Begin3 Title: Xgmod/gmod GUS music module file players Version: 3.0.1 Entered-date: 96SEP22 Description: gmod is a music module player for Linux and the Gravis Ultrasound card. Supported formats are: 4/6/8 channel MOD, 669, MultiTracker, UltraTracker, S3M, and XM. Xgmod adds an X interface. Keywords: GUS Gravis Ultrasound audio player MOD MTM ULT 669 S3M XM Author: (Andrew J. Robinson) Maintained-by: (Andrew J. Robinson) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/apps/sound/players 340k gmod+x-3.0.1.tgz Original-site: Platform: USS/Lite (VoxWare, TASD) version 3.0 or greater XFree for X support libncurses for ncurses support Copying-policy: Copyrighted, distribute freely End