Linux, SunOS and HP with X11R5/R6 - Grafix is small and fast since it is pure functionality without any superfluous additives. - Grafix is written in C++ and to compile with g++ on all platforms. - Grafix includes classes for the basic window operations : - windows with automatic restoring for complex drawings (backing store) - several types of predefined button classes for different purposes : quit_button, delete_button, help_button, callback_button, toggle_button, instance_button, dump_button, hardcopy_button, ... all the buttons have a Motif-like three dimensional shape - popup-windows and pulldown-menus for selecting discrete values - help popups can be bound to any window - scrollbars for selecting contiguous values - windows with real-valued co-ordinate systems where the user has not to worry about pixel co-ordinates - a simple edit window for entering strings - file selection boxes for openening files interactively - a predefined palette manager for color definitions - a complete manager to handle the display of 2-dim functions (given on a equidistant grid) as lattice or body in arbitrary perpective, shadowing and details zooming. - Grafix has some example programs to show the basic functions,eg "win-demo", "edit-demo", "file-browser", "calc", "pal-demo", etc. - Grafix has several realistic demos, eg. the programs "one-dim" and "two-dim" which give a complete model of some numerical integration methods for the one or two dimensional advection equation. - Grafix now has a graphical class browser - There are some other applications of Grafix, eg. a driver for a frame grabber card with online viewing available. To install the package ====================== 1. gtar -xvzf grafix.tgz 2. check "" for the correct paths for Xlib (X11R6 or X11R5) -> XPATH and some include directories on your system. Please, read README.txt if you have any problems. 3. gmake all : to build all demo programs 4. gmake demorun : to invoke a run of all demos please read the files README.txt and HOWTO.txt for further infos !