Begin3 Title: RCS with Threads Version: 6.0Thr Entered-date: 03APR96 Description: Last year I made several feature additions to RCS 5.7. These include a precedence based version checkout mechanism for retrieving sets of related source files, a release mechanism that prevents unauthorized tampering with revisions, enhanced checkout target specification, a means of setting the state of revision symbols in addition to revision numbers, a new "SymbolList" keyword for keyword substitution, auto-binary file detection to avoid munging files that have not had keyword substitution disabled. Man pages have been updated to reflect the changes, and a more detailed description than this is available in rcs60thr.txt. The package is dubbed RCS 6.0Thr (or RCS with Threads), but this may change if I hear back from Paul Eggert (the RCS maintainer). Keywords: RCS, CM, version Author: Enhancements to RCS by Terry Tompkins Maintained-by: above modifications maintained by general RCS questions directed to Primary-site: /pub/Linux/devel/... 419068 rcsthred.uue also on as: 299083 rcs60thr.tgz Platform: SunOS, HP-UX, Linux, other unices, *possibly* WinNT Copying-policy: GNU "GPL" End