Begin3 Title: voice - suite to drive voice modems Version: 0.3 Entered-date: Aug 31 1996 Description: Suite of programs to drive voice modems. Allow send string - wait string interaction. Include a full-featured answering machine with voice/data/fax discrimination, ready to go for UMC (Rockwell) chipset based modems, run from the command line or from inittab. Developed and tested under Linux 1.2.1. Keywords: voice modem answering machine serial comm Author: (Niccolo Rigacci) Maintained-by: (Niccolo Rigacci) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/apps/comm 27 kb voice-0.3.tar.gz 843 voice-0.3.lsm Alternate-site: Subject: get voice.tgz Original-site: Platforms: Linux and a modem with voice capabilities Copying-policy: GPL End