Begin3 Title: CMU-lisp for linux Version: 04081996 Entered-date: 4 Aug 1996 Description: A port of CMU-lisp to Linux 2.0. CMU lisp is has very powerfull compiler "python". You'll find use for the documentation.tar.gz file from the 17f distribution. (-------------------) To recompile cmu, it needs itself. So if you download cmu-devel.tar.gz you WILL need runtime.tar.gz, or a working cmu lisp on a different platform. And the 17f cmu source tar. Keywords: Lisp,CMU,functional languager,programming Author: (Paul F. Werkowski) Maintained-by: (Peter Van Eynde) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/devel/lang/Lisp xxxxxK CMUCL.lsm 10498K CMUCL-runtime.tar.gz 430K CMUCL-devel.tar.gz Alternate-site: Original-site: ----------------- Platforms: UNIX,X11 Copying-policy: Public domain End