/pub/Linux/apps/editors (INDEX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ce-4.3-src.tar.gz Chet's Editor - very small Emacs clone crisp2.2e-bin.tar.gz clone of the DOS programmer's editor BRIEF [bin] crisp2.2e-src.tar.gz clone of the DOS programmer's editor BRIEF [src] ed.tar.Z the original UNIX line editor ee.binelf.tgz another text editor elsbeth.tar.gz tcl/tk based editor and file browser emacs/ emacs stuff fpted.tar.gz curses base editor jed-borland-patch.tar.gz bug fixes for jed 0.96-2 jed096.tar.gz editor w/ C-like extension language [src] joe-2.8-src+bin.tar.gz Joe's Own Editor ported to linux jove-4.16.tar.gz emacs like editor w/o lisp lout/ markup language which is smaller & simpler then TeX lyx-0.10.0-ELF-bin.tar.gz WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] lyx-0.10.0.tar.gz WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] lyx-0.10.1-ELF-bin.tar.gz WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] lyx-0.10.1.tar.gz WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src,bin] mars_e.tar.gz german full screen editor (text+X) bin medit-1.5.1.tar.gz multi window, easy to use editor origami-2.02.tar.z folding editor (for programmers) tde40bin.zip binaries for the thompson-davis editors tde40src.zip thompson-davis editor - multiwindows, wordstarish teco.tar.gz editor which inspired RMS to do emacs uemacs-linux.tar.Z microemacs- an even smaller version of EMACS vi/ various vi clones wedit-1.13.0.tar.gz programers editor like PE II wpfix.tar.gz how to run the SCO WordPerfect demo on Linux xwpe-1.4.2-gpm-patch.tar.gz patch to add gpm mouse support to xwpe xwpe-1.4.2.linux-patch.tgz patch to build under recent linux versions xwpe-1.4.2.tgz clone of Borland IDE for X, tty mode